EntireOnHire l

Finance - Entity

You can access this from:

Profiles - Entity

Or Entity


Within this section, you are able to Update or edit entities which allows you to have multiple ABNS/Branches for payment

Within this section, you have the following tabs

Individual or Organisation Details

  • Internal or External

  • Ownership - Organization or Individual

  • Organisation Type

  • Payroll Tax Exempt - Tick for Yes

  • State Registered

  • Industry

  • Sub Industry

  • Entity Name

  • Entity Affiliates

  • Registration Details

  • Client Specific invoice layout

  • Status

Trading Details

  • This is where you can keep any Trading notes if required

Owner/Officer Details

  • This is where you can store all the information regarding the office location and contact

Attach Document

  • This is where you can store all documents relating to the entity here


  • This is where you store the information regarding invoices and pay bank accounts

Update V8

You can now print different Entity Details on your invoices than provided in your Software Registration Details screen.

In the Entity Details screen, set the new Entity Details of your organization for the invoices. To set the new Entity Details for the Existing Entity:

  • Select Logo by clicking the Import button. Providing the logo is optional

The logo image should have file type as .jpg or .jpeg with max. size 100 KB and dimensions around 200*60 px.

  • Provide Registered Name of Organization

  • Provide Trading Name

  • Provide ABN

  • Provide Invoice Enquiry Number and Invoice Enquiry Email

  • Provide Invoice Instruction (with 1000 characters maximum limit)

Once all the details of the Entity are set:

  • Select the Display Entity Info on Invoices checkbox. When this checkbox is selected, the system prints all the provided details of this section in your invoices for the client mapped with the entity.

Note that on selecting the Display Entity Info on Invoices checkbox, the details are applicable to Invoice Consolidated File, Invoice Preview, Individual Invoices, Invoice Docket Collation, Invoice Reprint, Invoice Credit/ Debit Notes, all invoice formats, and invoices generated from web feature.

The figure below shows the new Entity Details of the organization for the invoices provided in the Entity Details screen.

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