Growth Module - Member Fatigue Management
- 1 Video/Book for a Demo
- 2 Introduction
- 3 How to Access Member Fatigue Management?
- 4 Member Fatigue Management
- 4.1 Nominate Control Measure
- 4.2 Auto Check Rules
- 4.3 Add New Rule
- 4.3.1 Rules based on Shift Type
- 4.3.2 Rules based on Shift Hours
- 4.4 Edit Rule
- 4.5 Copy Rule
- 4.6 Delete Rule
- 4.7 Export to Excel
- 4.8 Settings
- 5 Member Fatigue Management in Allocations
- 6 Member Fatigue Management in Client/Professional Portal
- 7 Member App – Member Fatigue Management
Video/Book for a Demo
Click here to book a demo.
Fatigue is a significant issue in modern business, due to high-demand jobs, long duty periods, disruption of daily rhythms, and accumulative sleep debt. It is mental and physical exhaustion that reduces your employee's ability to perform his work safely and actively. Managing fatigue in the workplace is an essential part to get workers' productivity and ensure their safety .
This Member Fatigue Management module allows you to define the control measures that will help you to reduce the risks of fatigue of your members. You will be able to define control measures to manage the shift worked hours within a defined period and can also define the shift hours gaps within the shifts.
Some work sectors are inherently at a higher risk of fatigue, particularly when shift work is part of their business model. This module will help you to define different control measures as per the Member Industry, Member Qualifications, or Member Employment Type.
The control measure defined in this module will work as per members' data. Also, the system will need to know the priority of the applicable control measure condition.
For example, if you have defined a separate rule for each Member Industry, Member Qualifications, or Member Employment Type, the system needs to know which rule will get prioritized to apply the correct condition based on the type of business model. The system will only apply conditions based on the highest priority rule and will ignore the other rules.
How to Access Member Fatigue Management?
To access Member Fatigue Management:
Click Masters → Allocation Master → Member Fatigue Management and the Member Fatigue Management page opens
Member Fatigue Management
The Member Fatigue Management sets the global level to nominate Control Measures and Auto Check the system automatically while allocating shifts to the members in the Staff Portal application.
Nominate Control Measure
To define the Control Measure, select from the following available options:
All Members
Members with Industry match rule
Members with Qualification match rule
Member with Employment type rule
You need to nominate Control Measure with maximum priority in case of multiple rules exists per member of the same combination. The Control Measure lowest to highest priority is defined as All Members → Employee Type → Member Industry → Member Qualification (as explained in the figure below). The highest priority is provided to Member Qualification and the lowest priority is given to All Members.
The default selected Control Measure is All Members. The Staff can override the highest priority on the fatigue rule by selecting the Control Measure that the user wants to provide the highest priority.
In case you have defined a separate rule for each Member Industry, Member Qualification, or Member Employment Type, the system will apply conditions based on the highest priority and ignore other rules. Maximum priority is required when two rules are defined, to understand this process refer to the example explained below.
Example to explain how the rules are applied based on the highest priority and ignore other rules Maximum Priority is required when two rules are defined:
Now, if the Control Measure selected is “Member with Qualification match rule”, then Rule 1 → "Minimum 6 hours gap in between 2 shifts for "RN" Members" will be applicable while Allocating Shifts as well as in Member App while accepting Release Shifts as Rule 1 has the Member Qualification Rule as Control Measure. |
Auto Check Rules
The Auto Check is a mandatory check that will define whether the Member Fatigue Management rules will be checked by the system automatically while allocating shifts to the members or will be done by the internal staff manually whenever required .
Select FALSE – Internal Staff will check the Fatigue Management rules from the Fatigue Management Masters when required. This option will keep the system load balanced
Select TRUE – Active Fatigue Management rules will apply automatically when the internal staff allocates members in the Shift and by default True option is selected
The existing Rules are displayed in the Member Fatigue Management page and display Rule No, Rule, Control Measure Type, Restriction Type, Action Type (External), Rule Apply Start Date, Rule Apply End Date, Last Activity (View Log), Status, and Action.
You can action the existing fatigue rule to Edit, Copy, or Delete.
Add New Rule
To add a New Rule:
Click Add New Rule as shown in the figure above
The Add New Rule pop-up window opens. Provide all the required details
Click Save to save the new rule
Field Name | Description |
Rule Name | Name of the new Member Fatigue Management rule. |
Control Measure (Fatigue Management based on) | Control Measure is selected depending on the rule that needs to be applied on Shifts for the members. The options included are All Members, Member Employment Type, Member Industry, and Member Qualification.
Control Measure Value | Control Measure Value is selected based on the selected Control Measure. The system checks the fatigue rules to be applied for the members having the selected values. For the selected Control Measure, the Control Measure Value shows:
Staff User Action | Staff User Action is selected as Warning or Restriction. Warning – If the Warning is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show an alert to the Staff while allocating shift to the member. However, the Staff will be able to allocate the shift to the member without any restriction. Restriction – If the Restriction is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show a restriction message to the Staff while allocating shift to the member. The Staff will not be able to allocate the shift to the member. |
External User Action | External User Action is selected as Warning or Restriction. Warning – If the Warning is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show an alert to the Client/ Professional while allocating the shift to the member. However, the Client/ Professional will be able to allocate the shift to the member without any restriction. The member in the Member App will get a warning alert on accepting Release Shift if the member does not conform to the fatigue rule. Member will be able to accept that shift without any restriction. Restriction – If the Restriction is selected and the member does not comply with the fatigue rule set, the system will show a restriction message to the Client/ Professional while allocating the shift to the member. The Client/ Professional will not be able to allocate the shift to the members. The member in the Member App will get a restriction message on accepting Release Shift if the member does not conform to the fatigue rule. Member will not be able to accept that Shift. |
Apply Start Date | This Apply Start Date specifies that the fatigue rule will be applicable on shifts from the selected date to the members. From this Start Date, the system will check the fatigue rules for the members while allocating the shifts from the Staff/Client/Professional portal and will also check on accepting Release Shifts from the Member App. |
Apply End Date | This Apply End Date specifies that after this date no restriction will be applicable on the shifts as per the fatigue rule set for the members. Until this End Date, the system will check the fatigue rules for the members while allocating shifts/ accepting Release Shifts from the Member App. |
Restriction Type | The Restriction Type can be either Shift Type or Hour Type. If the Restriction needs to be set against a particular Shift Type booking for a member, then select Shift Type restriction and by default, the Restriction Type selected is Shift Type. If the Restriction needs to be set against the working hours in a day/ week/ month/ fortnight or even gap between two shifts, then select Hour Type restriction. |
Status | Set the selected rule as Active or Inactive. Note that the system checks the fatigue rule only for the rules with the Status as Active. |
Upload File | To upload documents for the fatigue rule, click Choose File. |
Show Uploaded file to Member | Activate the Yes toggle button to show the uploaded file(s) to the members. |
Rules based on Shift Type | |
Old Shift Booking to check | Select the Shift Type that is already booked for the member and the system will restrict the New Shift booking for the member as per the fatigue rule. |
New Shift Booking to restrict | Select the Shift Type that needs to be restricted for member allocation/ member release shift acceptance to manage the fatigue rule. If the shift is not conforming to the rules set, the system will show Warning/Restriction message:
Number of days (- / +) to check the rule validity as per the new booking shift day | Select values between 0, 1, and 2 from the ‘-‘ and ‘+’ drop-downs. Here ‘+’ sign represents future days, and the ‘-‘ sign represents past days. The system will check the fatigue rules set for the shift date of the new shift that is being allocated to members along with the number of days selected in the -/+ drop-down. For example: In case -/+ have values selected as 1/1 respectively and the Shift Date is set to 20/10/2021, the system will check the booked shift date and type for 19/10/2021, 20/10/2021, and 21/10/2021 dates. The value provided in -/+ will check the booked shift date and apply the fatigue rules defined. |
Field Name | Description |
Rules based on Shift Hours | |
Week Work Start Day | Select the start day of the week and the system will calculate the allocated shift hours of the member as per “Week Worked Hours” and “Fortnight Worked Hours”. By default, Week Work Start Day will be Monday. For example: For a fatigue rule set, if Week Work Start Day is selected as Tuesday, the Rule Apply Start date is 29/12/2021 and Staff is allocating a shift with shift date as 29/12/2021 to the member. Here the system will check the allocated hours of the member from Tuesday i.e., 28/12/2021 till Monday i.e., 03/01/2022. |
Hours gap between shifts (HH: MM) | Minimum hours gap between the two consecutive shifts for the member to work according to the rule set. This will be defined in the 'hh:mm' format. Here consecutive shifts gaps will be considered based on: Preceding shift checks: End time of the preceding shift in which member is active and the start time of new shift allocating to member/ accepting release shift by the member. |
Exclude shifts for a same Service Location | Activate the ON toggle button to exclude the check for “Hours gap between shifts” while allocating shifts to the member/release shift accepted by the member of the same Service Location. This will be applicable only for the Service Location without any Delivery Location. By default, this toggle button is OFF which means the system will show Warning/Restriction to the staff/client while allocating the shift without Delivery Location. Show Warning/Restriction to the member to accept release shift without Delivery Location, if the member has a pre-active shift i.e. same Service Location without Delivery Location and the gap between both the shifts is less than or equal to the hours mentioned in the rule. This rule checks the gap between:
Exclude shifts for all Delivery Locations (For Same Service Location) | Activate the ON toggle button to exclude the check for “Hours gap between shifts”, while allocating shifts to the member/ release shift accepted by the member of the same Service Location for all Delivery Locations. By default, this toggle button is OFF which means the system show a Warning/Restriction to the staff/client while allocating the shift with Delivery Location. Show Warning/Restriction to the member to accept release shift with Delivery Location, if the member has a pre-active shift with Delivery Location and the gap between both shifts is less than or equal to the hours mentioned in the rule. |
Single Day Worked Hours (HH:MM) | Maximum hours a member is allocated to work in a day according to the fatigue rule set and the Single Day Work Hours limit cannot be greater than 24 hours. |
Week Worked Hours (HH:MM) | Maximum hours a member is allocated to work in a week according to the fatigue rule set and the Week Work Hours limit cannot be greater than 60 hours. |
Fortnight Worked Hours (HH:MM) | Maximum hours a member is allocated to work in a fortnight according to the fatigue rule set and the Fortnight Work Hours limit cannot be greater than 120 hours.
Please note: If we update the rule like by today or update the visa hours, then the system will check the shifts for that member, in the last week and calculate the hours(if they found any shifts in that week). -if they found the shifts in the last week then the system will calculate the hours as per the last week shifts and the current week shifts. -but if no shifts are found in the last week then the system will check for the current week and the future week, then calculate the shifts hours accordingly… |
Include weekend? | Activate the ON toggle button to calculate hours of weekend shift(s) allocated to the member as per “Week Worked Hours” and “Fortnight Worked Hours”. |
Exemptions (Specify shift exemptions to exclude from rule) | Specify shift Exemptions to exclude from the rule for Employee Type(s), Shift Type(s), Industry(s), or/and Qualification(s). |
Restriction Message to Internal Staff | This Restriction Message is visible to Staff as a Warning/Restriction message while allocating shifts from the Staff Portal in case the shift does not conform to the fatigue rule set. The Warning/ Restriction message is based on the Staff User Action value selected. |
Restriction Message to External Staff | This Restriction Message is visible to the Client/Professional on the Client/Professional Portal as the Warning/ Restriction message based on the value selected in the External User Action field. For the Member, this message is visible in the Member App as Warning/Restriction message based on the value selected in the External Staff Action field. |
Edit Rule
You can edit the existing details of the rule. To edit an existing rule:
Click the edit icon as shown in the figure below and the Edit Rule pop-up window opens
Edit all the required details in an existing rule
Click Update
Copy Rule
You can copy the existing rule and create a new rule based on this existing rule. To copy an existing rule:
Click the copy icon (as shown in the figure below) and a confirmation pop-up window displays the message “Are you sure you want to Copy this Rule?”
Click Yes and the Add New Rule window appears with all the fields prefilled from the copied rule.
Provide the Rule Name and modify the required details in the new rule
Click Save and the new rule is created successfully
Delete Rule
You can delete the existing rule. To delete an existing rule:
Click the delete icon (as shown in the figure below) and a confirmation pop-up window displays the message “Are you sure you want to delete the Member Fatigue Management Rule?”
Click Yes and the Member Fatigue Management Rule is deleted successfully
Export to Excel
The Export to Excel feature exports the existing Member Fatigue Management Rules into the .CSV file .
To export the existing Member Fatigue Management Rules into the CSV file:
Click Export to Excel as shown in the figure below
The Member Fatigue Management Rules.CSV file is downloaded into your system
The downloaded .CSV file includes all the details of existing Active and Inactive rules.
The Settings feature consists of quick hyperlinks to the Industry Type Masters, Shift Type Masters, and Qualification/Classification Masters.
On clicking the hyperlinks, the corresponding Industry Type Masters, Shift Type Masters, or Qualification/ Classification Masters opens. Users can add/ modify the required Qualification/Role, Allocation Shifts, or Industry Type.
Member Fatigue Management in Allocations
The rules defined in the Member Fatigue Management module are reflected while allocating/editing the shifts of the members as well as when the members accept the shifts. The Member Check pop-up appears if the Member Fatigue Management Rules are being violated by the member while allocating/editing the shift and the Status will be shown as Non compliant .
You can view the details of the violated Member Fatigue Management Rule of the member. The Non compliant indicates that the member is not adhering to the defined member fatigue rule.
Quick New Shift Booking
For the Quick New Shift Booking, if the member selected for the shift allocation is violating the fatigue rule applicable, a Member Check pop-up appears. The Status of the Member Fatigue Check will be Non compliant.
Click View check(s) details and a Member Check rule page opens in a new page where the details of the fatigue rules for the selected member are displayed. In the Member Check, the member violating rule details are shown as:
The Red colour box indicates the Rule Type as Restriction for Staff as the member is not conforming to the fatigue rule. In this case, Staff will not be able to allocate shifts to the member
The Orange colour box indicates the Rule Type as Warning for Staff as the member is not conforming to the fatigue rule. In this case, Staff will be able to allocate shifts to the member
The Warning/ Restriction is shown for the Member Fatigue Management, click the expand/ collapse to view the details of the Warning/ Restriction provided.
On clicking to collapse/ expand icon, details are provided for the fatigue rule applicable with the Rule Details, Control Measure, Start and End Date of the fatigue rule.
Appoint Members
While appointing a member to a single shift, if the member selected has the fatigue rule applicable, a Member Check pop-up appears. The Status of the Member Fatigue Check will be Non compliant.
On View Check(s) Details, a Member Check Rule page opens in a new page where the details of the fatigue rules for the selected member are displayed. Refer to the Quick New Shift Booking for View Check(s) Details
Assign Members
In the Assign Member, when the staff allocates a shift or accepts a shift for the member that has the fatigue rule applicable, a Member Check pop-up appears.
In the Member Check pop-up, the staff will be able to Allocate the shift in case of a Warning, and in case of Restriction, the Allocate will be disabled. The Status of the Member Fatigue Check will be Non compliant.
On View Check(s) Details, a Member Check Rule page opens in a new page where the details of the Fatigue rules for the selected member are displayed. Refer to the Quick New Shift Booking for View Check(s) Details.
Member Contact Card
In the Member Contact Card, when the staff tries to accept the shift for the member that has the fatigue rules applicable, a Member Check pop-up appears. The Status of the Member Fatigue Check will be Non compliant.
On View Check(s) Details, a Member Check Rule page opens in a new page where the details of the Fatigue rules for the selected member are displayed. Refer to the Quick New Shift Booking for View Check(s) Details.
Edit Shift
In the Edit Shift, when the staff tries to edit the shift for the member that has the fatigue rules applicable, a Member Check pop-up appears. The Status of the Member Fatigue Check will be Non compliant.
In the Member Check pop-up, the staff will be able to Confirm the shift in case of a Warning, and in case of Restriction, the Confirm will be disabled. The Status of the Member Fatigue Check will be Non compliant.
On View Check(s) Details, a Member Check Rule page opens in a new page where the details of the Fatigue rules for the selected member are displayed. Refer to the Quick New Shift Booking for View Check(s) Details.
Member Fatigue Management in Client/Professional Portal
In the Assign Member, when the Client/Professional allocates a shift to the member that has the fatigue rule applicable, a Member Check pop-up appears.
In the Member Check pop-up, the Client/Professional will be able to Confirm the shift in case of a Warning, and in case of Restriction, the Confirm button will be disabled. The Status of the Member Fatigue Check will be Non compliant.
Member App – Member Fatigue Management
In the Member App, Member Fatigue Management is controlled by the fatigue rules defined in the Staff Portal application. The Control Measures defined will work as per the member’s shift data and will apply the priority of the applicable control measure condition .
The member receives the Released Shifts details for the specified schedule. This Shift Details is visible on the Released Shift screen and displays the Place, Suburb, Shift Type, Shift Time, Shift Qual, and Pay Level as shown in the figure below.
While accepting the Shift, the system will check the available fatigue rules applicable to the member.
Restriction Type as Shift Type
In case the Restriction Type selected is Shift Type, the system will check the Old Shift Booking to check against the New Shift Booking to restrict with the Number of days (- / +) to check the rule validity as per the new booking shift day defined. Click to view the details of each parameter
For example, in case the Restriction Type selected is Shift Type and the rule is defined where ‘Previous Shift Booking to check’ is AM and ‘New Shift Booking to restrict’ is PM. On accepting the Released Shift for AM on the same date, the member will be restricted to accept the PM shift on the same date while checking the -/+ numbers provided
Restriction Type as Hour Type
In case the Restriction Type is Hour Type, the system will check the Control Shift hours based on the defined parameters. The defined parameters include Week Work Start Day, Hours gap between shifts, Exclude shifts for a same Service Location, Exclude shifts for all Delivery Locations, Single Day Worked Hours, Week Worked Hours, Fortnight Worked Hours, and Include weekend? Click to view the details of each parameter
For example, in case the Restriction Type selected is Hour Type and the rule is defined where “Week Work Start Day” is Monday, the “Hours gap between shifts” is 3 hrs., and “Single Day Worked Hours” is 8 hrs. On accepting the Released Shift by the member, the fatigue rule will check on accepting another shift of the same day whether the Hours gap between the shift is more than 3 hrs. and the member is not exceeding the single day worked hrs. above 8 hrs
For both the Restriction Type i.e. Shift Type and Hour Type, the User Action defined can be Restriction or Warning for the member.
Shift Warning
In case the User Action defined for the member is Shift Warning.
On Accepting the Released Shift, a pop-up message is displayed ‘Are you sure you want to accept the shift?’
On clicking ‘Yes’, a Shift Warning screen displays Member Fatigue Alert
When the User Action is Shift Warning, the member can click Confirm Booking to book the released shift
To view the details of the fatigue rule, click Tap to see the details, and the Member Fatigue Alert details are displayed
Shift Restriction
In case the User Action defined for the member is Shift Restriction.
On Accepting the Released Shift, a pop-up message is displayed ‘Are you sure you want to accept the shift?’
On clicking ‘Yes’, a Shift Restricted screen displays Member Fatigue Alert
To view the details of the fatigue rule, click Tap to see the details, and the Member Fatigue Alert details are displayed
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