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Payroll History Report

The Payroll History Report has three report options; Summary, Detail and All Staff. Each report option provides the following information in different formats:

 ·    Number of Shifts

·    Normal Hours

·    Normal Hours $ Amount

·    Overtime Hours

·    Overtime Hours $ Amount

· Allowances Total $ Paid

·    Additions

·    Deductions

·   Non- Taxable Income

·   Gross Taxable Tax

·   Amount Superannuation

·   Net income


Summary- Total Calculation of figures within date range selected per Member.

Detail - Calculation of figures per Member per Shift within the date range selected.

All Staff - Calculation of figures for all Staff within date range selected.

 The report also provides the ability to select State, Office and Member to filter the data if required. The Export to Excel option is available when running a Summary or Detail report.

Authorised Users can access the report by selecting:

Reports > Payroll > Payroll History


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