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The Import Shifts feature facilitates to create customized shift import templates, configure templates, import files, and view shift import logs. Following the simple steps, you can easily import shifts into our Entire OnHire application as per your requirements 🤠 👏.

The Import Shifts allow the user to configure each template that is linked with the Service Location and can be configured based on Employee ID Mapping, Default Values, and Unique Parameter. The Import Shifts template configuration is a one-time process and you can also create the global Import Shifts templates. The Shift Templates configuring involves:

  • Employee ID Mapping – Upload the Employee File with Client Employee ID filled against the Entire OnHire Employee ID and the system automatically map the data.

  • Default Values – This configuration allows the user to set default values/ format and is mandatory for Import Shifts.

  • Unique Parameter – Based on the selected parameters/ priority, the uniqueness of the shift (uploaded from the excel file) is decided.

The main Import Shifts functionality occurs in the Import File page and is used by the users whenever the Shifts need to be imported based on the Import Shifts data. The Import Shifts data for the selected templates is performed either “For an Unmanaged Jobs” or “As shifts without an existing job”.

You can view the Shifts Import Logs that show the status of the event 🧐.

How to Access Import Shifts?

To access Import Shifts:

  • Click Data Management from the user login drop-down of the Entire Recruit application

  • The Import Data page opens, now click Import Shift(s) or Timesheet(s) to open the Import Shifts page

  • Or you can also access Import Shifts from AllocationImport Shifts(s) / Timesheet(s).

Shift Import Template

On clicking the Import Shift(s) or Timesheet(s), the Shift Import Template page opens. The Shift Import Template page displays all the existing templates and forms a repository of all the available Shift Import Templates.

This page shows the Template Name, Service Location, Delivery Location, Last Updated On, Last Updated By, Status, and Action details of all the existing templates. You can:

  • Edit/ delete the existing Shift Import Template by clicking the Edit or Delete Actions icons respectively

  • Directly view the shift import logs, by clicking the View Logs icon

  • Active/ Inactive the existing Shift Import Template by clicking the Status toggle button

  • Create a new Shift Import Template by clicking Add Template button

Add Template

To add a new Shift Import Template:

  • Click Add Template

  • The Add Shift Import Template pop-up screen opens. Provide all the required details

  • Click Save. The newly added shift import template is reflected in the Shift Import Template page

Field Name


Template Name

Name of the new template.

Service Location

Set Service Location for the new template.

When the Service Location is selected, the Delivery Locations are uploaded accordingly. 

Delivery Location

Set Delivery Location option based on the Service Location selected for the new template.

Applicable From

The Applicable From shows the date and time from when the new template is applicable.

If the template is edited, the date and time of Last Updated On is updated in the Shift Import Template page.

Applicable To

The Applicable To shows the date and time until when the new template is applicable.

Note that in case you select the Applicable From date, it is mandatory to select the Applicable To date else you will not be able to save or update the template.


The Status of the template can be set to Active or Inactive.

Edit Template

To edit the existing template:

  • Click the edit icon from the Shift Import Template page (as shown in the figure above)

  • The Edit Shift Import Template pop-up window opens. Now, update all the required details in the existing template

  • Click Update and the template is updated successfully

Delete Template

 To delete the existing template:

  • Click the delete icon from the Shift Import Template page (as shown in the figure above)

  • The Delete Confirmation pop-up window opens to confirm “Are you sure you want to delete the template?”

  • Click Delete and the selected template is deleted successfully 😌

Template Configuration

The Template Configuration is a one-time process and allows the user to configure the existing template that is linked with the Service Location. Each template is configured based on Employee ID Mapping, Default Values, and Unique Parameter.

To configure the existing/ new template, click Template Configuration and configure the template by selecting:

  • Template Name – the templates available in the drop-down are existing/ new templates. Based on the selected template, the Service Location and the Delivery Location are selected

  • Service Location – shows the Location that is linked with the selected template. In case none of the Service Locations is linked with the selected template that indicates that all the Service Locations are linked with this template

  • Delivery Location – shows the Delivery Location for the selected Service Location. Note that for any Service Location, multiple Delivery Locations can exist

Now, the user can import shifts by providing the details in the Employee ID Mapping, Default Values, and/ or Unique Parameter.

Employee ID Mapping

The Employee ID Mapping configuration allows the user to link the Client Employee ID filled against the Entire OnHire Employee ID and Entire OnHire Employee Name. The Employee ID Mapping provides uniformity and avoids any mismatch for Client Employee IDs and Entire OnHire Employee IDs.

In the Employee ID Mapping:

Based on the selected parameters, the user is required to download the Employee File that includes prefilled Entire OnHire Employee IDs and Entire OnHire Employee Name. Finally, upload the Employee File with Client Employee IDs filled against the Entire OnHire Employee IDs and the system automatically map the data.

  • Select the Employee Selection

  • Download the File to map Employee ID file that will map the Entire Employee IDs with the Client Employee IDs

  • Upload File that includes the Entire Employee IDs mapped with the Client Employee IDs

  • Click Save and the Employee IDs mapping process begins to import. Depending on the number of records the process may take a while and the file is successfully uploaded

  • The preview of mapped Employee IDs displays Entire OnHire Employee ID, Employee Name, Client Employee ID, and Action details at the bottom of the Employee ID Mapping page. If required, the user can edit/ delete any mapped record by clicking the edit/ delete icon respectively in Actions (big grin)

Field Name


Employee Selection

Select All Employees or Members in the Open Jobs option. 

The All Employees option includes all the members in the system for the mapping process. On selecting this option, the Employee Status and Employee Qualification fields are activated. It is mandatory to select the Employee Status. 

The Members in Open Jobs include all the active members for the selected Service Location. In case the Service Location is not selected, all the active members in the system are mapped.

Employee Status

Allows to select the Employees with Status as ‘All’, ‘Active’, or ‘Inactive’ and is a mandatory field. 

On selecting ‘All’, both active and inactive employees are selected.

Employee Qualification

Based on selected Qualification(s), the employees are selected. You can select multiple Employee Qualifications.

File to map Employee ID

Downloads the employee file in excel format, on clicking the Download Employee File.

In the downloaded member file, the Entire Employee IDs are included based on the selected option in the Employer Selection:

  • If the user selects All Employees - all the available Member IDs are selected based on the selected Employee Status and Qualification.

  • If the user selects Employees in Open Jobs - all the active members for the selected Service Location are selected.

Downloaded Member File:

The downloaded member file includes the Entire Employee IDs and Entire Employee Names and are non-editable. This data is fetched based on the selected Employee Selection option.

Note that you need to map Client Employee IDs with respect to their Entire Employee IDs. Provided IDs need to be unique; for a particular template, a single Client ID cannot be mapped with multiple Employee IDs. 

Upload File

Upload the member file when ready for mapping.

  • On clicking the Save, the Import Shift(s) Progress shows the total number of Employee Mapping(s)

  • Once the Employee Mapping(s) is completed, a success message is displayed that shows the total number of records imported successfully 🤗

Default Values

This Default Values configuration allows the user to set default values/ format in the templates for the provided fields. The user is required to select Shift Status, Professional Name, Date Format, and Worked hours Format to configure the template.

In the Default Values:

  • Select the Shift Status, Professional Name, Date Format, and Worked hours Format

  • Click Save.

Field Name


Shift Status

The Shift Status can be either Timesheet Submitted or Shift Booked. The selected Shift Status option is the default value for the template.

The system uses the selected Shift Status option as a default value, if the Shift Status is not provided in the final Client Import excel file. In case the Shift Status option is provided in the final Client Import excel file, the system data is replaced with the final Client Import excel data.

Professional Name

The user can set a default Professional Name for a template. All the Professional Names linked to a particular Service Location are provided in the drop-down.

In case Professional Name is provided in the final Client Import excel file, the system data is replaced with the final Client Import excel data.

Date Format

Various Date Formats are provided in the drop-down. The user can set a default Date Format and the selected format is followed in the excel file.

Worked hours Format

The Worked hours Format can be selected as mm or The ‘mm’ is the minute format and ‘’ is the hours and minutes format.

Round off Start Time and End Time of a shift to the nearest quarter minute

This checkbox rounds times entries up or down to the nearest minutes or hours to create well-ordered reports, without any confusing details.

If the user selects the checkbox, the time provided is rounded off to the nearest quarter that is within the range of 15 mins. For example, if the time provided is 12:10, it is rounded off to 12:15 as this is the nearest quarter minute.

If the checkbox is not selected, the system considers the exact time as mentioned.

Unique Parameter

This Unique Parameter configuration allows the user to set parameters and their priority to decide the uniqueness of the shift (uploaded from the excel file). This configuration is important for shifts against Unmanaged Jobs and in cases where the Job Id is not available, the unique parameters facilitate to search the Job Id for shifts.

The Unique Parameters available are Service Location, Delivery Location, Employee ID, Client Employee ID, Shift Date, and Shift Time.

To set the Unique Parameters:

  • Click Status as ON for any of the available six Parameters:

    • Service Location

    • Delivery Location

    • Employee ID

    • Client Employee ID

    • Shift Date

    • Shift Time

  • Set the Priority of the selected Parameter. This priority describes the sequence to check the unique Parameters i.e., the higher the rank, the greater will be the priority of the parameter

The Priority is defined for the Parameters with the Status as ON. If four parameters have the Status as ON, the priority provided is from 1 to 4 and 1 being the highest priority.

  • Click Save to save the selected parameters with their priorities

How does Unique Parameter work? 👩‍🏭

If the user selects any four Unique Parameters, for instance – Service Location, Client Employee ID, Employee Id, and Shift Date. When the final excel sheet is uploaded and in case Job ID does not exist, the system looks for all the active jobs and searches the job based on unique parameters selected.

  • If the system locates more than one Job based on provided Unique Parameters, the system returns an error

  • Or if the system does not locate any Job ID based on the provided Unique Parameters, the system imports the Shift as stand-alone and does not link with any Job

  • If the system has the same Job ID multiple times in the file, the system checks for provided unique parameters to maintain the uniqueness of the shifts

Field Name


Service Location

Service Location of the new job.

Delivery Location 

Delivery Location of the job based on the Service Location.

Employee ID

The Entire OnHire internal Employee ID.

Client Employee ID

The External Employee ID from the client is mapped with the ER Employee ID.

Shift Date

Date of the shift.

Shift Time

Start time of the shift.

Import File

The Import File allows the users to Import Shifts. This is the main page where all the import functionality occurs and is used by the users whenever the Shifts need to be imported.

To import the Shifts:

  • Download the Import Shift template. The Import Shift template includes the fields and their format that should be followed to import the shifts successfully. This template contains the Sample File format that describes each field with the sample data. Refer to this Sample File to import the Shifts without any errors

Sample Import Shift Template File

  • Select the Import Shifts Data option. The option can be either “For an Unmanaged Job” or “As Shifts without an existing job”

o   For an Unmanaged Job: This option imports shifts against an Unmanaged Job

o   As shifts without an existing Job: This option imports shifts as standalone shifts

While configuring the template, in case the user selects ‘Shift Booked' in the Default Values, the “For an Unmanaged Job” option will be disabled. In the case of an Unmanaged Job, 'Timesheet Submitted’ status is applicable.

  • In the Select File to Import, upload the final excel file based on the downloaded Import Shift template.

  • Click Read and Import and the system reads all the data from the selected file

  • On clicking Read and Import, the Import Shift(s) Confirmation pop-up window appears (as shown in the figure below)

  • Provide the notes (if any) and click Submit

The notes provided are visible in the logs section.

  • On clicking Submit, the Import Shift(s) process starts

  • If there are no errors or mismatches then all the shifts are imported successfully 😊 👏

Download Error File

If the Shifts are not imported successfully, an error message is generated.

Download the Error File to make the appropriate changes in the fields that are marked with Red. In the Downloaded Error File, on mouse hover the tooltip is displayed on the fields marked with Red color. Read the tooltip and rectify the provided error in the file and Import the file again.


The Logs contain information about events that occurred while creating shift templates, configuring templates, and Importing files. These events are logged by the application and written to the log file. The log file includes the Downloaded Files, Uploaded Files, and Errors files as well as information about the events.

The View Logs icon is provided in the top-right corner of the Shift Import Template, Template Configuration, and Import File pages. You can click the View Logs icon to view the logs of the specific page.

Shifts Import Logs

The Shifts Import Logs show the Log Date & Time, Parent Page, User Name, Event, Status, and Comments details of the event.

Field Name


Log Date & Time

Date and time of the event.

Parent Page

Name of the Parent Page. 

The parent page shows the name of the Parent page i.e., Shift Import Template, Template Configuration, or Import File.

User Name

Name of the user who created the Event.


Name of the Event. The events can be Insert, Update, Download, Upload, or Configuration.


Status of the event. The Status of the Event can be Success or Failure.


Shows the comments associated with the Event.

View Log

Click the eye icon to view the log of the Event.

The event log shows the System Audit Log Details that include information about the event with the Downloaded Files, Uploaded Files, and Errors files (if any). The Old and New Data are also reflected.

View Log

To view the log details, click the View Logs icon and the System Audit Log Details for Shifts Import Utility pop-up window appears. The log file shows:

  • Date, Username, Event Name, Status, Parent page, IP Address, and Comments (if any)

  • Downloaded Files, Uploaded Files, and Error Files of the event and displays Old and New Data 😅

Unmanaged Jobs - Shift Allowances

This functionality applies to the shifts of Unmanaged Jobs while using the Import Shifts utility. When the shifts of Unmanaged Jobs are imported against a Job into the Entire Recruit system using the Import Shifts utility, in case the Job contains the Shift Allowances, the Finance application:

  1. Shows the provided Shift Allowances uploaded in the Confirm Shift screen against the shift. All the provided Shift Allowances of the shift against a job are always uploaded and reflected in this screen.

    • If the Shift Allowance is Shift Type – it is applied once to the shift irrespective of split shift (manual/ through award).

    • If the Shift Allowance is Hour Type – it is applied to all split parts of the Shift (manual/ through award).

  2. The rates for the Shift Allowance are fetched from the rates table (if exists for provided allowance based on shift parameters).

  3. In case Overtime is applied, the Shift Allowances of the shift for an Unmanaged Job remain the same however, the allowances from overtime are included.


  4. In case the shift type or any other details are modified that need to fetch new allowances, a confirmation pop-up message appears to fetch new allowances in the Confirm screen. Click Yes and the system applies for new allowances along with unmanaged job shift allowance.

Note that for the Shift Allowance, even if the allowance is set to “Exclude as default allowance” in the Pay and Invoice Allowances screen:

  • Allowance manually added for a shift in the Confirm Shift screen picks rates from the rate table automatically

  • Allowances added against the job for whom shifts are imported through the Import Shifts utility are visible on Confirm Shift screen by default and its rate are always fetched from the rate table

  • No labels