Shift Ratios
Shift ratios allow you to bulk edit/action shifts within the same ratio. This means they were entered within “Multi-Shifts”
This screen is designed to allow quick multiple shifts changes without performing any checks related to Visa, Police, Registration, Overlapping shift timings & Shift Status.
Before making any changes, please ensure to perform necessary checks to avoid Booking errors or use other shift editing options on Allocation screen for system to perform automatic check
To access Shift Ratios you need to click on the “Number” which outlines the ratio.
Which will lead you here - Our Booking Ratio Screen
And you have the following options
Booking Ratio: Booking Notes
This allows you to Bulk Edit your Booking Notes
Select Shift/shifts
Click Booking Notes
Enter Booking Notes, Click show to Member and Client if required
Booking Ratio: Shift Error
Please keep in mind this does not inform the member if they are in the shift
Select Shift/shifts
Click Shift Error
Enter Reason
Booking Ratio: Shift Cancelled
Please keep in mind this does not inform the member of the cancellation automatically
Entire Suggests to SMS/Calling before Cancelling to inform the member that they have been cancelled but doesn’t have to acknowledge the cancellation
Select Shift/shifts
Click Shift Error
Enter Reason
Booking Ratio: Member Pulled Out
Please keep in mind this does not notify the Member automatically
Select Shift/shifts
Click Member Pulled out
Enter Reason
Booking Ratio: Edit Multiple Shifts
Please keep in mind this does not notify the staff regarding the changes automatically
Select Shift/shifts
Click Edit Multiple Shifts
Edit the Shift as required
Enter Reason
Booking Ratio: Duplicate Shifts
Select Shift/shifts
Click Duplicate Shifts - then it will open a new table with the Multi-bookings
Go to “ Re Occurrence” then “ Duplicate Shift(s)
The follow Popup will appear
Select the date you would like the shifts to start from again
OPTIONAL - Decide to keep the same members in or no members
OPTIONAL - Update Booking Notes
OPTIONAL - Shift Status
Those new shifts will load into your list of Unconfirmed Shifts with a new ratio but it is a duplicate of your original shifts
Then either Confirm or Confirm and Release and follow your allocating process once the shifts are confirmed
Booking Ratio: Send SMS
Select Shift/shifts
Click Send SMS
Then Select a Template or Write your own message
Select SMS or Push Notification
Booking Ratio: Upload Document
Select Shift/shifts
Click Upload Document
Update File Name and then Upload the File
Confirm Upload
Booking Ratio: Extend Order
Select one shift only
Click Extend Order
Enter the additional Single shift you wish to add to this ratio
Confirm Shifts
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