EntireOnHire l

Availability Member Status Report

This report is:

This report allows you to report on Member's availability with the following reporting Filters

Mandatory Fields

  • Relation Office

  • Period Future

Optional Fields

  • Availability Type

  • Period Prior

  • Service location

  • Member Name

  • Memeber Qual

  • Expertise

  • Shift Type


Availability Status Summary

Available and Unbooked

  • Member has Entered Avails as Available and Is not Currently Booked

Possible and Unbooked

  • Member has Entered Possible Avails and Is not Currently Booked

Unknown and Unbooked

  • Member has not entered Avails and Is not Currently Booked

Not Available and Unbooked

  • Member has Entered Avails as Unavailable and Is not Currently Booked

To Access:

  1. Reports - Availability Reports - Availability Member Status Report

  2. Enter Relevant fields

  3. Report

To Print

  1. Select which Format from the drop-down

  2. Export - Then it will Download for you

Mandatory Period Prior and Period Future Dates

The Period Prior and Period Future date fields are mandatory and on clicking the Report, the Availability Member Status Report shows the heading including the ‘For the Period Prior <date range>’ and ‘For the Period Future <date range>’ with the available data for the selected date range.

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