EntireOnHire l

Health Check Report - Old

This is where you can get a report based on the Health Documents under the Health Section within their Personnel Card

You are able to search By

  1. State, Office and Industry

  2. Report on Who does not have the document

  3. Specific Member

  4. Member Status

  5. Specific Immunization Document

  6. Dates when Booster is due

How to Access

  1. Reports

  2. Member Reports - Health Check Report - Old


  3. Fill in your Reporting Details

  4. Then Either Report (Shown Below) or Report to Excel straight away

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Employee ID and Email

    4. Contact Number of Member

    5. Start and End date of Document

    6. State they are attached to

    7. Reporting Office they are attached to

    8. The Industry they are attached to

How to print or save Report

  1. To Export please Select the highlight icon below then select the File Format


  2. Then click Export, then it will load at the bottom of your browser for you to open and save on your computer

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