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Mandatory Member Data Details

Purpose Of The Report

Date Range

Purpose Of The Report

Date Range

This report has been designed for users to find Members that are missing Mandatory details within their profile.


The Mandatory Data Details report has been designed for users to find Members that are missing Mandatory details within their profile.

The reports available are:

 ·       Active Members who have no Active bank Account

·       Active Members who have no Superannuation account or Super Fund Number

·       Active Members whose TFN, or Obligation Table are Missing

·       Active Members who do not have Superannuation Obligation selected

·       Active Members whose primary Pay level is missing

·       Active Members who have not selected to receive Payslips via Email/Online Portal

·       Active Members who are ticked to receive payslips but are missing Email ID/Postal Address


Authorised Users can access the report by selecting:

Reports > Member >Mandatory Data Details


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