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Entire OnHire Members App Check-In / Check-Out Help Manual

Users will be able to perform Check-In/Check-out for Shifts from their Members App. Users can use this feature only for booked shifts. Whenever shift status is booked then Check-In feature will be available for user. Check-In feature is flag based and only available when it is sets true in company registration table. If flag is false then there will be no Check-In option for user in app. User can simply view shift details in app. Check-In allows to enter Check-In time as per user’s Check-In time. Actual Check-In time is also recorded by the app.

Check-In / Check-out notification sets for user as per the time set in database. If notification time sets 60 minutes then user will receive Check-In notification accordingly from Shift Start Time.


Mobile App Dashboard screen shot showing Check-In Option


On Check-In icon tap, Below Screen allows user Check-In


  • -  To Check-In user has to press on Check-In button, Before Check-In user can change start time as per his Check-In time for shift. On success timer will start and run as per current time and actual end time of shift. It will show the remaining time. Looks very informative screen for user.

  • -  When user tap on Check-In button it records actual Check-In time. User cannot change that time but they can change start time as per their starting time. Time when user is starting his shift, User can select and Check-In.

  • -  As per the selected start time Check-In button will be shown on screen. If Start Time is less than current time then Check-In button will be shown on screen. If Selected Start time is greater than current time then Check-In button will be shown when selected start time gets equal to current time.

  • -  User can enter Shift Start and Shift End time. Like user can change Shift Start and End Time on timesheet screen. Basically this flexibility allows user to enter their shift start and end timings if they are coming late/early or leaving late/early from their shift.

  • -  Check-out allows app to record actual Shift Check-out time.

Mobile App Dashboard screen shot showing Check-Out Option


On Check-Out icon tap, Below Screen allows user Check-Out (Screen 1)

  • -  If user Checked In then user will receive Check-out notification at Shift End time.

  • -  User can Check-out early (before shift actual end time) and submit timesheets.

  • -  When user tap on Check-out button it records actual Check-out time. User cannot change that time but they can change End Time as per their ending time. Time when user is leaving from shift, User can select and Check-out from shift.

  • -  If user Check-out time is before Shift End Time then user will get one pop up to notify user that he is checking out from shift before Shift End Time with yes/no options. Tapping on yes will result in successfully Check-out and provide two options to user Submit Timesheet Now and Submit Timesheet Later.


Check-out Screen - 4


Check-out Screen - 5


  • Submit Timesheet Later option will take user to dashboard with Shift in Progress Label as user Checked Out before shift end time but timesheet is not submitted so timesheet icon will appear on shift ans user can again go for submit timesheet now option on Check-In Screen or same shift will appear on timesheet screen.

Check-out Screen (On Tap Submit Timesheet Now) - 6

  • -  Submit Timesheet Now will take user to timesheet detail screen with prefilled (Selected Start/End Time) details with Checked In and Checked Out timestamp details.

  • -  As user checked out early (before shift end time) then also user can submit timesheet.

  • -  Check-In/Check-out feature allows user to submit their timesheets early, they do not have to wait till shift actual end time. User can Check-In and Check-out early and proceed to submit timesheet.

  • -  If Check-In/Check-out is not done by user then Check-In and Check-out time will be timesheet submission time.

  • -  If Check-In is done but Check-out is not done by user and shift is ended then in timesheet listing shift will appear with red Check-out icon and Check-out time will be timesheet submission time.

  • -  If shift Check-In/Check-out done then it will start appearing in timesheet section.

Check-In / Check-out integration with Timesheet submission

Now timesheet section will show timesheets for whom Check-In / Check-out is done but shift actual time is not ended including the timesheets for past shifts. We have enhanced

timesheet slightly for users and to give them flexibility to submit timesheet early, before shift end time.

Timesheet Detail Screen 1


  • -  If Check-In flag is false and shift time is ended then it will appear in timesheet tab. Like it used to appear after Shift End Time.

  • -  If Check-In flag is true then timesheet tab contains past time sheets and in-progress shift timesheets if Check-In and Check-out is done for the shift. This feature allows user to Submit Timesheet before shift end time if Check-In and Check-out is done for the shift.

  • -  Also Check-In and Check-out date time stamp will appear on Timesheet detail screen.

  • -  If Check-In is done and Check-out is not done also shift is ended then it will appear in

    Timesheet Tab with red Check-out icon.

  • -  If Check-In done & Check-out is done before shift actual end time, Also user submitted

    Timesheet then it will not appear in timesheet listing and not on dashboard.

  • -  If Check-In is done and Check-out is done before shift actual end time then timesheet will

    appear in listing.


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