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How to change Clients Location Type and move Service Locations

If you have created a Client under the incorrect Location Type, for example your Client is listed as a ‘Admin and Service’ but you want it to be change to an ‘Admin’ only, you can do this! You can also move your Service and Delivery Locations to stay under the correct parent location.

Q1: How do I change a Clients Location Type?

A1: There is no button that just changes the location type but you can change them by making the Client inactive, for example just make the Client under Admin and Service inactive in your system.

Then you will have or recreate that Client under the correct location type, for example as an Admin.

If you need any information on how to create a new Client, please view this link -

Q2: If I make my parent location Inactive, will the attached service and delivery locations also become inactive?

A2: No! If you just make the parent location inactive, all of your service and delivery locations that would normally be attached will still be in your system.

Q3: How do I reattach my Service Locations to my parent Client?

  1. You have to search the Service Location you would like to attach

  2. Select the ‘Move Location’ button

  3. Fill in the mandatory information and select the newly created Admin location you would like to attach the location to

  4. Select ‘Confirm Transfer’ to save

Q4: Can I move multiple Service Locations simultaneously?

A4: The relocation process is designed to move Service Locations individually. This approach maintains precision and allows you to carefully structure your client's tree structure.

Q5: How do I move Delivery Locations?

A5: All of your delivery locations will automatically move across with the service location that it is attached to in your system. This helps in the process of having to move all of the locations across.


For more information on how to move you locations, please view the full article below -

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