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Visa Exclusion Period

Certain student visa's allow out-of-session exclusion periods where the Visa holder can work unlimited hours when their course is considered to be out of session. This is captured in Entire OnHire by entering the Non-Residents out-of-session dates in the Exclusion Period fields within the Employment Details.



If an exclusion period is entered the system overrides the Visa Hours Regulation Program within the dates set to allow Non-Resident members to work above the working hours limit entered in Entire OnHire.

For example, the below image would allow this member to work unlimited hours between 20/12/2018 - 02/02/2019

If a member has a permanent unlimited working hours limit please do not enter their hours limit as Zero, as this will flag the member as exceeding the hours limit for every shift. Instead, enter hours that are above a standard working week for example 70 hours.


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