EntireOnHire l

X6.0.4 Release Notes - August 2021

We are pleased to roll out Entire OnHire X6.0.4


Bug Fixes

We are constantly working to improve our Entire OnHire Application and have fixed all these bugs for you.




Invoice Report on Web is having issue due to crystal report.

Issue Amended. In the Reports Finance Reports Invoices, the user can now can get indefinite number of invoice reports without any error.


Availability Report Issue: New Report due to Crystal Report issue.

Issue Amended. In the Reports Availability Report  Member Availability Report, is now generated on the web.


User master issues.


Issue Amended. In the Masters EntireHR Users, the EntireHR Users page now highlights the Last Login Attempt in Green color, and the data is sorted as per Last Login Attempt.

Also, user is able to Logout, on clicking the logout icon.


Casual Application Page, Qualification coming in Sentence case e.g.: Pca - asking for fix. 

Issue Amended. In the Casual Application Page Basic Details, all the Qualification drop-down options are appearing in All Caps.


2FA Issues - restricting special characters.


Issue Amended. In the Masters Two-Factor-Authentication, the Security Questions are allowed to enter special characters now.


Office column missing in Current Booking Report - Export to CSV.


Issue Amended. In the Reports Booking Report  Current Booking Report, on clicking Export to CSV, now in the CSV file, a new column has been added as the ‘Relationship Office’.


Casual Application Page Issues.


Issue Amended. In the Casual Application Page:

  • On setting the Seek flag to ‘Off’ the ‘Apply with Seek’ flickering is not appearing when logging into the application.

  • Now, all the dropdowns in the Application Details have the validations and user has to select from the provided options only.

  • Now, on uploading the resume and cover letter, the validation will check for the corrupt files. In case the file is corrupt or with size 0, the user will not be able to proceed further, and a validation message will appear. 


Remove +61 from Country dropdown of Casual Application Page.


Issue Amended. In the Casual Application Page Basic Details, all the country codes are removed from the Country field.


On uploading multiple documents from member/Applicant document page, the document is getting corrupted. 

Issue Amended. In the Member Member Details Documents, for the Employment Documents, user can upload or download multiple documents without any issues.


Email Received with no attachments.


Issue Amended. In the Allocation, while sending the Shift Details to the clients, the client receives the attached documents.


In MFA system, the user is not allowed to update the questions which are already in use by the peers’ staff.

Issue Amended.  In the Masters Two-Factor-Authentication, now the Administrator will be allowed to add/modify/delete the Security Questions.


HTML tags coming on the screening notes.


Issue Amended. In the Recruitment, the Screening Notes for the Applicant is appearing in the text format only.


When clicking on the down arrow button on the Appointment Module, 24 hours date format is not opening.


Issue Amended. In the Appointment, the Show 24 hours appointment schedular expandable button is working as required and the user is able to book appointments after 5 pm.


Expiry date non-mandatory on Applicant Portal.

Issue Amended. In the Applicant Portal, for the Online Application Details of the Applicant, while filling the file details in the Documents, the user will be able to Submit the document without providing details in the non-mandatory fields.


On client mobile app - change password functionality is not working. 

Issue Amended. On the mobile app (for Branded app) the user can reset the password successfully.


Dynamic Version Code linking with Release Note.


Issue Amended. The dynamic version code in the application will now be linked to the corresponding version release notes. 


Applied Candidate Count Issue on Talent Search.


Issue Amended.  In the Placements Job Search, on clicking the Candidates count link, the Job Application count is matching now.


Unable to download seek resume on the Casual Page when submitting the form using seek button. 

Issue Amended.  In the Casual Application, the applicant can now download the resume while submitting form using Seek.


In case of Re-enrolment the Cover Letter is not viewable.


Issue Amended. In the Casual Application, while re-enrolment, the applicant can preview the cover letter now.



We have incorporated enhancements and fixes to provide you with a delightful user experience . We would love to hear back from you. Please drop your suggestions and feedback at feedback@entiresoftware.com.


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