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What is Deadlock?

Question: So, what's this "deadlock" thing in the error message?

Answer: Alright, think of "deadlock" as a digital traffic jam. You know when two cars are stuck in a narrow road and neither wants to back up? Same deal here – it's like computer processes are stuck, waiting for each other to move, and nothing's getting done.

As for that error message you're seeing, it's popping up because our server is having a bit of a traffic party. It's not a total roadblock, but some processes are hitting a snag due to the commotion.

Good news is, we're on it! We're chatting with our behind-the-scenes team to beef up the server setup. That way, it'll be better equipped to handle all the digital hustle and bustle, and those "deadlocks" should become less of a bother.

Got more questions or want to talk about this tech stuff? Don't hesitate to drop a line to our support crew. We're here to help and make sure your experience is smooth sailing.

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