Growth Module- Outlook 365

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Growth Module- Outlook 365

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The Email Integration feature is available to synchronize your Outlook for Office 365 with the Entire OnHire application. All the communication with applicants, members, or clients can be viewed and stored in this central hub. This Email Integration will help you to reduce response time to the inquiries sent by applicants, members, or clients.

Video Overview: https://vimeo.com/682666265/20c968718a

The Email Integration feature is available for Outlook for Office 365 and not for the stand-alone outlook account.

Whatfix - PDF and Video View

How to connect your mailbox to Entire OnHire’s staff portal?

  1. Go to your profile on the top right. Click

Email Settings in the drop-down menu.

  1. You will be directed to the

Email Settings page.

  • Enter your profile name under Connect As.

  • Enter your email address under Email.

  • Click Connect Email.

  1. You will be redirected to a new window to verify your email credentials. Enter your password and click

Sign In.

  1. On this window, select the number of (past) days of emails you want to synchronise. Select from the available options from the drop-down and click

Sync Now.

  1. It will take a while to sync your mailbox to the portal. A screen as shown below will appear.

  1. Once all the emails are synced, the email settings page will have the message

Email Connected displayed. Now, your mailbox is up-to-date with the emails of the selected number of days.

  1. An email will be triggered to your registered mail address notifying the successful occurrence of this event.

  1. Click

Emails at the top to display your synced emails.

  1. The email dashboard will get populated with your emails along with a green message box -

Email connected.

  • Here, the first column will display all your emails grouped under three categories with their respective icons -

    • Members

    • Clients

    • Applicants

  • The second column will display From - email address of the sender.

  • The third column will display To - email addresses(s) of the receiver(s).

  • The fourth column will display the Subject of the email.

  • A refresh icon is provided before the search bar to refresh the mailbox.

  • A search bar is provided to search for a specific mail.

The Members are shown with a blue icon, the Clients are shown with a green icon, the Applicants are shown with a purple icon and the Staff is shown with a pink icon as shown in the figure below.

How to manage email permissions?

The visibility of the emails on the email dashboard can be managed through Email permissions.

  1. Go to your profile on the top right. Click Email Settings in the drop-down menu.

  1. You will be directed to the

Email Settings page. Click Email Permissions as shown below.

  1. You will be redirected to a new window. You can set the ‘

View all Emails’ permission from here.

View all emails = NO

  • Toggle the button to NO if you want to give permission to staff to view only his emails.

  • The success message will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

  • The email dashboard will look like below if email permissions are set to NO.


View all emails = YES

  • Toggle the button to YES if you want to give permission to a staff to view other staff emails.

  • The success message will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

  • The email dashboard will look like below if email permissions are set to YES.


If the permission to ‘View all emails' is set YES for any staff, the staff will be able to see all the emails sent by other staff to members/clients/ applicants under 'All Emails’.

How to disconnect your mailbox to Entire OnHire’s staff portal?

You can disconnect your mailbox following any of the two methods mentioned below.


  1. Go to your email dashboard by clicking

Emails at the top.

  1. On your email dashboard, click the green message box -

Email connected. A dialog box will appear, click Manage your Email Account.

  1. You will be redirected to the

Email Settings page. Click the Disconnect as shown below.

  1. It will take a while to delink your mailbox from the portal. A screen as shown below will appear.

  1. An email will be triggered to your registered mail address notifying the successful occurrence of this event.


  1. Go to your profile on the top right. Click

Email Settings in the drop-down menu.

  1. You will be directed to the

Email Settings page. Click the Disconnect as shown below.

  1. It will take a while to delink your mailbox from the portal. A screen as shown below will appear.

  1. An email will be triggered to your registered mail address notifying the successful occurrence of this event.

The emails once synced to the staff portal will not get deleted. They will be visible even after you disconnect your mailbox.

Outlook Appointments in New Applications - Screening & Recruiter Assignment

When the Email Integration feature is set up in your Entire OnHire application:

  • You can view the existing outlook appointments in the Screen/Assign screen for the applicant by clicking the View outlook appointments link as shown in the figure below.

  • You can view all the appointments scheduled for the next 7 days from the current date. If you do not have any appointments for the next 7 days, no appointments will be visible.

  • You can also create a new appointment by clicking the Create calendar appointment toggle button.

Note that once you create an appointment here, it will be pushed to the recruiter's own calendar. In case this appoint is modified later in the outlook application, the update will not be pushed back into the Entire OnHire system. Similarly, in case of re-screening the appointments will not be updated.

  • While creating a new appointment, in case two appointments conflict, the appointments are highlighted as ‘Conflict’ as shown in the figure below. The user can recheck the conflicting appointment date and time to schedule a new date and time.

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