| We are delighted to roll out our new Version Release Notes X9.1 The version release notes provide the summary of all new features, enhancements, and resolved issues in the latest version of the Entire OnHire application. This facilitates us to keep you updated with what’s going on with our products and services. Explore the comprehensive Version Release Notes X9.1 with each new feature, and enhancement explained lucidly with the help of screenshots |
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| Our product roadmap provides a high-level visual summary that maps out the vision and direction of our product offering over time. Visit our Product Roadmap site to keep updated with our new and exciting offering. |
| May 2023 |
The NDIS Claim Report provides a summary of invoiced NDIS hours within a specified date range. This report generates all invoiced NDIS product codes and rates which can be provided to participants/funding bodies to claim the allocated funds for the completed work.
To access NDIS Claim Report:
Click Reports → Finance Reports → NDIS Claim Report and the NDIS Claim Report pages open
The NDIS Claim Report is generated based on the provided Shift Period. To generate the NDIS Claim Report:
Provide Shift Period i.e. shift start date and shift end date range. The shift date range provided will generate the NDIS Claim Report for the specified period
Now, click Export To CSV, and the report will be generated and downloaded in a CSV format
All the shifts whose invoice has been generated will be included in the report. |
Now, open the downloaded CSV file of the NDIS Claim Report, and the following details are shown:
Field Name | Description | |
Registration Number | Registration Number of the Client. This Registration Number is similar as shown in the Applications Setting → General Settings screen. | |
NDIS Number | Service Location based Registration Number. This Registration Number is similar as shown in the Client Management → Registration screen. | |
Support Delivered From | Start Date of the Shift. | |
Support Delivered To | End Date of the Shift.
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Support Number | Shows the product code that is fetched from the Finance application corresponding to the shift and allowance. The shift and allowance will have different product codes applied for the shift when invoiced. | |
Claim Reference | Invoice number of the generated invoice. | |
Quantity | Includes the allowance value (not amount) corresponding to the invoiced shift. If the invoiced shift has allowances against it, the record will be shown separately in the report for the shift. | |
Hours | Shift worked hours that are considered for invoicing i.e. Shift Hours minus break minutes. For the allowances corresponding with the invoiced shift, this field will be blank. For the allowances corresponding with the invoiced shift, this field will be blank. | |
Unit Price | Shows the Unit Price. For a Shift, the shift rate is shown and for the Allowance, the allowance rate is shown separately. For a Shift, the shift rate is shown and for the Allowance, the allowance rate is shown separately. | |
GST Code | As per the NDIS Claim Manual, 3 GST Codes are required. The GST Code shown are:
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Authorised By | Name of the authorised person. | |
Participant Approved | Name of the participant who approved the report. | |
InKindFundingProgram | Funding Type of the client. | |
ABN of Support Provider | Shows the ABN Number of the Client. This ABN of the Support Provider is similar as shown in the Applications Setting → General Settings → ABN Number. |
The downloaded NDIS Claim Report will show the data as per the details explained above.
Click this link to view the detailed NDIS Claim Report feature.
Application security and safety include a couple of important objectives in continuous improvement and service delivery. Cybersecurity helps to solve pre-built vulnerabilities in applications and helps them to remain stable throughout. Application security refers to security precautions used at the application level to prevent theft or hijacking of data or code within the application and safeguard against phishing schemes, ransomware attacks, and financial losses.
Entire OnHire continuously gives a prominent space for application safety, security, and data protection and follows the principal ASSESS and ADOPT every year.
In this version, we have ensured that our Entire OnHire application ecosystem is on the HTTPS layer, and a couple of endpoints that are publicly exposed are secured using tokenization.
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a protocol used to secure communication over the Internet. HTTPS or HTTP Secure uses encryption to ensure that data transmitted between a client (such as a web browser) and a server (such as a website) cannot be intercepted and read by unauthorized third parties.
We have ensured that all the portals, end points, and mobile apps are now safer for use.
Token-based application security is a way of securing web applications by using tokens to authenticate and authorize users. When a user logs into an application, the server generates a token that is stored on the user's device. This generated token is sent with each subsequent request to the server to verify the user's identity and permissions. Tokens can be designed to expire after a certain amount of time or be invalidated if the user logs out or changes their password.
The token-based authentication generates a unique encrypted token that replaces the sensitive data and helps to secure the base API URLs and provides security through tokens. The token generated acts as a digitally encoded signature to authenticate and authorise a user to access specific resources and allows users to verify their unique identity.
Token Generated → When a user logs into an application, the server generates a token that is unique to the user and contains information about their authentication status and permissions
Token Sent with Requests → The generated token is sent with each request to the API. This task can be performed in a variety of ways, such as in a header, a cookie, or as a parameter in the URL
Token Verified → The API server checks the token to ensure that it is valid and not expired. It also checks the token to determine the user's identity and permissions
Access Granted or Denied → If the token is valid and the user has the required permissions, the API server grants access to the requested resource. If the token is invalid or the user does not have the required permissions, access is denied
Protection against CSRF Attacks: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks occur when an attacker tricks a user into making a request on their behalf. By using tokens to authenticate requests, an attacker cannot forge a valid request without the corresponding token, making it much harder to perform CSRF attacks
Protection against Session Hijacking: Traditional session-based authentication relies on a session cookie to identify a user, which can be stolen by an attacker and used to hijack a session. Tokens, on the other hand, can be designed to expire after a certain amount of time or after a single use, making them less vulnerable to session hijacking
Improved scalability: Token-based authentication is stateless, which means that the server does not need to maintain any session state. This feature helps to scale the application by distributing the workload across multiple servers or by using a cloud-based infrastructure
Improved access control: Tokens can carry additional information, such as user roles or permissions, which can be used to enforce fine-grained access control policies and helps to control access to resources and data within the application
Improved auditing: Token-based authentication provides a clear audit trail of all the user requests, making it easier to monitor and detect unauthorized access attempts
Overall, token-based endpoint security provides a more secure and flexible approach to authentication and authorization, which can help to protect web applications against a range of security threats.Â
Burst SMS, our new SMS Gateway business partner is a reliable and high-performance SMS gateway for businesses. Burst SMS offers the opportunity to send large volumes of SMS (text messages) to a recipient or group of recipients in a short time frame and allows to divide large messages into multiple new messages. It is used by businesses and organizations to deliver time-sensitive information or promotional messages to their customers.
To know more about Burst SMS Benefits, visit this link.
We are excited to announce the rebranding of our Member App, Professional App, and Management App. Now, we are operating with a new name i.e., Entire OnHire, and our apps are updated with a new look and feel to reflect our new identity. You will notice that our apps now show the new name and logo of our company with the assurance that all the features and functionalities are the same.
We assure you that this rebranding will not affect your user accounts, data, or any ongoing subscriptions. You can continue to use our apps as usual and expect a similar level of quality and support from us.
Screens with the new name and logo of the Member App
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Screens with the new name and logo of the Professional App
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Screens with the new name and logo of the Management App
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The Smart Shifts feature in the Member App facilitates to narrow down the search of the specific Released Shifts required by the member by providing the appropriate Shift Distance Range/Filters.
Members can view the Released Shifts with the Shift Distance Range filter provided independently without adding any other filters to meet their travel requirements. By default, the Shift Distance Range filter is set as ‘Across the nation’. You can add multiple Smart Shifts filter(s), and each Filter can have multiple matching conditions.
When the Smart Shifts filter(s) are applied, the Released Shifts screen shows Released Shift numbers, Shift(s) Filtered numbers, names of all the filters applied, and the number of filters applied on the filter badge icon. The member can add/ edit/ remove the existing shift distance range/filters.
Detailed release notes of the Smart Shifts feature will be available soon, stay connected. .
When the applicant adds/edits the banking details in the Applicant Portal application, a verification screen appears to confirm the provided bank details and this is to ensure the data entered by an applicant is correct to avoid payroll issues. Additionally, in case of the New Bank BSB number of the applicant, an email is also shared with the Staff with all the new banking details such as Applicant Name with Applicant Id, New Bank BSB, Bank Name, and Bank State.
In the Finance page of the Applicant Portal application:
When the applicant clicks ‘Add Bank’ or ‘If your Bank BSB is not listed above then please check the box to enter your Bank Details’ checkbox, the ‘Enter Your Banking Details’ pop-up window appears
On adding or updating the banking details, when the applicant clicks Save / Update Bank Details or Submit, a Verify your entered bank details pop-up window appears
The Verify your entered bank details pop-up window will reconfirm the banking details provided by the applicant. Click Confirm to save the banking details or else Cancel to exit
When the applicant edits the banking details with the Status as Active, a similar Verify your entered bank details pop-up window appears. Click Confirm to save the banking details or else Cancel to exit.
If your Bank BSB is not listed in the Bank BSB drop-down, click the ‘If your Bank BSB is not listed above then please check the box to enter your Bank Details’ checkbox option.
Provide all the required detail in the ‘Enter your Banking Details’ pop-up window and click Submit
In the ‘Verify your entered bank details’ pop-up window reconfirm the banking details provided by the applicant and click Confirm to save the banking details
New Banking Details are added for the applicant, and an email is also triggered to the Staff. The email informs the Staff that the applicant has added the new bank record with new Bank BSB details. The details included are:
Applicant Name and Applicant ID
New Bank BSB
Bank Name
Bank State
The sample figure below shows the email received by the Staff with the applicant’s new Bank BSB details.
If the applicant provides the invalid BSB Number in the ‘Enter your Banking Details’ pop-up window, a validation message appears ‘Invalid BSB Validation Credentials’ on clicking the Submit.
The Staff can Add/Edit the Email Template for the New Bank BSB Number in the Email Template Details Master (Masters → Email Templates Details → New Bank BSB (template name)) .
The New Bank BSB Template in masters has pre-defined content that will be shared with the Staff when the applicant adds New Bank BSB details. This email template is used to inform the Staff about the New Bank BSB added by the applicant.
Setting the Email Template for New Bank BSB in Masters operates similarly except that three fields are added related to the New Bank BSB details:
New Bank BSB: shows the new bank BSB number
Bank Name: shows the bank name
Bank State: shows the state name of the bank
Leave component in the Single Touch Payroll (STP) are payments made to an employee for their accrued leave entitlements, such as parental leave, ancillary, and defence leave. Under STP, employers are required to report these leave payments to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) each time the payroll is run.
The Leave payment codes are generated based on the selected Leave type for the employee and are reported separately in your STP Phase 2 report. The Leave payment code is a single-character code for each employee. Refer to the Leave payment codes with the description in the below table.
Type | Code | Sub Type | Description |
Leave | O | Â | Other paid leave. |
Leave | C | Â | Cash out of leave in service. |
Leave | U | Â | Unused leave on termination. |
Leave | W |  | Workers’ compensation. |
Leave | P | Â | Paid parental leave. |
Leave | A | Â | Ancillary and defence leave. |
Map all the Leave types with the Leave code type in the Codes defined by ATO for Allowances/Deductions with Codes available in the System for Allowances/ Additions/ Deductions in the STP Allowance Mapping screen as shown in the figure below.
The Leave Tuple is created for the employee in the pay event file who received this amount as shown in the figure below.
Termination Payment as Lump Sum A Type R is the type of payment that employers make to employees when their engagement with the employer ends.
The Lump Sum A, Type R payments are to be reported for all the unused annual leaves or annual leave loading and the component of long service leaves that accrued from 16th August 1978 and are paid out on termination only for genuine redundancy, invalidity, or early retirement scheme reasons. You must report all the Lump Sum payments separately as Lump Sum A Type R in your STP Phase 2 report .
For employment termination cases, the employer now needs to report two additional field details to the ATO through the STP pay event file. These two fields are:
Cessation Date - This is the date when the employee’s engagement with the employer ends
Cessation Type - When a cessation date is reported in a Pay Event, a Cessation Type code must also be reported. The Cessation Type code selected should be either ‘R' (Redundancy) or 'I’ (Ill Health)
As per ATO guidelines for STP phase 2, it is mandatory to report the termination reason for the Lump Sum A, Type R payments.
In the Reasons (Personnel) Master of the Staff portal application, the Cessation Type Code for the Lump Sum payments are mapped from the Subgroups 'MBR TERMINATED' in the Reason Category, and the Reason Category selected can be either Ill health (I), or Redundancy (R).
Refer to the Lump Sum Code/ Sub Type defined by ATO in the below table.
Type | Code | Sub Type | Description |
Lump Sum | A | R | All unused annual leave or annual leave loading and the component of long service leave, paid out on termination only for genuine redundancy, invalidity, or early retirement scheme reasons. |
The Lump Sum Code Tuple is created in the pay event file for the terminated employees that show the reason as R (Redundancy), or I (Ill health ) as shown in the figure below.
In the Finance application, open the Additions and Deductions screen to declare the Lump Sum A Type R addition.
To open the Additions and Deductions master screen, select Master →
Payroll →
Additions Deductions.
In the Additions and Deductions, a new checkbox is added as Lump Sum A Type R and is enabled only in case of Addition. The Lump Sum A Type R addition is also shown in the grid and the default value selected is False.
To know detailed information about the Lump Sum A Type R addition in the STP Phase 2, click the info icon as shown in the figure below.
In case you are reporting the Lump Sum amount in your STP Phase 2, you need to select the Addition as Lump Sum Code A Type R in the Addition and Deduction master screen and map the addition in the Single Touch Payroll Allowance Codes Mapping screen.
Click STP →
Allowances Mapping and Single Touch Payroll Allowance Codes Mapping screen opens
Now, you need to map Codes defined by ATO for Allowances/Deductions with the Codes available in the System for Allowances/Additions/Deductions for Lump Sum A Type R addition
Map addition type as Lump Sum Code A Sub Type R as defined by ATO
Additions that are checked as Lump Sum A type R in Addition/ Deduction Master are allowed to be mapped with Lump Sum A, Type R code in Allowance Codes Mapping screen else validation message appears
The validations for Lump Sum A type R addition are placed to generate and validate data file that helps to provide a check to set the compliance of any output as compared to the input provided
A. Validation for Invalid Reason Category
B. Validation for Adding the Addition to Non-Terminated Member
C. Validation for Invalid Mapping in the ATO Allowance Codes Mapping Screen
Click this link to view the detailed enhancements of Single Touch Payroll (STP) – Phase 2.
In the Incomplete Applications page (Applications → Incomplete Applications) of the Staff Portal application, now the new filters are available in the Gender, Apply Date, Applicant Notes, and Screening Notes fields to search the required applicant details related to Gender, Apply Date, Applicant Notes, and Screening Notes .
In the Member App, the Shift Check-Out feature is available in the Timesheets screen in case the member has checked in to the shift and checkout is pending.
On tap of the Check-Out icon (highlighted in red colour), the later Check-Out option from the Shift is allowed in the Timesheets screen
On clicking the Check-Out icon, the Record Shift Timings screen opens and the functionality of Press to Check Out will work as usual. The Shift Ends In will show 00:00:00 time as the member’s shift has already ended
Once the member Check-Out from the shift, a message ‘Shift check-out details have been updated successfully’ appears
The member can also Submit Timesheet from the Record Shift Timings screen. To submit the timesheet, click Proceed to Submit Timesheet else click Submit Timesheet Later
We are constantly working to improve our Entire OnHire Application and have resolved the following issues for you .
Issues | Summary | Status |
In the Staff Portal, the Client Details page was facing a latency issue due to the Country flag binding functionality in the Country drop-down field in the Address and Contact Details tab. | Issue Resolved. In the Clients → Clients Details → Address and Contact Details tab, the Country flag binding functionality in the Country drop-down field is removed to fix a latency issue. Now, the Country flag will not appear beside the Country Name in the Country drop-down field. ![]() | |
The Invoice Date in the Management HPV Report should be similar to the date shown in the Invoice Report and the date shown should not be the week ending date. | Issue Resolved. While exporting the HPV Report from the Reports → Management → HPV, the downloaded HPV Excel report now shows the Invoice Date that is the same as that of the Invoice Date in the Invoice Report. ![]() |
We have incorporated the new features, enhancements, and fixes to provide you with a delightful user experience . We would love to hear back from you about your experience with our product or service. Please drop your suggestions and feedback at