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Within this Colum, you can see the timing of How long it has been within the system since being entered



Within this Colum, you can see the timing of How long it has been since the last action as been taken on the shift

Shift Status Notes


Within this Colum, you can see the Shift Status Notes can be updated by

  1. Selecting the Shift

  2. Typing in your note

  3. Then Click the Icon - Note

    Image Modified

Shift Status


Within this Column you are able to see what status is there - For more information please review Glossary of Shift Status Codes

Another Function of this is if you click on it you are able to email the client/professional or member using your email templates




This icon will only work if you have members within the shift. For more information Sending SMS and Push Notifications

You can click the icon and it will fill in the member/s number so you can send PN or SMS using templates or type your own message




Within this section, you will be able to see members' names if allocated and if you click on the member name you will bring up the member contact card - If there are multiple members you will see all contact cards.

For more information Member Contact Card



If you select this it will allow you to complete a standard search (Matching AVAILS, QUAL, OFFICE)


For more information please review Allocations Search options



This Icon Only works if there is a member in the shift and it will change to


If you click this you will get the What is a Member Card?




This shows the Priority of the Shift (Service Location) and the lower the number the higher priority so these shifts will be shown at the top of the screen getting priority of allocations



Within this, you are able to see the Office that the Service Location is Attached to.

If you click this you will be able to view the following information - You are able to search another location from the drop-down at the top or load the tree structure and change the data that way




This shows if the shift is locked by another member or if there is a location document attached


If the shift is red it means another user is locked on the shift and you are able to access the shift at the same time. If you hover over the locked shift you will be able to see what user is locked onto the shift




This allows you to select on 1 or more shifts

BN - (Booking Notes)


If this is orange it means that there is booking notes on that shift


  • Internal

  • Show to Member

  • Show to Client


Service Location


This shows the Service Location which is where the shift is taking place



This allows you to SMS the client/professional

Delivery Location


This shows the Delivery Location if required and usually as a separate address of the service location



This states the Qualification required for the shift



This states the expertise of the shift if required which you are able to search on

Start Date


This states the Date of the shift

End Date


This states the end date of the shift - usually only if it is an unmanaged job - Supercharger Growth Module - Unmanaged Jobs



This states the day of the week of the shift



This states the Shift Type = AM - PM - NS - SL etc



This states the start time of the shift



This states the end time of the shift



This shows the professionals name who requested the shift



This is referring to the Shift Ratio, For more information Shift Ratios

S Log


This is the Shift Log - Which shows you everything that has happened within actions on that shift


C Log


This shows the booked/timesheet submitted shifts for that location which you can filter with a date range. You are also able to search for other clients' names from here.


R & R


This allows you to view the Member requests and Restrictions/Client Restrictions and Requests for that Service Location. You are also able to search for any other service/delivery to review


Order No.


This shows the order number that you entered at the time of the shift



Within this section, you are able to see the suburb where the service location is based in

Loading Speed


DB Execution Time : 0.220 Sec | Total Time Elapsed : 1.072 Sec
