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Process Availability Member Status Screen

The Process Availability Member Status Screen is an interactive report that allows users to easily contact members that do not have their future availability entered within the system.

To access this report please visit: Reports found in the top drop down menu.


This is a dynamic report that searches members past activity (Period Prior) against their future availability (Period Future) within the system. The report will provide a list of members that are a result of the combined Period Prior and Period Future search results. It will only provide Members that match both Availability Status's selected within both date ranges.

The Period Prior section searches past activity depending on the Availability Status selected, please read below on the different options available within the Period Prior section.

  • BLANK "--Select--" - This will search all members irregardless of their activity in the period prior date range.

  • BOOKED - The system searches for members that were booked into shifts within the selected period prior date range.

  • AVAILABLE & UNBOOKED - The system searches for members that were recorded as available and were not booked for a shift within the period prior date range.

  • UNKNOWN & UNBOOKED - The system searches for members that were not available and were not booked for a shift within the period prior date range.

The Period Future section will search the system to provide results of Members against the Availability Status selected for the future period date range, please read below on the different status's available.

  • AVAILABLE & UNBOOKED - Members who have their availability set as available and do not have a shift booked within the period future date range.

  • POSSIBLE & UNBOOKED - Members who have their availability set as possible and do not have a shift booked within the period future date range.

  • UNKNOWN & UNBOOKED - Members who do not have availability set and do not have a shift booked within the period future date range.

  • NOT AVAILABLE & UNBOOKED - Members who have set their availability as not available and do not have a shift booked within the period future date range.

How to run the Process Availability Report

  1. Enter in the data fields you wish to set ensuring data is selected against the mandatory fields marked with an * .

  2.  Select either Submit or Export to Excel to Run report:

  • Submit - Results will load below allowing you to send SMS or Push Notifications

  • Export to Excel - Results will be downloaded to an excel document.

If you wish to contact Members via SMS or Push Notification please select the Submit option.

  1.  Select the top column Tick Box to select all Members if you don't wish contact some members please deselect their individual Tick Boxes.

2. Select the Blue Hyperlink message to SMS all select Members at once. (Please note: If you wish to message individual Members please select the SMS Hyperlink located in the same row as the Member).

3. Once the Send SMS screen appears select SMS Template from drop down field.

5. Select Send SMS or Send Push Notification


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