EntireOnHire l

Glossary of Shift Status Codes

The purpose of the Status codes is to provide the exact situation of a shift during the Allocations process and a defined pathway. All of which are time and date stamped in the Shift Log. The Status of the shift can be changed by either selecting the Status from the drop-down box and Updating or clicking on one of the Status Hot Buttons on the Menu bar. In defining the pathway the Status codes are designed to be used in set sequences:

Entry of Shifts

  • Shift Entered | Shift entered by Allocations Officer or Client

  • Client Request | Client has entered & selected a Member

  • CASCOM Release | Shift entered from CASCOM interface

Member Awareness

  • Shift Released |Open to all suitable Members

  • Shift Broadcast | Confined to a selected Group of Members

  • Shift Assigned | Allocated to one Member

Member Responses

  • Member Accepted | Individual Member accepts a shift

  • Member Declines | Does not wish to take shift offered

  • Member Offered | Member offered shift & awaiting their response.

Client Responses

  • Client Confirmed | Client confirms the suitability of the Member offered

  • Client Proposed | Client offered Member for shift & awaiting their response

Moving Members

  • Member Removed | Member removed from the shift by Allocations Officer

Termination of Shifts

  • Shift Unfilled | Agency unable to fill prior to starting time (Automated & Manual entry)

  • Client Withdrawn | Client cancels BEFORE Member Accepts

  • Client Cancel | Client cancels AFTER Member Accepts

  • Member Pulled Out | Member cancels after previously Accepting

  • Shift Cancelled | Used after "Client Cancel" or "Member Pulled Out" when the other party is notified

  • Shift Error | Shift has been entered in error

Financial Compensation

  • Member Compensate | Payment to Member when shift cancelled & Client not charged

Confirmation of Shift

  • Shift Booked | Both Member and Client have confirmed/accepted the shift.



Glossary Terms by Allocation Section


There is one outstanding action required to finalise shift(s)

Member Accepted- The Member has accepted the shift but the Client has yet to be advised of member's name.

Client Cancel - The Client has cancelled a shift that was previously Shift Booked or Member Accepted, requiring the Member to acknowledge the cancellation.

Client Confirmed - The Member’s name has been confirmed with the Client as attending BUT the Member has yet to accept/decline the shift. (Commonly referred to as 'pre-selling') 


Reserved/holding shift for a nominated individual or group of Members

Member Assigned – A single Member has been allocated to the shift. It will only be visible to this Member and they can accept/decline the shift via App/Portal/Call.

Member Broadcast – Multiple Members have been allocated to the shift. All Members allocated will be able to view and accept/decline in a “First in Best Dressed” system. Once a single Member has accepted the shift it will no longer be available to the other Members who were in the broadcast.

Client Proposed - A single Member has been proposed/offered to a Client for a shift and the agency is awaiting confirmation if the Client approves and confirms the Member.

 Member Offered - Defines that the Member has been Offered a shift but they are still to provide their answer. For example, a message may have been left with a spouse, but the Agency is yet to hear back from the Member.


Available shifts that have not been pre-allocated to a Member and are required to be filled

Shift Entered - The shift has been entered into the system and is only visible for internal staff and Clients/professionals (providing they have access to App/Portal)

Shift Released - The shift has been entered into the system and visible on the Members App & Portal for all Members matching the shift criteria and released parameters. Here they can accept the shift if they would like to work it.

Member Declined - The Member has declined an offered shift.

Member Removed - The Member has been removed from a shift by the agency.

Member Pulled Out - Member has communicated that they cannot attend a previously accepted shift.

CASCOM Released - Defines that a shift has been released from the CASCOM (Shift match) interface to all Members who match the required Qualifications and Preferences.


All bookings are considered ‘closed’ and no further action is needed unless required

Shift Booked - The shift has been accepted/confirmed by all parties i.e. Member has accepted & Client has confirmed.

Shift Cancelled - The shift has been cancelled by the Client & the cancellation has been acknowledged by the Member.

Client Withdrawn - The Client has advised the shift is no longer required prior to filling.

Shift Unfilled – The shift was unable to be filled & the client has been advised.

Shift Error – The shift was incorrectly entered and does not need to be filled.

Timesheet Submitted - Member has submitted their timesheet after attending the booked shift.

Member Compensate - Used in cases where Members need to be financially compensated for a cancellation of a previously booked shift

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