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Table of Contents

What is STP Phase 2?

The Australian government announced the expansion of the Single Touch Payroll (STP) which includes additional information. This expansion of STP, also known as STP Phase 2, reduces the burden on employers who need to report employees' information to multiple government agencies. It also helps Services Australia’s customers who may be your employee, get the right payment at the right time 🤑 🤗.



Note that now the validation of a single pay event file takes just around a few seconds 👏 😃.

What is the Impact?

The STP reduces business reporting requirements and enables Australian businesses to digitally engage with Government agencies in a Single Touch Process 💻.



STP Phase 2 is in continuation of STP and remains mandatory. It is advised to all businesses to timely plan the implementation of STP Phase 2. This ensures that compliance deadlines are met and avoids unnecessary penalties.

Important dates to be noted:

Approval Date

September 2022

Roll Over Date

October 2022

What are the Key Changes?

The major key changes of the STP Phase 2 are explained below 🔐 🏖 .

1. Gross Formula

The Gross is calculated for the Employee File and Header File using distinct new formulas.

Gross for Employee File

Now, the Gross for Employee File is calculated based on the new formula provided below 🔣.


The Gross for Employee File Tuple is created for the employee as shown in the figure below.


Gross for Header File

Now, the Gross for Header File is calculated based on the new formula provided below 🔣.


The Gross for Header File Tuple is created for the employer as shown in the figure below.


2. Tax File Number ‘987654321’ is no Longer Valid

The member should not report an invalid Tax File Number (TFN) that will fail to validate while processing the STP run.


Also, the system will validate the TFNs during STP processing by clicking Verify Employee Details (Mandatory). In case any member has TFN ‘987654321’, the member details will appear in the list of Invalid TFNs.


How to Generate Existing Members List with TFN ‘987654321’?

In the Staff portal application, to generate the list of the existing members having TFN ‘987654321’:

  • Click Reports Member Reports Member Detail Report and the Member Report opens

  • Select the filter option as the Financial Details option and click Export Members Report to Excel and the Members Detail Report is downloaded

  • Open the CSV file to fetch the list of members by filtering TFN ‘987654321’


3. Visa Country of Existing Working Holiday Makers

You need to mandatorily report the visa country for the employees who report to tax jurisdictions outside of Australia. This is relevant for businesses with staff having specific visas (i.e., Australian residents working overseas or Working Holiday Makers).


In the Staff portal application, the Passport Country is the mandatory field in the Visa tab for the member in the Employment Details page as shown in the figure below 🌏.


4. Review/Update all Allowances/Additions Settings in the Masters as per ATO Guidelines along with their Remapped Codes

In STP Phase 2, all the Allowances and Additions are itemised separately, not just expense allowances that may have been deductible on the employee’s IITR. This means that allowances and additions that used to be reported as Gross for the income type must now be separately itemised in STP Phase 2 reporting.



While transitioning from STP Phase 1 to STP Phase 2, all the existing Allowances and Additions codes will be remapped by the Entire OnHire team with the new codes defined as per ATO guidelines based on the data shared by you in the prerequisites document.

You need to review the remapped Allowances and Additions codes after STP Phase 2 rollout and ensure that the codes are set as per your requirement for successful STP run.

5. Change in Workers Holiday Maker Scale

As per the ATO obligation, the clients must be registered as an employer of Working Holiday Maker in case of employment or planning to employ workers who hold either:


The new Workers Holiday Maker Tax Scales are introduced in STP Phase 2. The two new tax scales added are the Workers Holiday Maker Scale - Unregistered Employer, and Workers Holiday Maker Scale - No TFN Supplied.


  1. Workers Holiday Maker Scale

  2. Workers Holiday Maker Scale - Unregistered Employer

  3. Workers Holiday Maker Scale - No TFN Supplied

6. Validations to Restrict User to Change the Tax Scale from Workers Holiday Maker Scale to Australian Resident Scale and Vice versa

  1. As per the ATO guidelines for STP Phase 2, the staff is restricted to update to any Workers Holiday Maker Tax Scale, once the payrun for the member has been performed on the Australian Resident Tax Scale.

    In the Finance application, when the staff changes the Tax Scale of the member to any Workers Holiday Maker Tax Scale from the selected Australian Resident Scale and the payrun of the member is already performed in the selected branch (with the Australian Resident Scale), the staff will get a validation pop-up on clicking the save button as shown in the figure below and staff will not be able to change the Tax Scale.

    Similarly, in the Staff portal application, the staff is restricted to update to any Workers Holiday Maker Tax Scale, once the payrun for the member has been performed on the Australian Resident Tax Scale.

  2. As per the ATO guidelines for STP Phase 2, the staff is restricted to update to any Australian Resident Tax Scale once the payrun for the member has been performed on the Workers Holiday Maker Tax Scale.

    In the Finance application, when the staff changes the Tax Scale of the member to any Australian Resident Scale from the selected Workers Holiday Maker Scale and the payrun of the member is already performed in the selected branch (with the Workers Holiday Maker Scale), the staff will get a validation pop-up on clicking the save button as shown in the figure below and staff will not be able to change the Tax Scale.

Similarly, in the Staff portal application, the staff is restricted to update to any Australian Resident Tax Scale once the payrun for the member has been performed on the Workers Holiday Maker Tax Scale.


7. Payment Date by Entity

You should ensure to submit STP run on or before the Payment Date. The Payment Date is the date when the payslip is processed. While processing the STP run, validations are in place for the Payment Date by Entity.


In the Finance Application, this Payment Date is picked from the selected Pay Date on Payslip in the Payslip Processing screen as shown in the figure below.


Help Alerts for STP Phase 2

To streamline and implement the STP Phase 2 effortlessly, our STP Phase 2 enabled application has incorporated the help alerts in all the required screens that will guide you through the additions/modifications to process Single Touch Payroll successfully 🤠 👏.

Help Alerts in Finance Application

A. Help Alerts in Dashboard Screen

When you open the Finance application, the action/attention required details are available in the Dashboard screen. It is recommended to read and follow the instructions provided before proceeding with the new STP process.

  1. Action Required - Single Touch Payroll (STP) submission alert!

    1. Click here to submit your STP for Week Ending <date of week ending> Click this link to open the STP Process screen

  2. Attention Required - Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 rolled out

    Employer Obligations defined by ATO for STP Phase 2:

    1. Worker Holiday Maker employees. Click here for detailed information Click the link to open the Client Support knowledge base for the Workers Holiday Maker details in the STP Phase 2

    2. Child Support amounts. Click here for detailed information Click the link to open the Client Support knowledge base for the Child Support amounts details in the STP Phase 2

      Mandatory Things to do immediately:

    3. Click here for more information Click the link to open the ‘Things to do: Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 rolled out' pop-up window. You need to follow the mandatory system checklist that needs to be performed before processing the new payroll and STP run.

      Key changes in Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2:

    4. Click here to know the key changes done in our application as per guidelines by ATO for STP Phase 2 Click the link to open this section in the Client Support knowledge base.


On clicking link 2c i.e., Mandatory Things to do immediately (as shown in the figure above), the Things to do: Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 rolled out pop-up window opens as shown in the figure below.

  1. Review & update all allowances/additions/deductions settings in the masters as per ATO guidelines and remap to ATO defined STP allowances.

    1. Click here for more information → Click the link to open this section in the Client Support knowledge base.

    2. Click here to review the STP codes now → this link opens the STP Allowances/Addition/Deduction Code Mapping screen.

  2. Replacement of Tax File Number ‘987654321’ as it is no longer a valid TFN. Click here for more information → Click the link to open this section in the Client Support knowledge base

  3. Review employer worker holiday maker registration status along with the tax scale set for working holiday maker members.

    1. Click here for more information → Click the link to open this section in the Client Support knowledge base

    2. Click here to review or update → Click the link to open the Software Registration Details screen, to review the System Settings for Employer Worker Holiday Maker registration status.

    3. Click here to review the applicable member → Click the link to open the Member Payroll screen to review the correct applicable tax scale for the selected member.

  4. Update the Marital status for members having tax scale: SAPTO Scale 2 - Senior Pensioners Tax Offset. Click here for more information → Click the link to open this section in the Client Support knowledge base.

  5. Review the reason category mapped with the member termination reason in ‘Reason (Personnel)’ master. Click here for more information → Click the link to open this section in the Client Support knowledge base.


B. Help Alert in STP Process Screen

In the STP Process screen, an alert information message is displayed at the top-right corner of the screen. Click the hyperlink Click here, to view the detailed Client Support knowledge base regarding the STP Phase 2 expansion that will guide you to submit the STP report as per new guidelines issued by the ATO.


C. Help Alert in Allowances Master and Addition/Deduction Master Screen

In the Allowances screen, an alert information message is displayed regarding new STP Phase 2 guidelines issued by the ATO. Click the hyperlink Click here and the pop-up Changes in the ATO guidelines for reporting Allowances and Additions opens.


  1. All allowances and additions except reimbursements are now to be set as ‘Appear Separately on Group Certificates’. Click here for more information. → Click the hyperlink Click here and the pop-up ‘Changes in the ATO guidelines for reporting Allowances and Additions’ opens. It is recommended to read the instructions carefully.

    Image Added
  2. ATO has defined employer obligation for transitioning the reporting of Child Support Amount to STP Phase 2. Click here for more information. → Click the the info icons adjacent to Child Support Deduction and Child Support Garnishee and the pop-up ‘ATO Guidelines for Reporting Child Support Amounts’ opens. It is recommended to read the instructions carefully.
    Click here link to open this section in the Client Support knowledge base.


  1. Image Added

D. Help Alert in STP Allowances/Addition/Deduction Code Mapping Screen

In the STP Allowances/Addition/Deduction Code Mapping screen, an alert information message is displayed at the top-left corner of the screen. Click the hyperlink Click here to open the STP Phase 2 reporting – quick reference guide that will help you to check the common allowances with the ATO defined codes.


Help Alerts in Web Application

A. Help Alert in Create New Member

In the Create New Members page of the Staff portal application, a help icon is displayed next to the Tax Scale field. Click the help icon to view the STP Phase 2 Client Support knowledge base that will help you to understand the new changes related to the Workers Holiday Maker tax scales.


B. Help Alert in Member’s Finance Details

In the member's Finance Details page of the Staff portal application, a help icon is displayed next to the Tax Scale field. Click the help icon to view the STP Phase 2 Client Support knowledge base that will help you to understand the new changes related to the Workers Holiday Maker tax scales.


C. Help Alert in Applicant Portal for Finance

In the Finance page of the Applicant Portal application, a help icon is displayed next to the Tax Obligation Table field. Click the help icon to view the STP Phase 2 Client Support knowledge base that will help you to understand the new changes related to the Workers Holiday Maker tax scales.


Enforced STP with Validation Messages

In the STP Phase 2 enabled Finance application, the Enforced STP for payrun flag ensures timely STP submissions i.e., you will be guided to submit STP run on or before the Payment Date. By default, this flag is enabled.


For the Enforced STP for payrun flag, the validation messages listed below appear in the respective screens as explained below.

1. STP Phase 2 Submission Alert: Week-ending Submission Alert on Dashboard

Click here to submit your STP for Week Ending <date of week ending> On clicking the Click here link, the STP Process screen opens and you will be able to submit your STP for the Week Ending.


2. STP Phase 2 Submission: Alert Message in the Confirm Shifts

In the Shift Processing Filter screen, in case the user has not submitted the STP run for the immediate last Week Ending payrun for the selected branch (the last payrun performed by the staff) for the current financial year and if the pay date for that payrun is less than or equal to the current date, an alert message is displayed on clicking Process Booked Shifts as shown in the figure below.



This alert message will not appear for the first Payrun of the current financial year set in the system and if the payrun subcontractors only.


3. Submit Dockets: Restrict Users to Submit Dockets until STP for the Last Payrun is Submitted

If the user has not submitted the STP run for the immediate last Week Ending payrun in the selected branch (the last payrun performed by the staff ) for the current financial year, on clicking the Submit Dockets, an alert message is displayed as shown in the figure below.



This alert message will not appear for the first Payrun of the current financial year set in the system.


4. STP Phase 2 Submission: Generate Batch for Payroll Processing

As per the ATO guidelines for STP Phase 2, it is mandatory to report all the Payments on or before the Pay Date.

In the Payslip Processing screen, click the Generate Batch to View & Print Payslips, and the alert message is displayed as shown in the figure below. To set the selected date as Pay Date, click Yes and proceed with the payslips generation.


5. Success Message of EFT File Generation Provides the Option to Submit STP for the Payrun

While EFT file generation, the success pop-up message shows the STP Submission Required information. The user can proceed with the STP submission for the Week Ending by clicking Yes or else proceed further.


Note that in case the payrun has only subcontractors, the normal success pop-up appears without the details of STP Submission Required.


6. Restricting users to change the financial year dates

In the Payroll tab of the Application Options screen, the user will be restricted to change the financial year dates in case:



The System will check the last payrun for every branch and if the STP is not submitted for the last payrun (for any of the branches), an alert message appears.


7. Restrict user to change the Super cut-off dates if payrun is performed for the existing cut-off date

In the Superannuation tab of the Application Options screen on modifying the Super Info, the system will check whether the user has performed the payroll for the existing Super cut-off date.

In case the payroll is already performed for the Super cut-off date of the current financial year (of the selected branch), and the user tries to change the Super cut-off date for that month, an alert message is displayed as shown in the figure below.


8. Restrict Users to Change the Super Cut-off Dates if the Cut-off date is Less than the Last Payroll Week Ending Date

In the Superannuation tab of the Application Options screen on modifying the Super Info, the system will check if the payrun is performed on the Super cut-off date for the selected branch.

If the payrun is not performed, the system will check whether the changed Super cut-off date is greater than the last payroll Week Ending date for the selected branch. In case the changed date is less than the last payroll Week Ending date, an alert message is displayed as shown in the figure below.


Validation to Generate Valid Data Files

The validations are placed to generate and validate data file that helps to provide a check to set the compliance of any output as compared to the input provided 👨‍💻 🤓 .

Validate Employee Details

To validate the Employee Details, click Verify Employee Details (Mandatory) in the Finance application as shown in the figure below. In case any validation fails in generating the valid data file, a validation message appears "Employee(s) details are invalid or missing. Please check report." Refer to the Validation details in the Invalid/ Missing Member Details screen.


Validate SAPTO Scale 2 - Senior Pensioners Tax Offset Member Scale

In case the member’s Tax Scale selected is SAPTO Scale 2 - Senior Pensioners Tax Offset, the Marital Status value is validated. If the Marital Status value is not provided in the member module of the Finance application, a validation report is generated.



Note that while Verifying Employee Details from the Finance application, all the validations explained below are compiled in the Invalid/ Missing Member Details and displayed with ID and Member Name.


Validate Workers Holiday Maker Member Scale

In case the member’s Tax Scale selected is any of the Workers Holiday Maker Scales and the Passport Country is not selected, the validation message is displayed on clicking Verify Employee Details in the application as shown in the figure below.


In the Staff portal application, ensure to select the Passport Country for the member having tax scales as Workers Holiday Makers in the Employment Details Page.


Validate STP Dates

Validate the Dates while processing Single Touch Payroll.

  • The Period Start Date should always be less than or equal to the Period End Date.

  • The Payment Date by Entity should always be greater than or equal to the Period Ending Date.


Validate Tax File Number and Tax Scale at Generate Payslip Stage

The following validations are provided in the system for the Tax File Number and Tax Scale at the Generate Payslip Stage:

  1. In case the member has TFN ‘111111111’ saved in the Member module for more than 28 days, the staff will not be able to generate the payslip.

    The validation message appears ‘Please change the TFN of the member to ‘000000000’ and the Tax Scale to ‘SCALE 4 - NO TFN BY RESIDENT OBLIGATIONS’ if the member is an Australian Resident and ‘SCALE 5 - NO TFN BY NON-RESIDENT OBLIGATIONS’ if the member is Foreign Resident as even after 28 days TFN is awaiting to be provided by the member' as shown in the figure below.

    When the Staff changes the member’s TFN to ‘000000000’ and the Tax Scale to ‘SCALE 4 - NO TFN BY RESIDENT OBLIGATIONS’ or 'SCALE 5 - NO TFN BY NON RESIDENT OBLIGATIONS’, the payslip of the member will be generated successfully.

    Note that the validation will appear for both cases i.e. if the TFN is not changed or the Tax Scale is not changed.

  2. In case the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) member has TFN ‘111111111’ saved in the Member module for more than 28 days, the staff will not be able to generate the payslip.

    The validation message appears ‘Please update the TFN of the member to ‘000000000’ and the Tax Scale to ‘WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKE SCALE - NO TFN SUPPLIED’ as even after 28 days TFN is awaiting to be provided by the member' as shown in the figure below.

    When the Staff changes the member’s TFN to ‘000000000’ and the Tax Scale to 'WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKE SCALE - NO TFN SUPPLIED’, the payslip of the member will be generated successfully.

    Note that the validation appears for both cases i.e. if the TFN is not changed or the Tax Scale is not changed.

  3. In case the Workers Holiday Maker member has Tax Scale ‘WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE’ saved in the Member module and the Employer is set as Unregistered in the Application Options, the staff will not be able to generate the payslip.

    The validation message appears ‘Please update the Tax Scale of the member to ‘WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE - UNREGISTERED EMPLOYER’ as your company is unregistered with ATO to employ a working holiday maker' as shown in the figure below.

    When the Staff changes the member’s Tax Scale to 'WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE - UNREGISTERED EMPLOYER', the payslip of the member will be generated successfully.

  4. In case the Workers Holiday Maker member has Tax Scale ‘WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE - UNREGISTERED EMPLOYER’ saved in the Member module and the Employer is set as Registered in the Application Options, the staff will not be able to generate the payslip.

    The validation message appears ‘Please update the Tax Scale of the member to ‘WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE’ as your company is registered with ATO to employ a working holiday maker' as shown in the figure below.

    When the Staff changes the member’s Tax Scale to 'WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE', the payslip of the member will be generated successfully.

  5. In case the Workers Holiday Maker member has Tax Scale ‘WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE - NO TFN SUPPLIED’, the employer will get validation at the generate payslip stage to change the employee’s tax scale to ‘WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE' or 'WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE - UNREGISTERED EMPLOYER’ based on the employer Workers Holiday Maker status set in the system except in the case when the member has valid TFN number or the TFN provided is '111111111' and it has been less than 28 days since the request for the TFN declaration was performed.

    When the staff changes the member’s Tax Scale to ‘WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE' or to the 'WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE - UNREGISTERED EMPLOYER’, the payslip of the member will be generated successfully.

Pay Event Header File

Payer Postal Address

In Payer Postal Address following elements are added:


The Payer Postal Address Header Tuple is created as shown in the figure below.


Child Support Deductions

Child Support deductions arise from a legal agreement administered by Services Australia - Child Support for a separated parent, to pay periodic amounts of child support from their salary and wages for the benefit of their child or children. These periodic amounts are advised to both the child support employer and employee via a child support account statement, detailing recent payments transferred to the employee and ongoing liabilities for child support to the employer. Child support deductions must continue to be withheld and reported until another notice is received from Child Support to alter or cease the previous instruction.


  1. Child Support Deductions (D)

  2. Child Support Garnishees (G)

Mandatory Obligations to Report Child Support Amounts Through STP Phase 2

Employers may voluntarily choose to report their child support amounts through STP Phase 2 and may elect to commence reporting child support amounts upon/after transitioning to STP Phase 2. Employers may choose to move from STP Phase 2 in order to be able to report child support amounts.


🔗 For detailed information, refer to ATO’s Child Support Deductions Position Paper

Child Support Deduction

The Child Support Deduction is a fixed dollar amount for each pay period. In STP Phase 2, the employer must report child support amounts to the Commissioner on or before the employee’s pay date.


The Appear separately on group certificates checkbox is selected by default in a disabled mode in case of the Child Support Deduction checkbox is checked.


Map Child Support Deduction

STP Phase 2 introduces the ability to report the deductions for Child Support Deduction, eliminating the need for employers to provide separate remittance advice to the Child Support Registrar while reporting through STP. However, you will need to pay the required amounts directly to ATO by the date specified in your notice.


The Child Support Deduction (D) Tuple is created if the child support deduction for that payrun exists as shown in the figure below.


Child Support Garnishee (G)

Reporting of Child Support Garnishee is optional for employers and is not mandated by Child Support law. In STP Phase 2, the employer may report Child Support Garnishee amounts to the Commissioner on or before the employee pay date.


Open the Addition and Deduction master screen in the Finance application to select the Child Support Garnishee checkbox against the deduction you need to select as child support garnishee.

Map Child Support Garnishee


ATO has defined mandatory obligations to report Child Support amounts through STP Phase 2, click to view the detailed information.


The Child Support Garnishee (G) Tuple is created if the child support garnishee for that pay run exists as shown in the figure below.


Run Date/ Time Stamp

The Run Date/ Time Stamp must always be set to the date/time when the YTD amount is attributed discretely to the pay result (created by the pay run) reported on the Submit action. This is the date when the payment is performed by an entity and picks the value of the date/time when the payrun is finalized ⏲.

The Run Date/Time Stamptuple is created that shows the date/time when the payment was done by an entity. The timestamp is shown in UTC format that includes the Z for Zulu time to allow the ATO to convert to a consistent local time.




Note that the key change BMS GUID of the STP Phase 2 will be activated in the next Financial Year 2023-24.

For this Financial Year 2022-23, BMS ID will be same as reported earlier in STP Phase 1.


🔗Click to view the ATO’s Key Identifiers Position Paper document for BMS GUID.

Pay Event Employee File

Tax Treatment/Income Stream Codes

The Tax Treatment and Income Stream Codes are generated based on the selected Tax Scale for the employee and are sent to ATO. The Tax Treatment code is a six-character code and the Income Stream Type Code is a three-character code for each employee 😇.


The Income Stream Type Code Tuple is created after selecting the Income Stream as shown in the figure below.


Commencement Date

The Commencement Date is mandatory for the pay events with a Pay/Update date after ‘30/06/2020’. If the employer does not have a historical commencement date, the default value of ‘01/01/1800’ will be reported.

The Commencement Date Tuple is created that shows the employment start date.


Employment Basis Code

The Employment Type is declared in the TFN Declaration form of the member in the web application.


The Employee Basis Code Tuple is created that shows the employment type as Full Time (F), Part Time (P), or Casual (C).


Cessation Date

In case your employees leave the organization, reporting their cessation date and the reason reduces the need for you to provide a separation certificate 🗓.

The Cessation Date Tuple is created that shows the employment end date.


Cessation Type Code

As per ATO guidelines for STP phase 2, it is mandatory to report the termination reason in the Reason Category for the terminated members.


The Cessation Type Code Tuple is created that shows the Reason Category as Voluntary (V), Ill health (I), Deceased (D), Redundancy (R), Dismissal (F), Contract Cessation (C), or Transfer (T).


SAPTO Scale 2 - Senior Pensioners Tax Offset

As per ATO guidelines for STP phase 2, it is mandatory to report the Marital Status for the members having tax scale as SAPTO Scale 2 - Senior Pensioners Tax Offset.


In the Applicant portal application, an applicant needs to report the Marital Status having tax scale as SAPTO Scale 2 - Senior Pensioners Tax Offset. In the Finance page, when the applicant selects the Tax Obligation Table as SAPTO Scale 2, click the hyperlink to select the Marital Status as shown in the figure below.


How to Generate Existing Members List having Tax Scale as “SAPTO Scale 2 - Senior Pensioners Tax Offset”?

In the Finance application, to generate the list of the existing members having Tax Scale as SAPTO Scale 2 - Senior Pensioners Tax Offset:

  • Click Reports Member Member Finance Details and the Finance Details (Member) pop-up window opens

  • In the Obligation Table, select SAPTO SCALE 2

  • In the Report Data, select Finance and click Report, and the Member Finance Details report is generated that includes the list of members with the SAPTO Scale 2 as shown in the figure below


Workers Holiday Maker

As per the ATO obligation, the clients must be registered as an employer of Working Holiday Maker in case of employment or planning to employ workers who hold either:


In the Obligation tab of the Member Payroll screen, on clicking the Working Holiday Maker checkbox, the Tax Scale as Workers Holiday Maker Scale is selected.

Workers Holiday Maker Scale

When the Employer of Workers Holiday Maker (WHM) is Registered, the Workers Holiday Maker Scale is selected as shown in the figure below.


  • Click the user login drop-down in the Entire Recruit application and open the Application Settings

  • In the Application Settings, click System Configurations

  • In the Other Settings, set the Employer Worker Holiday Maker registration status as Registered or Unregistered.


Sliding Rate Obligations

For the Workers Holiday Maker scale, below is the Sliding Rate Obligations range applicable.


Workers Holiday Maker Scale - Unregistered Employer

In case the Client is not registered as an employer of Workers Holiday Maker, review the setting Employer Worker Holiday Maker registration status is set to Unregistered.



The Tax Scale for the Workers Holiday Maker members in the Member module should be 'WORKERS HOLIDAY MAKER SCALE - UNREGISTERED EMPLOYER' before processing the Payrun in STP Phase 2.

Sliding Rate Obligations

For the Workers Holiday Maker - Unregistered Employer tax scale, below is the Sliding Rate Obligations range applicable.


The Tax Treatment Code Tuple is created after selecting the Tax Obligations as the ‘Workers Holiday Maker Scale - Unregistered Employer ’ scale as shown in the figure below.


Workers Holiday Maker Scale - No TFN Supplied

The Workers Holiday Maker Scale - No TFN Supplied is selected when a Workers Holiday Maker member fails to provide TFN and it has been more than 28 days since the request for the TFN Declaration was performed. When the STP file is generated for the member with this scale, the member’s home country and Income stream type as WHM are selected.

Sliding Rate Obligations

For the Workers Holiday Maker - No TFN Supplied tax scale, below is the Sliding Rate Obligations range applicable.


The Tax Treatment Code Tuple is created after selecting the Tax Obligations as the ‘Workers Holiday Maker Scale - No TFN Supplied’ scale as shown in the figure below.


How to Generate Existing Members List having TFN ‘000 000 000’?

In the Staff portal application, to generate the list of the existing members having TFN ‘000000000’:

  • Click Reports Member Reports Member Detail Report and the Member Report opens

  • Select the filter option as the Financial Details option and click Export Members Report to Excel and the Members Detail Report is downloaded

  • Open the CSV file to fetch the list of members by filtering TFN ‘000000000’


Validations for Workers Holiday Maker

1. In the Finance application, in case the user selects any of the Workers Holiday Makers Tax Scale i.e., ‘Workers Holiday Maker Scale’, ‘Workers Holiday Maker Scale - No TFN Supplied’ or ‘Workers Holiday Maker Scale - Unregistered Employer’ and the Worker Holiday Maker checkbox is not selected, the validation message will appear as shown in the figure below.


3. In the Applicant portal application, in case the user selects any other tax scale other than the Workers Holiday Maker Scales, and the Working Holiday Maker checkbox is selected, the validation message appears ‘Invalid Tax Scale selection. Please uncheck the Working Holiday Maker option to save the selected Tax Scale’.


Passport Country

In the Staff portal, the Passport Country in the Visa of an employee is selected using the drop-down field. In Passport Country, the user needs to select the required country from the drop-down (smile).

Country Code

The Country Code is reported for the home country of employees who are Inbound Assignees or Working Holiday Makers. For example, if you make a payment to an Australian resident working overseas or to a working holiday maker, you need to provide information about the host or home country 🌏.


The Country Code Tuple is created after selecting the Passport Country as shown in the figure below.


PAYGW Amount

The PAYGW Amount reports the payments withheld for the employees and must be included separately as YTD amounts you have withheld from each income type. This is the YTD PAYGW Amount withheld from the gross amounts for the relevant income stream.

The PAYGW Amount Tuple is created after providing the amount withheld for the employee as shown in the figure below.



The Overtime reports the YTD Overtime amount for the specific income type. The Overtime includes the work👷‍♂️:


The Overtime Tuple is created for the YTD Overtime for the employee as shown in the figure below.


Bonuses and Commissions

The Bonuses and Commissions payments are paid to employees to reward their performance, service, or for meeting a specific goal. Only pre-sacrifice amounts that are classified as OTE should be included as bonuses and commissions 🤑.


The Bonuses and Commissions Tuple is created for the employee who received this amount as shown in the figure below.



In STP Phase 2, all the Allowances and Additions are itemised separately, not just expense allowances that may have been deductible on the employee’s IITR. This means that allowances and additions that used to be reported as Gross for the income type must now be separately itemised in STP Phase 2 reporting.



ATO has defined mandatory obligations to report Child Support amounts through STP Phase 2, click to view the detailed information.

Review Allowances and Addition Settings in Masters

You must ensure the following points before processing the STP run:


The Allowances Tuple is created for the employee that shows the allowance type, and amount details as shown in the figure below.


Remap Allowances and Additions Codes with New Codes Defined by ATO

The STP Allowances and Additions codes will be remapped by the Entire OnHire team with the new codes defined according to ATO guidelines.




Sub Type





Cents per km allowance. This is the car expense allowance.




Overtime meal allowance.




Tool allowance.




Qualification and certification allowance.




Task allowance.




Other Allowance with Category as General for allowances such as Laundry allowance for the cost of laundering deductible conventional clothing.




Other allowance with Category as a home office for allowances such as home office equipment and the Internet. 




Other allowance with Category as non deductible for allowances such as private travel such as travel between home and work, payments for the cost of transport for private purposes.




Other allowance with Category as transport/fares for allowance payments, cost of transport for business related travel not traceable to a historical award in force on 29 October 1986.




Other allowance with Category as a uniform for allowances paid for the purchase of a uniform.




Other allowance with Category as a private vehicle for allowances such as cents per km payments for vehicles other than a car such as a motorbike or a van,
flat rate car allowance that is referable to the kilometers travelled.



Bonuses and Commissions (Do not map the bonuses or commissions that are paid in respect of overtime).


STP Phase 2 introduces the ability to report the deductions for Child Support Garnishee/ Child Support Deduction and eliminates the need for employers to provide separate remittance advice to the Child Support Registrar while reporting through STP. However, you need to pay the required amounts directly to ATO by the date specified in your notice.


The Deduction Tuple is created for the employee that shows the deduction details as shown in the figure below.


Salary Sacrifices

The Salary Sacrifices Tuple in the employee file includes the 'S' code in TypeC and the amount of salary sacrifices in PaymentA.



The Superannuation Tuple in the employee file includes the 'L' code in EntitlementTypeC and the amount of Guarantee Super in EmployerContributionsYearToDateA.


Only zero or positive amounts should be reported for the YTD amount.


ATO’s Position Papers for STP Expansion

The ATO has provided detailed information for Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 that includes various Position Papers. These Position Papers provide a detailed context with examples to help and implement STP Phase 2 efficiently.


Document Name

Document Links

Disaggregation of Gross Position Paper

Click to view the Disaggregation of Gross Position Papers

Tax Treatment Position Paper

Click to view the Tax Treatment Position Papers

Key Identifiers Position Paper

Click to view the Key Identifiers Position Papers

Income Types/Country Codes Position Paper

Click to view the Income Types/Country Codes Position Papers

Other Components Position Paper

Click to view Other Components Position Papers

Key Dates Guidance Notes

Click to view the Key Dates Guidance Note Position Papers

Business Implementation Guide

Click to view the Business Implementation Guide

Child Support Position Paper

Click to view the Child Support Position Paper
