🚀 G o a l | We are delighted to roll out our new Production Version Release Notes X9.0 The version release notes provide provides the summary of all new features, enhancements, and resolved issues in the latest version of the Entire OnHire application. This facilitates us to keep you updated with what’s going on with our products and services. Explore the comprehensive Production Version Release Notes X9.0 with each new feature, and enhancement explained lucidly with the help of screenshots ??. | ||||||
👁 W a t c h T h i s S p a c e F o r | |||||||
📰 New Features | |||||||
🎢 Enhancements | |||||||
💬 Resolved Issues | |||||||
📈 Product Roadmap | Our product roadmap provides a high-level visual summary that maps out the vision and direction of our product offering over time. Visit our Product Roadmap site to keep updated with our new and exciting offering. | ||||||
📅 Version Available From | February 2023 | ||||||
New Features
Customisable Forms
The Customisable Forms facilitates to create a repository of predefined customised forms to save time and effort as they are reusable 😊 👏 . The highlighting features include:
You can create new customise forms that include Form Header and Form Body designed with various Layouts, Questions, Sections, Signatures, and Declarations.
You can create a copy of the existing form and customise the form as per your requirements.
You can view the version details of the existing Customise Forms.
How to Access Customise Forms Masters?
To access Customise Forms:
Click Masters → Main Masters → Customise Forms and the Customise Forms pages opens
Customise Forms
The Customise Forms created in Masters save time and effort as they are reusable. You can create multiple Customise Forms and include them in the Notes as Built-in or External Forms.
You can Add New Form, Edit Form, Copy Form, Preview Form, and check the Version details of the existing forms 🤗.
Add New Form
To Add a New Form:
Click Add New Form
The Add New Form pop-up window opens. Provide all the required details
You can preview the form by clicking Preview to have a quick look at the new form
Click Save. The newly added form is reflected in the Customise Forms page
🔗 Click this link to view the detailed Customisable Forms document.
Client NDIS Details and Case Notes Management
The National Disability Insurance Scheme, commonly known as the NDIS, is run by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The NDIS supports eligible Australians with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive, and psychosocial disabilities who were either born or acquired a permanent and significant disability.
The eligible members have client goals with predefined goal strategies that are achieved with the support of NDIS. The goals are included in the NDIS plan and are timely reviewed.
Client Management
Client Management helps to manage NDIS clients regarding Personal Details, Registration details, and Client Goals with strategies.
On clicking the link of any of the fields, the Client Details page opens for the selected Client.
How to Access Client Management?
To access Client Management:
Click Profiles → Client → Search Client or click Client Quick Link and the Search Client page opens
Now, select the client name checkbox with Location Type as Service, Delivery, or Admin and Service and the Action slider window opens as shown in the figure below
Click Client Management. You can access Personal Details, Registration, Client Goals, and Case Notes
Personal Details
The Personal Details is used save the personal details of the client regarding Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Religion, Marital Status, Nationality, Language Spoken, and Next of Kin Details of the client. Provide all the required details and click Save.
Field Name | Description |
Display Name | By default client name. This is a mandatory field and is disabled. |
Name | Provide Title, First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name. This is a mandatory field. |
Gender | Gender of the client. |
Date of Birth | Date of Birth of the client. |
Religion | Religion of the client. |
Marital Status | Marital Status of the client. |
Nationality | Nationality of the client. |
Language Spoken | Language Spoken by the client. You can select multiple languages. |
Next of Kin Details | Details of client’s Next of Kin that includes Relationship, Full Name, Contact Number, Email ID, Address, and Notes. |
The Registration is used save the registration details of the client. Provide the Registration Number, Aged Care Id, Reference Number, Medicare Card Number, Funding Type, Support Budget, and Care Type of the client. Provide all the required details and click Save.
Field Name | Description |
Registration Number | Registration Number of the client. This is a mandatory field. |
Aged Care Id | Aged Care Identification number of the client. |
Reference Number | Reference Number of the client. |
Medical Card Number | Medical Card Number of the client. |
Funding Type | Funding Type of the client. This is a mandatory field. The Funding Type can be NDIA Managed, Self Managed, or Plan Managed. |
Support Budget | Support Budget of the client. The Support Budget can be Core Support Budget, Capital Support Budget, or Capacity Building Support Budget. |
Care Type | Care Type of the client. The Care Type can be Early Intervention, Supports, and Services, or Permanent and Significant Disability. |
Client Goals
The Client Goals are set with the intent to achieve the defined goals for the selected client outlined within the NDIS Plan. The Client's Goals are usually focused on physical, social, or independent requirements and it is important to set goals as it helps the beneficiary and their relatives.
The Client Goals displays the Name, Description, Commence Date, Achieved Date, Closed Date, Show to Member, and Status of all the goals as shown in the figure below.
You can add, edit, and delete existing goals.
Add New Goal
To add a New Goal:
Click Add New Goal
The Add New Goal pop-up window opens. Provide all the required details
Click Save and the new goal is added successfully
Field Name | Description | ||
Name | Name of the new goal. This is a mandatory field. | ||
Description | A detailed description of the new goal. This is a mandatory field. | ||
Commenced Date | Commencement date of the new goal. This is a mandatory field. | ||
Achieved Date | Accomplishment date of the new goal.
| ||
Closed Date | Closure date of the new goal.
| ||
Status | Status of the goal can be Active or Inactive. |
Edit Goal
You can edit the existing Client Goals. To edit the existing goal:
Note |
Note that the Achieved Date should always be greater than or equal to Commenced Date and the Closed Date should be greater than or equal to the Achieved Date. |
Delete Goal
You can delete the existing Client Goals. To delete the existing goal:
🔗 Click this link to view the detailed Client NDIS Details and Case Notes Management document.
Notes Engine
The Notes Engine facilitates to setup different types of predefined Notes Categories for the user. Each Notes Category includes the form template(s) (already defined in the Customise Forms) that can be set as In Built Form or External Form. You can View/ Manage Access Permissions for the available Notes Categories as Public, Protected, Private, and Custom 👏 😃.
The staff/members can add/edit/view/comment on the Notes as per the access permissions provided.
The staff can filter the Case Notes based on Date, Member, Staff, Category, and Shift. The members can filter notes by providing a specific date range.
Members can submit Notes via Member App and staff can also mandate notes for timesheet submission for the member(s).
How to Access Notes Engine Masters?
To access Notes Engine:
Click Masters → Main Masters → Notes Engine and the Notes Engine page opens.
Notes Engine
The Notes Engine in Masters facilitates to setup different types of predefined Notes Category for the users. In the Notes Engine, the pre-defined Notes Category can be created for each user. The predefined Notes Category in the Notes Engine can be defined for Case Notes, Progress Notes, Medication History, Patient Notes, and General Notes. Each Notes Category will have the attached form template(s) as In Built form or External form with the defined access permissions.
You can Add New Notes Category, Update Notes Category, and View/Manage Access Permissions of the Notes Category.
Add New Notes Category
To Add a New Notes Category:
Field Name | Description | ||
User Type | Type of User. Currently, the available user type is Clients. | ||
Notes Category Name | Category name of the notes. | ||
Category Description | Description of the New Notes Category that can include key points, purpose, examples, etc. | ||
Category Icon | Add Category Icon for the New Notes Category. Click Select File to add the Category Icon.
| ||
Attach Form Template(s) | Click On clicking | ||
Access | Click Users can provide Public, Private, Protected, or Custom access to the New Notes Category. By default, Public is selected. For details, click here. | ||
Default Note Category | Select the Default Note Category checkbox to set the New Notes Category as the default selection. When the user creates a new note, the selected default category will be selected.
| ||
Notify To | The Email Ids of the staff to whom the notifications will be sent when the notes/ comments are added or edited for the selected Notes Category Name. To activate the staff name, type at least three characters of the user name. For details, click here. | ||
Status | Shows the current Status of the User Notes Category and the Status can be Active or Inactive. |
Attach Form Template(s)
The Attach Form Template(s) in the Add New Notes Category facilitates to attach the form template(s) created in the Customise Forms Masters 🧑💻.
Once the In Built Form or External Form template(s) are selected, click Add and the form template(s) are added and shown on the top of the screen
Click View and the selected form opens in a new tab
Click the Manage Form Template(s) to open the Customise Forms in the Masters and this option is visible to the users based on their User Authorizations
Click Save and the selected Form Template(s) are shown in the Attach Form Template(s) field and are linked with this New User Notes Category. On selecting this Notes Category in the Add New Case Note, the attached form template(s) will be displayed by default
Notify To
In the Notify To, the user can search and select the staff names with their Email Ids. To activate the staff name, type at least three characters of the staff name .
The staff will also receive an email notification for the updated notes/comments added as shown in the figure below. On clicking View Note, an update on the note/comment will open.
Manage Access
The Manage Access helps to set the access permissions for the creator, staff, member, and client for the Notes Category. To set the access permission for the Notes Category 🔐:
In the Add New Notes Category, click
icon in the Access field, and the Manage Access pop-up window opens
By default, Public access is selected and you can set the access permission to Public, Private, Protected, or Custom
Based on the selected access permission, click Continue, and the Manage Permission pop-up window opens
View/ Manage Access Permission for Staff/ Member/ Client and click Save
The message show ‘Are you sure you want to grant permission?’, click Yes and the access permission is granted successfully for this Notes Category
By default, Public access is selected for the Add New Notes Category. This indicates that this Notes Category is accessible to everyone i.e. Creator, Staff, Member (in Member App), and Client (in Client Portal).
Users can check/uncheck the checkbox to add or remove the access permissions to Add, View, Edit, Own Edit, Delete, Own Delete, and Comment for the Notes Category.
The Private access indicates that this Notes Category is accessible to the Creator along with the Staff Email Ids added. Users need to select the name along with the email id to provide access to the selected Notes Category.
For Staff Access, the user can check/uncheck the checkbox to add or remove the access permissions to Add, View, Edit, Own Edit, Delete, Own Delete, and Comment for the Notes Category.
The Protected access includes All and Role options. By default, the All option is selected.
Field Name | Description |
Access Parameter | Grant permissions for this Notes Category to the Creator and Staff (All) or Creator and Role based Staff (Role). The Access Parameter values are shown as All or based on a Role such as Management. |
Users | Shows the Users having access to the Notes Category. |
Type | Shows the access value as Protected. |
Notes Category | Category name of the note |
Staff Access → This access is defined for all the staff or role based staff (such as management) for the Notes Category | |
Add | Permits the selected staff to add new notes and this checkbox is selected by default. This indicates that the selected staff can add a new note for this Note Category. |
View | Permits the selected staff to view notes and this checkbox is selected by default. This indicates that the selected staff can view notes for this Note Category. |
Edit | Permits the selected staff to edit notes after submission and this checkbox is selected by default. This indicates that the selected staff can edit notes for this Note Category. |
Own Edit | Permits to edit notes created by the selected staff after submission and this checkbox is unselected by default and this indicates that the user cannot edit the notes. To edit notes user has to grant permission by selecting the Own Edit checkbox. The user can either select Edit or Own Edit checkbox. |
Delete | Permits the selected staff to delete notes and this checkbox is selected by default. This indicates that the selected staff can delete notes for this Note Category. |
Own Delete | Permits to delete notes created by the staff and this checkbox is unselected by default and this indicates that the user cannot edit the notes. The user can either select Delete or Own Delete checkbox. |
Comment | Permits the selected staff to comment on the notes and this checkbox is selected by default. This indicates that the selected staff can comment on the notes for this Note Category. |
Member Access → Member Access to Add, View, Own Edit, Own Delete, and Comment is disabled for all users. | |
Client Access → Client Access to Add, View, Own Edit, Own Delete, and Comment is disabled for all the users |
The Custom access includes Industry and Qualification options.
Only those Staff/Members/Clients will have access to the selected Notes who belong to the selected Industry or who have the selected Qualification.
View/ Manage Access Permissions
In the Notes Engine page, you can View/ Manage Access Permissions for all the available Notes Categories in case you have access permission for the Notes Engine Masters.
In the Notes Engine landing page, click the View/Manage Access Permissions to manage the access permission (Add, View, Edit, Delete to Comment) for all the available Notes Engine and click Save.
Update Case Notes Category
To update the existing Case Notes Category:
Updating the attached forms will have no impact on already filled forms by the users. The updated attached forms will be available to users to fill in for the new notes.
Case Notes
The Case Notes display the notes recorded against the Notes Category that are organised month-wise for each year. Each month/year shows the number of available case notes 😌 ⏲️.
Each Note shows the details of the Category, Related To, Event Date, Access, Status, Note Title, Description, and Last Activity By.
Add New Case Note
To add a New Case Note:
Click Add New Case Note.
The Add New Case Note pop-up screen opens. Provide all the required details.
Click Save. The newly added Case Note is reflected in the Case Notes page.
Field Name | Description | ||
Note Category | Shows the available Note Category in the drop down. The Note Category are fetched from the Notes Engine Masters. | ||
Event Date & Time | Date and Time of the Event. Pick the Date and time from the calendar picker. | ||
Upload File(s) | Select files to be uploaded related to this Case Notes. You can also upload multiple files at a time.
| ||
Access | Sets Access permissions for the Case Note. The available access level permissions are Public, Private, Protected, and Custom. For details, click here.
| ||
Status | The Status of the Case Note can be Active or Inactive. | ||
Related To | The Case Notes can be associated with Delivery, Member, or Professional. The note will be visible for the selected Related To values whether associated with the Delivery, Member, or Professional. Select the Notes Related to Delivery, Member, or Professional and type-in three characters of the name to activate the user name list. For details click here. | ||
Notify to "Related To" member(s) in Member App | Select the checkbox to send the notification to the selected “Related To” member(s) in the Member App. | ||
Note Title | Title of the Case Note. | ||
Note Description | Description of the Case Note. Use the formatting menu to edit text formatting that helps to create an effective and appealing Notes Description. |
Related To
The New Case Notes can be associated with Delivery, Member, or Professional.
🔗 Click this link to view the detailed Notes Engine.
Member Fatigue Management
Fatigue is a significant issue in modern business, due to high-demand jobs, long duty periods, disruption of daily rhythms, and accumulative sleep debt. It is mental and physical exhaustion that reduces your employee's ability to perform his work safely and actively. Managing fatigue in the workplace is an essential part to get workers' productivity and ensure their safety 🧑🏭 😊.
The control measure defined in this module will work as per members' data. Also, the system will need to know the priority of the applicable control measure condition.
For example, if you have defined a separate rule for each Member Industry, Member Qualifications, or Member Employment Type, the system needs to know which rule will get prioritized to apply the correct condition based on the type of business model. The system will only apply conditions based on the highest priority rule and will ignore the other rules.
How to Access Member Fatigue Management?
To access Member Fatigue Management:
Click Masters → Allocation Master → Member Fatigue Management and the Member Fatigue Management page opens
Member Fatigue Management
The Member Fatigue Management sets the global level to nominate Control Measures and Auto Check the system automatically while allocating shifts to the members in the Staff Portal application.
Nominate Control Measure
To define the Control Measure, select from the following available options:
Example to explain how the rules are applied based on the highest priority and ignore other rules Maximum Priority is required when two rules are defined:
Now, if the Control Measure selected is “Member with Qualification match rule”, then Rule 1 → "Minimum 6 hours gap in between 2 shifts for "RN" Members" will be applicable while Allocating Shifts as well as in Member App while accepting Release Shifts as Rule 1 has the Member Qualification Rule as Control Measure. |
Auto Check Rules
The Auto Check is a mandatory check that will define whether the Member Fatigue Management rules will be checked by the system automatically while allocating shifts to the members or will be done by the internal staff manually whenever required ☑️ 😌.
You can action the existing fatigue rule to Edit, Copy, or Delete.
Add New Rule
To add a New Rule:
Click Add New Rule as shown in the figure above
The Add New Rule pop-up window opens. Provide all the required details
Click Save to save the new rule 😎
Field Name | Description | ||
Rule Name | Name of the new Member Fatigue Management rule. | ||
Control Measure (Fatigue Management based on) | Control Measure is selected depending on the rule that needs to be applied on Shifts for the members. The options included are All Members, Member Employment Type, Member Industry, and Member Qualification.
| ||
Control Measure Value | Control Measure Value is selected based on the selected Control Measure. The system checks the fatigue rules to be applied for the members having the selected values. For the selected Control Measure, the Control Measure Value shows:
| ||
Staff User Action | Staff User Action is selected as Warning or Restriction. Warning – If the Warning is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show an alert to the Staff while allocating shift to the member. However, the Staff will be able to allocate the shift to the member without any restriction. Restriction – If the Restriction is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show a restriction message to the Staff while allocating shift to the member. The Staff will not be able to allocate the shift to the member. | ||
External User Action | External User Action is selected as Warning or Restriction. Warning – If the Warning is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show an alert to the Client/ Professional while allocating the shift to the member. However, the Client/ Professional will be able to allocate the shift to the member without any restriction. The member in the Member App will get a warning alert on accepting Release Shift if the member does not conform to the fatigue rule. Member will be able to accept that shift without any restriction. Restriction – If the Restriction is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show a restriction message to the Client/ Professional while allocating the shift to the member. The Client/ Professional will not be able to allocate the shift to the members. The member in the Member App will get a restriction message on accepting Release Shift if the member does not conform to the fatigue rule. Member will not be able to accept that Shift. | ||
Apply Start Date | This Apply Start Date specifies that the fatigue rule will be applicable on shifts from the selected date to the members. From this Start Date, the system will check the fatigue rules for the members while allocating the shifts from the Staff/Client/Professional portal and will also check on accepting Release Shifts from the Member App. | ||
Apply End Date | This Apply End Date specifies that after this date no restriction will be applicable on the shifts as per the fatigue rule set for the members. Until this End Date, the system will check the fatigue rules for the members while allocating shifts/ accepting Release Shifts from the Member App. | ||
Restriction Type | The Restriction Type can be either Shift Type or Hour Type. If the Restriction needs to be set against a particular Shift Type booking for a member, then select Shift Type restriction and by default, the Restriction Type selected is Shift Type. If the Restriction needs to be set against the working hours in a day/ week/ month/ fortnight or even gap between two shifts, then select Hour Type restriction. | ||
Status | Set the selected rule as Active or Inactive. Note that the system checks the fatigue rule only for the rules with the Status as Active. | ||
Upload File | To upload documents for the fatigue rule, click Choose File. The file should be in JPEG, JPG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, PDF, XLS, or XLSX format only (with a maximum size of 5MB). | ||
Show Uploaded file to Member | Activate the Yes toggle button to show the uploaded file(s) to the members. | ||
Rules based on Shift Type 👷♂️ | |||
Old Shift Booking to check | Select the Shift Type that is already booked for the member and the system will restrict the New Shift booking for the member as per the fatigue rule. | ||
New Shift Booking to restrict | Select the Shift Type that needs to be restricted for member allocation/ member release shift acceptance to manage the fatigue rule. If the shift is not conforming to the rules set, the system will show Warning/Restriction message:
| ||
Number of days (- / +) to check the rule validity as per the new booking shift day | Select values between 0, 1, and 2 from the ‘-‘ and ‘+’ drop-downs. Here ‘+’ sign represents future days, and the ‘-‘ sign represents past days. The system will check the fatigue rules set for the shift date of the new shift that is being allocated to members along with the number of days selected in the -/+ drop-down. For example: In case -/+ have values selected as 1/1 respectively and the Shift Date is set to 20/10/2021, the system will check the booked shift date and type for 19/10/2021, 20/10/2021, and 21/10/2021 dates. The value provided in -/+ will check the booked shift date and apply the fatigue rules defined. | ||
Field Name | Description | ||
Rules based on Shift Hours ⏲️ | |||
Week Work Start Day | Select the start day of the week and the system will calculate the allocated shift hours of the member as per “Week Worked Hours” and “Fortnight Worked Hours”. By default, Week Work Start Day will be Monday. For example: For a fatigue rule set, if Week Work Start Day is selected as Tuesday, the Rule Apply Start date is 29/12/2021 and Staff is allocating a shift with shift date as 29/12/2021 to the member. Here the system will check the allocated hours of the member from Tuesday i.e., 28/12/2021 till Monday i.e., 03/01/2022. | ||
Hours gap between shifts (HH: MM) | Minimum hours gap between the two consecutive shifts for the member to work according to the rule set. This will be defined in the 'hh:mm' format.
Here consecutive shifts gaps will be considered based on: Preceding shift checks: End time of the preceding shift in which member is active and the start time of new shift allocating to member/ accepting release shift by the member. | ||
Exclude shifts for a same Service Location | Activate the ON toggle button to exclude the check for “Hours gap between shifts” while allocating shifts to the member/release shift accepted by the member of the same Service Location. This will be applicable only for the Service Location without any Delivery Location. By default, this toggle button is OFF which means the system will show Warning/Restriction to the staff/client while allocating the shift without Delivery Location. Show Warning/Restriction to the member to accept release shift without Delivery Location, if the member has a pre-active shift i.e. same Service Location without Delivery Location and the gap between both the shifts is less than or equal to the hours mentioned in the rule. This rule checks the gap between:
| ||
Exclude shifts for all Delivery Locations (For Same Service Location) | Activate the ON toggle button to exclude the check for “Hours gap between shifts”, while allocating shifts to the member/ release shift accepted by the member of the same Service Location for all Delivery Locations. By default, this toggle button is OFF which means the system show a Warning/Restriction to the staff/client while allocating the shift with Delivery Location. Show Warning/Restriction to the member to accept release shift with Delivery Location, if the member has a pre-active shift with Delivery Location and the gap between both shifts is less than or equal to the hours mentioned in the rule. | ||
Single Day Worked Hours (HH:MM) | Maximum hours a member is allocated to work in a day according to the fatigue rule set and the Single Day Work Hours limit cannot be greater than 24 hours. | ||
Week Worked Hours (HH:MM) | Maximum hours a member is allocated to work in a week according to the fatigue rule set and the Week Work Hours limit cannot be greater than 60 hours. | ||
Fortnight Worked Hours (HH:MM) | Maximum hours a member is allocated to work in a fortnight according to the fatigue rule set and the Fortnight Work Hours limit cannot be greater than 120 hours. | ||
Include weekend? | Activate the ON toggle button to calculate hours of weekend shift(s) allocated to the member as per “Week Worked Hours” and “Fortnight Worked Hours”. | ||
Exemptions (Specify shift exemptions to exclude from rule) | Specify shift Exemptions to exclude from the rule for Employee Type(s), Shift Type(s), Industry(s), or/and Qualification(s).
| ||
Restriction Message to Internal Staff | This Restriction Message is visible to Staff as a Warning/Restriction message while allocating shifts from the Staff Portal in case the shift does not conform to the fatigue rule set. The Warning/ Restriction message is based on the Staff User Action value selected. | ||
Restriction Message to External Staff | This Restriction Message is visible to the Client/Professional on the Client/Professional Portal as the Warning/ Restriction message based on the value selected in the External User Action field. For the Member, this message is visible in the Member App as Warning/Restriction message based on the value selected in the External Staff Action field. |
🔗 Click this link to view the detailed Member Fatigure Management document.
Advanced Infection Control
The Advanced Infection Control feature allows the user to dynamically control Infection(s) and prevents transmission of disease in healthcare settings and restricts staff /members from booking /accepting shifts based on real-time infection information and helps in curbing the spread of infection at workplaces 🏥 👨⚕️.
In this feature, the user can add new infections, edit existing infections, or remove existing infections on the Service Locations/ Delivery Locations. The infections listed against the various shifts will be visible to the user during the shift allocation process. The system checks whether the member is booked for the Infection Shifts or Non-Infection shifts for the specified duration, and shows the confirmation messages before allocating the shifts to the member. The confirmation message is displayed when the member is allocated from Infection to Non-Infection shifts and vice versa. Members are notified about the infection update through email notification 😌.
The Infections defined for the Service Locations/ Delivery Locations in the Infection Control Module of the Staff Portal application are reflected in the Member App and the impact of the infection is reflected in the My Shift and Released Shifts screens.
Note |
The Advanced Infection Control |
is flag-based feature: |
Click the Infections link available at the footer of the Entire OnHire application and the Infection Control page opens.
Infection Control
How to Access Advanced Infection Control?
To access Advanced Infection Control:
Click the Infections link available at the footer of the Entire OnHire application and the Infection Control page opens.
Infection Control
The Infection Control displays the repository of all the existing infections that are on various Service Locations/ Delivery Locations. The Infection Control page shows the Service Location, Delivery Location, Infection(s), Restriction, Last Updated, Last Updated by, and Actions details of the infections. You can add new infections, and edit existing infections 😌.
Field Name | Description |
Service Location | Service Location of the Infection(s). |
Delivery Location | Delivery Location of the Infection(s) based on the Service Location. |
Infection(s) | Names of the existing Infection(s) at the Service Location/ Delivery Location |
Restriction | The Restriction limit in Day(s)/ Hour(s) applied at the Service Location/ Delivery Location. |
Last Updated | The Last Updated date and time of the Infection. |
Last Update By | Name of the user who last updated the Infection details. |
Actions | Action to edit the existing infection. |
Add Infection
To add a new infection:
Click Add New Infection from the Infection Control page as shown in the figure below
Field Name | Description |
Service Location | Service Location of the Infection(s). |
Delivery Location | Delivery Location of the Infection(s) based on the selected Service Location. Select the required Delivery Locations for infections. |
Infection(s) | Infection(s) at the Service Location/ Delivery Location. In case the selected infection(s) already exists at a selected Delivery Location / Service Location, an error message ‘Unable to add new infection as infection(s) already exists in the Service/ Delivery Location. You can only edit the prior infections in the Service/ Delivery Location.’ is displayed on clicking Save and the user is not allowed to add new infections. A maximum of five infections can be added for a Service/ Delivery Location. |
Advanced Infection Control | |
Member Restriction Period to be compliant for a shift | The Member Restriction Period in Day(s)/ Hour(s) applied at the Service Location/ Delivery Location. You can select the Member Restriction Period limit from 0 to 30 Day(s) and 0 to 23 Hour(s). The '0' value indicates infection(s) exist without any restriction. The maximum Day(s) restriction can be set to 30 days and the maximum Hour(s) restriction can be set to 24 hours. |
Add infection(s) to all existing shifts for the current and future dates checkbox | If this toggle button is ON- the added infection(s) will apply to all existing shifts for the current and future dates. On clicking Save, the Affected Shift(s) Confirmation pop-up window appears. By default, the toggle button is set to ON. If this toggle button is OFF - the added infection(s) will apply to the new shifts only. |
Note |
When the Advance Advanced Infection Control flag is set to OFF, the 'Advance Advanced Infection Control' section as shown in the figure above will not be visible and by default member restriction period limit to accept shifts will be set as 2 Days i.e. 48 hours per infection type. |
Affected Shift(s) Confirmation
The Affected Shifts(s) Confirmation screen appears when the 'Add infection(s) to all existing shifts for the current and future dates' toggle button is set to ON and on clicking the Save button while adding or editing the infection(s). The Add/ Edit infection(s) will affect all the existing shifts for the current and future dates. By default, the toggle button 'Add infection(s) to all existing shifts for the current and future dates' is set to ON.
🔗 For a detailed Advanced Infection Control document, refer to this link.
Check-In / Check-Out Dashboard and Report
The Check-In / Check-Out Dashboard and Report provides all the shift details to analyse the variance between the set shift timing with the actual Check-In / Check-Out timings for the specified period in an informative and interactive way with graphical representations.
The user can also easily export and download the report in PDF and CSV format to analyse and identify the actual Check-In / Check-Out shift details against the provided shift timings.
How to Access Check-In / Check-Out Dashboard and Report?
To access Check-In / Check-Out Dashboard and Report:
Click Reports → Booking Reports → Check-In / Check-Out Dashboard and Report and the Check-In / Check-Out Dashboard and Report page opens
Check-In / Check-Out Dashboard and Report
The Check-In / Check-Out Dashboard and Report show the charts and the detailed tabular report based on the Check-In and Check-Out performed by the members in their corresponding shifts. By default, the charts and tabular reports are displayed on the basis of the default filters selected.
Field Name | Description | ||
Time Period | Select the Time Period option according to which the report will be generated. By default, 'Last 7 Days' option is selected. In the Time Period, the options available are:
| ||
From Date | Select the start date of the report. You need to select From Date for the Custom option only and this field is deactivated for Last 7 Days, Last Week, and Last Fortnight options. | ||
To Date | Select the end date of the report. You need to select To Date for the Custom option only and this field is deactivated for Last 7 Days, Last Week, and Last Fortnight options. | ||
Service Location | Select the required Service Location. The report will be generated for the selected Service Location(s). In case the Service Location(s) is not selected, the report for all the available Service Location(s) are generated. | ||
Allowed Exemption (mins) | Select the minutes to calculate the Check-In / Check-Out discrepancy. By default, selected Allowed Exemption is 10 minutes and can range from 0 to 60 minutes. The shifts that are within the allowed exemption limit, considering both Check-In and Check-Out will be considered on-time shifts. For example: If the Allowed Exemption is set as 10 minutes, and the difference between shift start time and Check-In time is more than 10 minutes, the discrepancy in the Check-In time will be reported. In this case the Check-In time is greater than the shift start time (late Check-In). Similarly, in case the difference between the shift end time and Check-Out time is more than 10 minutes, discrepancy in the Check-Out time will be reported. In this case end time is greater than Check-Out time (early Check-Out). |
Based on the selected filter, the Shift Details Chart and Check-In / Check-Out Report Chart are displayed.
By default, both charts display the data with the Time Period as ‘Last 7 Days’ and Allowed Exemption as '10 mins'
If the Time Period is selected as ‘Last 7 Days’ or ‘Last Week’, the chart is represented day-wise, i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on
If the Time Period is selected as ‘Last Fortnight’ or ‘Custom’, the chart is represented week-wise, i.e. Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, and so on
Shift Details Report Chart
This chart includes all the shifts booked for the particular time period and Service Location selected (as per the filters). Two types of charts can be generated i.e. Bar Chart and Line Chart, and by default, Bar Chart is displayed.
Total Booked Shifts: All the shifts booked as per the filters
All Shifts with Check-In / Check-Out Details: All the shifts with Check-In / Check-Out Details as per the filters
All Shifts with Missed Check-In / Check-Out Details: All the shifts with missing Check-In / Check-Out Details as per the filters
Check-In / Check-Out Report Chart
This chart includes all the shifts having the Check-In / Check-Out Details (as per the filters). Two types of charts can be generated i.e. Bar Chart and Line Chart, and by default, Line Chart is displayed.
By default, the Shift Details Report chart is selected and highlighted with a blue colour outline.
Tabular Report
This shows all the shift details in a tabular format as per the selected filters and based on the selected chart i.e. Shift Details Report chart or Check-In / Check-Out Details chart.
🔗 Click this link to view the detailed Check-In / Check-Out Dashboard and Report.
Client Infection Control Dashboard and Report
The Client Infection Control Dashboard and Report provide all the shift information related to the Infection(s) and Restriction Period applied for a particular Client Location within the specified period in an informative and interactive way with graphical representations.
The user can also easily export and download the report in PDF and CSV format to analyse and identify the infection details in the corresponding shifts.
How to Access Client Infection Control Dashboard and Report?
To access the Client Infection Control Dashboard and Report:
Click Reports → Client Reports → Client Infection Control Dashboard and Report and the Client Infection Control Dashboard and Report page opens
Client Infection Control Dashboard and Report
The Client Infection Control Dashboard and Report show the charts and the detailed tabular report based on infections applied to Client Locations for their corresponding shifts. By default, the charts and tabular reports are displayed based on the default filters selected.
Field Name | Description | ||
Time Period | Select the Time Period option according to which the report will be generated. By default, the 'Today and Future' option is selected. In the Time Period, the options available are:
| ||
From Date | Select the start date of the report. This field is deactivated for the Today and Future option. | ||
To Date | Select the end date of the report. This field is deactivated for the Today and Future option.
| ||
Service Location | Select the required Service Location. The report will be generated for the selected Service Location(s). In case the Service Location(s) is not selected, the report for all the available Service Location(s) are generated. | ||
Delivery Location | Select the required Delivery Location based on the selected Service Location. The report will be generated for the selected Delivery Location(s). | ||
Infection(s) | Select the Infection(s). The Infection(s) are shown based on the Infections available in the Infections Masters. By default, Infection(s) are not selected that indicates all infection(s) are included. All the Active/Inactive infections are displayed and the Inactive infections are labeled as ‘Inactive’. | ||
Exclude Shift(s) with selected Infection(s) | When the Infection(s) are selected in the filter, this field is activated, and by default the toggle button is set to NO. Set the toggle button to YES will exclude all the shifts with selected Infection(s) in the filter i.e. the infection(s) selected will be excluded in both the graph and report. For Example - If Shift A has an infection applied as ‘Covid 19’, ‘Flu’ and the user selects the Infection(s) filter as ‘flu’. When the toggle button is set to YES, Shift A will exclude all the shift(s) that includes the infection as flu. |
Based on the selected filter, the Active Infection(s) Chart / Applied Infection(s) Chart are displayed. By default, both charts display the data with the Time Period as ‘Today and Future’.
Active Infection(s) Chart
This chart includes the total active Infection(s), their usage on clients (Service Location / Delivery Location), and total affected shifts for a particular period.
Total Active Infection(s): Shows the total number of active infection(s) for the selected period
All Service Locations with Infection(s): Shows the total number of Service Locations on which infection(s) are applied for the selected period
All Delivery Locations with Infection(s): Shows the total count of Delivery Locations (based on the selected Service Location) on which infection(s) is applied for the selected period
If the infection(s) is applied on the Service Location that includes multiple Delivery Locations, the infection(s) on the Delivery Locations will also be counted
If the infection(s) is applied on the Delivery Location, the infection(s) on the Service Locations will not be counted
If the infection(s) is applied on both the Service Location and Delivery Location, the infection(s) of both Service Location and Delivery Locations will be counted
All Shifts with Infection(s): Shows the total count of all the shifts that have infections applied for the selected period as per the shift date
Applied Infection(s) Chart
This chart shows the infection(s) based on the infection types with the client and shift details per infection that were applied or active during the selected period.
All Service Locations with Infection Applied: Shows the total number of Service Locations with a particular infection(s) applied for the selected period
All Delivery Locations with Infection Applied: Shows the total number of Delivery Locations with a particular infection(s) applied for the selected period
If the infection(s) is applied on the Service Location that includes multiple Delivery Locations, the infection(s) applied on Delivery Locations will also be counted
If the infection(s) is applied on the Delivery Location, the infection(s) applied on the Service Locations will not be counted
If the infection(s) is applied on both the Service Location and Delivery Location, the infection(s) of both Service Location and Delivery Locations will be counted (as individual-level infections have been applied on both)
All Shifts with Infection Applied: Shows the total count of all the shifts with infection(s) applied for the selected period as per the shift date
View Report
This shows all the shift details in a tabular format as per the selected filters.
🔗 Click this link to view the detailed Client Infection Control Dashboard and Report.
Add/Update Professional
Professional Status
In the Add/Update Professional pages of the Staff Portal, the user can modify the status of the professional as Active or Inactive.
The Professionals with the Professional Status as Active will be able to login to Professional App and Professional Portal.
Unlink Client(s)
In the Update Professional, the user can unlink the clients from the professional. To unlink the client from the selected professional:
When the client(s) are unlinked from the selected professional, the professional will not be able to create/update any data for this client on the Professional Portal /Client Portal or Professional App.
Professional Status Log
The Professional Status Log is displayed in Edit/Update Professional Page and shows the details of the last updated status only.
Note |
When you change the Status of the professional as ‘Inactive’ or Unlink Client(s) from the professional, this will impact the Staff Portal, Client Portal, Professional Portal, Member App, and Professional App. The inactive professional name will not appear in the Professional field for any future requirements. |
Applicant Detail Report
In Reports, now the Applicant Detail Report has a new field added as ‘Follow up’. This field will fetch the follow-up date with the Application Status as Deferred and Reapply.
Also, you can export the data of the Applicant Detail Report by clicking Export to Excel and the report will be downloaded into CSV format.
Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander
The Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander field is shown in the Personal Details page, Applicant Detail Report page of the Staff Portal, and Personal page of the Applicant Portal.
In Staff Portal - Personal Details
In the Personal Details page of the Staff Portal, the Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander field is now always enabled as "Do you identify as Aboriginal / Torres Straight Islander?'.
In the "Do you identify as Aboriginal / Torres Straight Islander?' field, the options available are Yes, No, and Prefer not to say. You can select any one option from the available options and the selection is not mandatory.
In Staff Portal - Applicant Detail Report
In the Applicant Detail Report, a new filter option as Cultural Native Origin/Proof of Aboriginality is added to fetch the data accordingly in the report.
Click Reports → Recruitment Reports → Applicants Detail Report and the Applicant Detail Report page opens
Select the Relationship Office, Cultural Native Origin/Proof of Aboriginality,and other required details
In the Cultural Native Origin/Proof of Aboriginality field, the options available are Yes, No, and Prefer not to say and you can select any one option from the available options
Click Report and the Applicant Detail Report will be generated based on the option selected in the Cultural Native Origin/Proof of Aboriginality field
In Applicant Portal - Personal
Also, in the Personal page of the Applicant Portal, the Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander field is now always enabled as "Do you identify as Aboriginal / Torres Straight Islander?' with the options available as Yes, No, and Prefer not to say.
Finance Application
Length of Tracking Name 1
The length of the Tracking Name 1 field is now increased to 18 characters.
This is also reflected in the Xero report exports.
Member App - Break Minutes for Unmanaged Job Roster
In the Member App, the break minutes for the Unmanaged Job Roster will be shown:
Case 2: For the completed job, the break minutes are shown from Job Start Date to Job End Date.
Create / Edit Referee(s) - Status
In Create / Edit Referee(s) page, when the Notify / Feedback is shown as:
Inactive/Rejected - If the Contact Status is changed from:
Approved/Complete to Inactive/Rejected (for form submitted), the Notify/Feedback column shows Notify Referee. On clicking the Notify Referee, the message ‘Referee Form is already submitted’ is displayed.
Waiting/New to Inactive/Rejected (for form not submitted), the Notify/Feedback column shows Notify Referee and changes the Contact Status to Waiting. On clicking the Notify Referee, the message ‘Email notification has been sent’ is displayed.
Waiting/New - If the Contact Status is Waiting/New, the Notify/Feedback column shows Notify Referee. On clicking the Notify Referee, the message ‘Email notification has been sent’ is displayed.
notification has been sent’ is displayed.
Waiting/New - If the Contact Status is Waiting/New, the Notify/Feedback column shows Notify Referee. On clicking the Notify Referee, the message ‘Email notification has been sent’ is displayed.
Member Check-in/Check-out Details on Timesheet Snap
In the timesheet snap, the Check-in/Check-out location, date, and time stamp details are now shown on the submitted timesheet of the member.
Note |
Note that the Member Check-in/Check-out Details feature functions when the ‘Enable shift check-in / check-out in Member App’ flag is set as ON in the Application Settings → System Configurations page of the Staff Portal application and the user's device location is set as ON. |
1. When the Shift Check-in/Check-out Flag is set as ON
Case 1 - If the memberCheck-in and Check-out from the shift and submits the timesheet, the current location with the date and time will be shown on the timesheet snap. The details are shown in Shift Check-in and Shift Check-out below the Member Signature of the Timesheet snap as shown in the figure below.
Note |
To Check-in/Check-out to the shift, user's device location is mandatory to be set as ON. |
Case 2 - If the member Check-in to the shift and does not Check-out of the shift:
For the Shift Check-in - Current location with the date and time will be shown on the timesheet snap
For the Shift Check-out - Date and current device time will be shown on the timesheet snap
Case 3- If the member does not Check-in/Check-out into the shift and submits the timesheet then the Shift Check-in and Shift Check-out will be shown as '-' as shown in the figure below.
2. When the Shift Check-in/Check-out Flag is set as OFF
The Shift Check-in and Shift Check-out details will be shown as 'NA' on the timesheet snap for the member.
In the Jobs, Shift Check-in/Check-out details will not be shown in the timesheet snap.
Masters - Export To Excel Feature
In Masters, the Export to Excel feature is added to the various pages of the Staff Portal application which will help users to export all the data in the CSV format.
The Export to Excel feature is provided in the following reports:
1. Client Groups
The Export to Excel is added to the Client Groups page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Client Groups report in CSV format.
2. EntireHR User
The Export to Excel is added to the EntireHR Users page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the EntireHR User report in CSV format.
3. Interview Guidelines
The Export to Excel is added to the Interview Guidelines page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Interview Guidelines report in CSV format.
4. Member Shifts
The Export to Excel is added to the Member Shifts page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Member Shifts report in CSV format.
5. Reporting Office
The Export to Excel is added to the Reporting Office page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Reporting Office report in CSV format.
6. Screening Guidelines
The Export to Excel is added to the Screening Guidelines page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Screening Guidelines report in CSV format.
7. SMS Template
The Export to Excel is added to the SMS Template page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the SMS Template report in CSV format.
8. Years of Experience
The Export to Excel is added to the Years of Experience page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Years of Experience report in CSV format.
9. Business Sector
The Export to Excel is added to the Business Sector page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Business Sector report in CSV format.
10. Client Location Function
The Export to Excel is added to the Client Location Functionpage. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Business Sector report in CSV format.
11. Industry Type
The Export to Excel is added to the Industry Typepage. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Industry Type report in CSV format.
12. Competencies / Interview Questions
The Export to Excel is added to the Competencies / Interview Questionspage. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Competencies / Interview Questions report in CSV format.
13. Client Documents
The Export to Excel is added to the Client Documents page. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Client Documents report in CSV format.
14. Shift Tasks Checklist
The Export to Excel is added to the Shift Tasks Checklistpage. To export the data:
The figure below shows the Shift Tasks Checklist report in CSV format.
Resolved Issues
We are constantly working to improve our Entire OnHire Application and have resolved all these issues for you 😊.
Issues | Summary | Status | ||||||
The selected Passport Country in the Visa Tab is missing from the Employment Details page. | Issue Amended. In the Employment Details → Visa, now the selected Passport Country is not removed once selected.EHRCS-4017 |
| ||||||
Member Online Portal | Due to Advance technology, decrease in use and increase in member apps, Entire OnHire will be decommissioning the Member Online Portal. |
| ||||||
Not able to use the special characters in member name, as the special character forms a part of the members legal name. | Issue Amended. Now the special character is allowed in the member’s name. EHRCS-4916 |
| ||||||
While Quick Booking, if the Delivery Location does not have an office, the shift is not appearing in the Allocation page in the Staff Portal. In the Client Portal also, only Service Location is shown for the Delivery Location shifts. | Issue Amended. Now, while Quick Booking, the shifts created are appearing as per the shift and Delivery/ Service Location selected, and in Client Portal also, shifts created for the selected booking offices are appearing as per the shift and Delivery/Service Location selected.EHRCS-3996 |
| ||||||
Shift Task Group checklist selected for the Parent node is reflecting in the Child node and vice versa. | Issue Amended. In the Client Details → Online Permission page, now the Shift Task Group checklist selected for the Parent node is not reflected in the Child node and vice versa. EHRCS-623 |
| ||||||
Referee Email validation should be provided across all the portals. | Issue Amended. In the Create / Edit Referee(s) → Create Referee Window, Contact Email accepts the valid email id format only such as test@entireonhire.com. This validation is incorporated in Staff Portal, Member Portal, Applicant Portal, and Member App.EEX1J2-11592 |
| ||||||
In the Finance application, the Reference Number details should be added to the Invoice History and Export to Excel Report. | Issue Amended. In the Finance Application, now the Reference Number details are shown in the Invoice History and Export to Excel Report. |
We have incorporated the new features, enhancements, and fixes to provide you with a delightful user experience 😌. We would love to hear back from you about your experience with our product or service. Please drop your suggestions and feedback at 📭 feedback@entiresoftware.com.