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Profiles Tab - Clients

Search Client

This is where you are able to search for a Clients - this does the same function as clicking on the “Quick Links” - “Clients”

Once either of these are selected it takes you here where you are able to search for Clients in the system and be taken to their details to update


Add New Client

This is where you are able to add whole new clients/trees - For more information on this process please follow

Client Marketing

Client Marketing is where you create notes regarding your clients - once select you are led to this page

You then need to search for a client to update their marketing notes

As you can see here I have selected my Service Location and Updated my notes for Relationships and Objectives

Other marketing notes included

  • Relationships and Objectives

  • Marketing Notes

  • Visits Notes

  • Communication Notes

Please note you are able to update via the Management App -

This is just a storage of information and this does not flow through in any other sections except here


Client Compliances

This takes you to our Client Compliance Feature and for more information please go to


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