EntireOnHire l

XeopleSign - Phase 1


XeopleSign is designed to manage the digital document workflow and allows you to generate, submit/receive and e-Sign online documents. This saves time with flexible workflow capabilities that allow you to automate and standardize critical processes and with the ability to set the order of steps and recipients of documents.

The XeopleSign helps to make the process simpler for tracking and reminding the status of the document until completed. It emails a link to the recipients that can be used to access the document. These documents are stored securely for easy retrieval .

The highlighting features of the XeopleSign include:

  • Generate templates and define workflow – You can pre-populate fields, gather, and validate data while signing and sending the data to your systems.

  • Track documents easily and securely – Your clients can quickly access and sign legal documents from any device.

  • Transparency in managing document process – You can view the status of each document at every stage. This keeps you updated about the current status of the document.

Currently, we are supporting the Enterprise Version of the XeopleSign that is integrated with the Entire OnHire application.

How to Access XeopleSign?

1. Direct Dashboard

To access the XeopleSign Dashboard, click the XeopleSign from the user login of the Entire OnHire application as shown in the figure below.

On clicking the XeopleSign, the XeopleSign Dashboard page opens and displays all the documents placed at various stages.

2. Personnel Card

To access the XeopleSign and share the document with a specific member, use the Personnel Card option. From the Personnel Card option, you can access the XeopleSign in the following ways:

This will be a one-to-one sharing of the XeopleSign document.

A. Click the Personnel Card Quick Link and search for the required member.

Now, click the XeopleSign icon for the selected member.

For the Entire OnHire Applicants, the XeopleSign icon will be visible once the interview is scheduled.

B. From the Personnel Card of the specific member, click the Documents link as shown in the figure above and the Electronic Submission / Storage of Employment Documents page opens.

Now, click the XeopleSign icon to share the document with the member.

C. From the Personnel Card of the specific member, click the Appointment link as shown in the figure above and the Recruitment page opens.

Now, select the Appointment tab and click the XeopleSign icon to share the document with the member.

3. Contact Member

To access the XeopleSign and share bulk documents with the members, use the Contact Member option.

  • Go to Profiles Members Contact Member.

  • Select the required members for bulk sharing of the document and click the XeopleSign icon.

XeopleSign Dashboard

Open the XeopleSign with the valid authorizations and the Dashboard page of XeopleSign opens.

The Dashboard provides a complete view and control of all the documents. You can view and monitor the document workflow. The dashboard displays the number of documents for each document name, currently placed at the various stages:

Created → When a document is added into the member account from the template.

Sent → When staff sends that document to the user for signing.

Withdraw → The staff has the option to withdraw the document.

Opened → When a member clicks the link shared over the email and opens the document.

Disagreed → When a member disagrees with the terms and conditions of the XeopleSign document.

Agreed → When a member agrees to the terms and conditions of the XeopleSign document.

Declined → When a member has not given consent to sign the document (selected ‘Decline’).

Completed – When a member completes the signing of the document (selected ‘Complete’).

Rejected → The staff has the option to reject the document.

The pictorial representation of the XeopleSign Workflow is explained below .

In XeopleSign Dashboard, the documents placed at various stages are linked to the Shared Documents page for further action in the document.

Search User

You can search for the specific user from the Search User , by providing the name of the user.

To activate the Search User at least three characters of the user name are required. On selecting the specific user, the current electronic documents of the user are displayed.


The Filters are used to retrieve specific documents from the Dashboard page and facilitate in narrowing down the search of the particular documents for the users.

The documents can be filtered based on User Type, Document Type, Document Name, User Name, and the date range of Documents Sent. The Filters set are saved for the logged-in User.

To set the Filters in the Dashboard:

  • Click Filters and the Filters pop-up window opens.

  • Provide the desired filter criteria and click Save.

  • The Dashboard page is refreshed based on the Filters provided.

  • The new search criteria are saved for the user and reflect the number of filters applied in the Filters (as shown in the figure below).

  • To reset the filters, click Clear.

Field Name


Field Name


User Type

Type of User. Currently, the available user type is Member.

Document Type

Category of the Document Type. Based on the User Type, the Document Type are fetched.

Document Name

Name of the Document(s).

User Name

Name of the Users with whom the documents were shared.

Document Sent Date From & Document Sent Date To

To fetch the document sent in between the From & To date range.

Documents which are pending for completion

Shows the documents that have status as Sent, Opened, and Declaration Agreed.

Document Expiry Days Left

Shows the documents whose link will expire in specified days.

On the refreshed and filtered Dashboard page, click the Document Name link and the Shared Documents page opens.

The Shared Documents page shows the Applied Filters that were set in the Dashboard page by the User. The Applied Filters are in Read-only mode and the user can view the applied filter.

Note that in this scenario, the Dashboard page filters are considered as the master filters for the Shared Documents filter search.

Shared Documents

The Shared Documents shows the repository of all the documents that are shared with the members. It displays the Document Type, Document Name, Status, Days Left, Shared With, Sent, and Workflow.

Field Name


Field Name


Document Type

Category of the document.

Document Name

Name of the Document with the link.

You can click the link to preview the document.


Shows the current Status of the document.

The Status can be Created, Sent, Opened, Declaration Agreed, Completed, Rejected, Withdraw, Disagreed, and Declined.

Days Left

Number of days left for the expiry of the document link.

In case the document link is expired, the Days Left will show ‘Expired’ and if the document link is expiring today, it will show ‘Expiring Today’.

Shared With

Name of the member with whom the document was shared.

You can click the link to open the User Documents page of the member.


Date and time when the document was shared with the member.


Link to view the Document Workflow of the member.

Share/Remind User

You can share the document with the User(s). To share the document with the user:

  • Select the checkbox of the document on the left side of the page and click Share/Remind User.

  • The confirmation pop-up window appears. Click Yes and the mail is sent to the selected User.

  • Once the document is sent to the User, it will appear at the top of the Shared Document page with the updated Sent date and time.

  • Similarly, you can share the document with all or multiple users.

To share the document with All users, select the checkbox in the heading row and all the documents are selected (except document with Status as ‘Completed’), now click Share/Remind User. The documents are shared with all the Users.

Export To CSV

The Export To CSV creates and downloads a CSV file for all the available Shared Documents. To create a CSV file, click Export To CSV and all the records will be exported into the CSV file.

The downloaded CSV file shows the Document Id, Document Type, Document Name, User Name, Signing Status, Last Activity, Days Left, User Email, Sender Name, Created On, Send Date, and Reason details of the Shared Documents.

Search Documents

You can search specific documents using the search option in the Shared Documents. The documents can be searched based on Document Type, Document Name, or any data provided in the search. Once the search details are provided, click Search .

The Search helps to quickly fetch the required documents from the list of Shared Documents.

Document Type

The Document Type includes various types of documents and forms a repository of all the available document types. The Document Type page shows the Document Type Name, Created Date, Created By, Status and Action.

You can edit the existing Document Type by clicking the Action icon as shown in the figure below.

Add New Document Type

To add a new document type:

  • Click Add New Type.

  • The Add New Document Type pop-up screen opens. Provide all the required details.

  • Click Save.  The newly added document type is reflected in the Document Type page.

Field Name


Field Name


User Type

Type of User. Currently, the available user type is Member.

Document Type Name

New name of the Document Type.


The Status of the document can be set to Active or Inactive.

Document Templates

The Document Templates facilitates to automate the documentation process and create standardized documents with the same typefaces, colour, logos, and footers. The Document Templates designs the pre-formatted templates that include page content, layout, and dynamic elements that appear on multiple pages.

The Document Templates save time and effort as they are re-usable. You can create multiple document templates for ready reference and share them with the users.

The Document Templates page shows the Document Type, Document Name, Approval, Status, Created By, Created On, and Action of the existing Document Templates. You can edit the existing Document Templates by clicking the Action icon as shown in the figure below.

You can also create a copy of the existing template by clicking the Copy Template icon (as shown in the figure below). On clicking the Copy Template, a new document template is generated with the pre-populated details. Provide the new Document Name, customize the template, and click Save for further use.

Add New Template

To add a new template in the Document Templates, you need to specify the details in Template Details, Include Declaration, Email Configuration, Footer, and Page Number.

To add a new template:

  • Click Add Template.

  • The Add New Template page opens. Provide all the required details.

Field Name


Field Name


Document Type

Category of the Document Type.

Document Name

New name of the document.

Approval Required

Document approval required by the staff.

Notify Users

The Email Ids of the users to whom the members will notify about the status of the document.

Browse Logo

Adds logo in the document. 

Authorized Name

Name of the authorized person.

Authorized Role

Role of the authorized person.


Status of the document. Status of the document can be set to Active or Inactive.

Browse Authorized Signature

To add the authorized signatory in the document.

Template Details

The Template Details is the place where you will create your customized content that will be shared with the members. The template is designed as per your requirement with the help of the Placeholder list and Formatting menu.

In the Template Details area:

  • Key-in the content or you can copy-&-paste existing content in the new template details area.

  • Use the Formatting menu to make the document effective and appealing.

  • Use the Placeholder List. You can drag-&-drop the Placeholders from the available Placeholder List wherever required in the template details area. The details of the placeholder list are explained below.

Placeholder List

Placeholder Name


Placeholder Name



First Name of the member.


Last Name of the member.


Email address of the member.


Mobile number of the member


Address of the member


Date of Birth of the member.


Member’s hiring date.


Last working shift date of the member.


Total paid working hours of the member.


Qualification of the member.


Level of pay of the member.


Current date.


Receiver’s signature.


Authorised person’s signature.


Logo of the company.


Identification Number of Employee.


Adopt Signature Date.

Include Declaration

You can add declarations while creating the template. The declaration will act as a formal statement, consent, or announcement by the member.

To Include Declaration in the document:

  • Click + Add.

  • Provide a Title of the declaration.

  • Provide a Description of the declaration.

You can delete the existing declaration by clicking the delete icon at the end of the declaration.

Email Configuration

The Email Configuration provides the sender's email details.

In the Email Configuration:

  • Provide Email From. If required provide Email CC and Email BCC.

  • Provide Email Subject.

Email Template

The Email Template includes the email content that will be sent to the member. You can customize the formatting of the content by using the Formatting menu.

Email Signature

The Email Signature provides the signature text appended to the end of the email message that usually includes the sender’s name, contact information, or company logo.

To add the Email Signature, click the Browse Email Signature. The Email Signature allows only .png, .jpg, and .jpeg formats with a maximum size of 2 MB.


The Footer information is added at the bottom of the document page containing data common to other pages. The information in footers may include page numbers, creation dates, copyrights, or references.

For the Footer:

  • Provide the required details in the text area.

  • By default, the Footer Margin is set to ‘20’.  You can increase/decrease the footer margin.

  • Select any one of the footer options for your document:

    • Include page footer on the first page

    • Include page footer on each page

    • Do not include page footer

Page Number

To provide the Page Number on every page of the document, select the Show Page Number checkbox.

Once all the required details are provided in the Add New Template, click Save, and the new template is created successfully.

Before saving the template, you can preview the newly created template by clicking Preview Template. Review the new template with all the required details provided.  

Finally, the Document Template is ready for Sharing with the members .

Document Workflow

The Document Workflow shows the workflow of the documents with the sorting order. The typical workflow of the document proceeds with the following steps – 1. Created → 2. Sent → 3. Opened → 3. Declaration Agreed → 4. Completed.

The document can be Withdraw, Disagreed, Declined, Rejected, and Resubmitted by the user/member . For detailed working of the workflow refer to XeopleSign Dashboard.

The Document Workflow page displays the Status Type, Status Keyword, Description, Sorting Order, Status, Created By, Created On, and Action. 

You can only update the existing Status of the document by clicking the Action icon as shown in the figure below. For updating the Status, you will be able to edit the Name of Status, Colour Palette, and Description.

Share Document with Member

Now, the document is ready to be shared with the member .

To share the document with the member:

  • From the Staff portal, click Personnel Card quick link.

  • Search the member and click the XeopleSign logo on the page.

User Documents

On clicking the XeopleSign logo for the selected member, the User Documents page opens in the XeopleSign. The User Documents page of the member shows the User Name, User Id (internal & external Ids), User Type, and current electronic documents of the user.

Add New Document

To add a new document for a member.

  • Click Add New Document (as shown in the figure below).

  • The Add New Document pop-up screen opens. Provide all the required details.

  • Before adding, you can preview the document, by clicking Preview.

  • Click Add.

Field Name


Field Name


Document Type

Category of the document.

Document Name

Name of the document.


Add comments (if required).

The newly added document is reflected in the User Documents Page. This page displays the current electronic documents of the member that shows the Document Type, Document Name (with a link), Status (current status), Last Activity Log, Shared Document, Staff Comment, Workflow, and Action.

Last Activity Log

The Last Activity Log shows the date and time of the last activity performed in the document.

You can click the link to view the Activity Log details. This Activity Log shows all the activities performed in the document and displays the Operation Name, Status, Time Stamp, Event Initiated By, and link to View Document.

Shared Document

The Shared Document shows the link to share the document with the member. 

You can share the document with the member by clicking the Share Document link. Once the document is shared with the user, you can Remind User about the shared document in case you do not receive any response from the user.

Staff Comment

The Staff can View/ Add Comments for the document and all the provided comments will be saved with the date and time.

To add a new comment for the document, click the link to View/ Add Comment. Provide the required comment and click Save.

Document Workflow

The Workflow shows the current status of the document shared with the user. To check the current status and Audit Logs details, click the Workflow link and the Document Status page opens.

In the Document Status, you can view Document Details, Document Preview, Workflow, and Audit Logs.

Document Details

The Document Detail shows the Document Name, DocumentID, Document Type, Shared With, Shared with Email, Status, Sender, Created On, and Send Date.

Field Name


Field Name


Document Name

Name of the document.


Identification number of the document.

Document Type

Category of the document.

Shared With

Name of the member with whom the document is shared.

Shared with Email

Member’s email id.


Current status of the document.


Name of the sender.

Created On

Document creation date and time.

Send Date

Document Send date and time.

Document Preview

The Document Preview shows the actual visual appearance of the document.

  • You can preview the document with the full-screen view by clicking the icon on the top-right of the page.

  • You can download and print this document by clicking Export To PDF. The downloaded PDF file includes Document Details, Workflow, and Audit Logs details.


The Workflow helps to track and manage document workflow. The typical workflow of the document proceeds with the following steps  – 1. Created → 2. Sent → 3. Opened → 3. Declaration Agreed
→ 4. Completed.

1. Created The first stage of the document is Created. This means the document is added for the member and ready to be shared.

2. Sent The staff sends the document to the member for signing.

  • From the Actions, select Send, and the document is shared with the member on his Email Id.

  • The member receives the Email with a link to Review & Sign Document.

3. Opened The member clicks the link shared over the email and opens the document.

  • On clicking the Review & Sign Document Link in the Email received, the member needs to click Agree before proceeding with the signing of the document. This indicates that the member is agreeing with the document synopsis provided.

4. Declaration Agreed → The member agrees to the terms and conditions of the XeopleSign.

  • On clicking the Agree, the member will Start Signing the document.

  • Before signing the document, the member will Adopt Signature.

  • The member can either Draw or Upload the signature and click Save.

  • Now, a member will start signing the document and click the Read & Adopt Signature Here to register his signature in the document.

  • If required the member can Restart Signing before completing the document.

  • Click Restart Signing and provide the confirmation and Adopt Signature again to restart the signature procedure.

5. Completed → The member completes the signing of the document.

  • Once the member registers all the signatures in the document. The Signature completed will be highlighted at the bottom-left of the page in green colour.

  • Select the checkbox(es), in case of any Declaration(s) or Confirmation(s) are included in the document.

  • Finally, Complete the signing procedure of the document.

  • On clicking the Complete, a message ‘The document has been signed successfully, You will receive a copy of signed document' will be flashed and an Email is triggered to the member for successfully completing the signing of the document with the link to the Signed Document.

  • Finally, the workflow of the document is completed with the time and date provided at each stage of the process .

Withdraw Document

The user can Withdraw Documents at the Created and Sent stage of the workflow.

To withdraw the required document:

  • From the Action, select Withdraw.

  • Provide the Reason for the withdrawal of the document in the confirmation box.

  • Click Yes and the document withdrawn email is sent to the member.

  • This document withdrawn can be Resend to the member later.

Reject Document

The user can Reject Documents shared with the member. The document can be rejected when the member has completed signing of the document.

To reject the required document:

  • From the Action, select the Reject.

  • Provide a Reason for rejection of the document in the confirmation box.

  • Click Yes. The document is rejected by the user.

On rejecting the document, the member receives an Email notification that his signed electronic document has been rejected.

Resend Document

The user can Resend Documents to the member. In case a user needs to share the updated document with the member, he can resend the document at the Sent, Opened, Declaration Agreed, and Rejected stages.

To Resend the required document:

  • From the Action, select Resend.

  • The updated document is sent to the member. The member will again receive the Email to Review & Sign Document.

Audit Logs

An audit log shows a record of events and changes in sequential order for the selected document. This log provides documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have taken place at a specific date and time.

The Audit Log of the document shows the Created On (date and time), Status, Operations Details, View Document with the link, and Reason specified (if any). 

You can export the Audit Log into the CSV file by clicking the Export To CSV. The downloaded CSV file includes all the details of Audit Logs.

Contact Log

The Contact Log maintains the detailed XeopleSign logs for a member in the Entire OnHire Staff Portal application. You can view XeopleSign contact logs with details in the comment section of the edit log.

To view the XeopleSign Contact Log for a member:

  • From the Staff portal, click Personnel Card quick link.

  • Search the member, click the View Log, and the Entire OnHire Contact Log page opens.

  • This Entire OnHire Contact Log page displays the Date, Time, Contact Method, Reason of Contact, Contact Outcome, Comments, Contacted Designation, and Contact Status log details for a selected member.

The member can select any of the log detail and click Edit Log to view the Comments. The Comments will show all the available contact log details for a selected member.

For instance, the figure below shows the Comments for 'XeopleSign Document Rejected”. Scroll to view the details in comments such as Name, ID, Document Type, Document Name, Status, Document URL, Staff ID, and Staff Name for this contact log. You can also click the Document URL link to open the document.

Sample Comments for the ‘XeopleSign Document Rejected’

Signed Document has been rejected and below are the details:

ID: MBR0022178
Document Type: Contract of Employment
Document Name: Casual Employment Contract
Document URL: https://document_link_here

Bulk Sharing with Members

To access the XeopleSign and share bulk documents with the members, use the Contact Member option.

  • Go to Profiles Members Contact Member.

  • Select the required members for bulk sharing of the document and click the XeopleSign icon.

  • The Send Document For E-Sign pop-up window opens as shown in the figure below. Select the Document Type and Document Name from the drop-down box.

  • The Send Document For E-Sign pop-up windows get refreshed with the selected Document Type and Document Name.

  • The details shown include the Member ID, Name of the member, Email Id of the member, Last Activity On (date and time), Document Status, Status, and View Document link.

  • You can view the selected user’s document by clicking the View Document link of the member.

  • Select all the users (by clicking the heading checkbox) and click the Share Document, and the Send E-Sign Document Confirmation pop-up window appears showing the number of recipients for the E-Sign document.

  • Click Yes and it may take a while to send the document to all the recipients.

  • Finally, the ‘Document shared Successfully’ message will appear .

Release Notes vX7.0

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