Growth Module - Advanced Infection Control

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Growth Module - Advanced Infection Control



Advanced Infection Control allows the user to dynamically control Infection(s) and prevents transmission of disease in healthcare settings and restricts staff from booking shifts based on real-time infection information.

In this feature, the user can add new infections, edit existing infections, or remove existing infections on the Service Locations/ Delivery Locations. The infections listed against the various shifts will be visible to the user during the shift allocation process. The system checks whether the member is booked for the Infection Shifts or Non-Infection shifts for the specified duration, and shows the confirmation messages before allocating the shifts to the member. The confirmation message is displayed when the member is allocated from Infection to Non-Infection shifts and vice versa. Members are notified about the infection update through email notification .

The Infections defined for the Service Locations/ Delivery Locations in the Infection Control Module of the Staff Portal application are reflected in the Member App and the impact of the infection is reflected in the My Shift and Released Shifts screens. 

The Advanced Infection Control is flag-based feature:

  • When the flag is set to OFF – the 'Advanced Infection Control’ features will not be visible to the users and by default Member Restriction Period limit to accept shifts will be set as 2 Days i.e. 48 hours per infection type.

  • When the flag is set to ON – the 'Advanced Infection Control’ features will be visible to the users and the user can:

    • set the Member Restriction Period limit from 0 to 30 Day(s) and 0 to 23 Hour(s). The '0' value indicates infection(s) exist without any restriction.

    • Add infection(s) to all existing shifts for the current and future dates (for details read the complete document)

How to Access Advanced Infection Control?

To access Advanced Infection Control:

  • Click the Infections link available at the footer of the Entire OnHire application and the Infection Control page opens.

Infection Control

The Infection Control displays the repository of all the existing infections that are on various Service Locations/ Delivery Locations. The Infection Control page shows the Service Location, Delivery Location, Infection(s), Restriction, Last Updated, Last Updated by, and Actions details of the infections. You can add new infections, and edit existing infections .

Field Name


Field Name


Service Location

Service Location of the Infection(s).

Delivery Location

Delivery Location of the Infection(s) based on the Service Location.


Names of the existing Infection(s) at the Service Location/ Delivery Location


The Restriction limit in Day(s)/ Hour(s) applied at the Service Location/ Delivery Location.

Last Updated

The Last Updated date and time of the Infection.

Last Update By

Name of the user who last updated the Infection details.


Action to edit the existing infection.

Add Infection

To add a new infection:

  • Click Add New Infection from the Infection Control page as shown in the figure below

  • The Add Infection pop-up window opens. Provide all the required details

  • Click Save. The newly added infection is reflected in the Infection Control page

Field Name


Service Location

Service Location of the Infection(s).

Delivery Location

Delivery Location of the Infection(s) based on the selected Service Location. Select the required Delivery Locations for infections.


Infection(s) at the Service Location/ Delivery Location.

In case the selected infection(s) already exists at a selected Delivery Location / Service Location, an error message ‘Unable to add new infection as infection(s) already exists in the Service/ Delivery Location. You can only edit the prior infections in the Service/ Delivery Location.’ is displayed on clicking Save and the user is not allowed to add new infections.

A maximum of five infections can be added for a Service/ Delivery Location.

Advanced Infection Control

Member Restriction Period to be compliant for a shift

The Member Restriction Period in Day(s)/ Hour(s) applied at the Service Location/ Delivery Location. You can select the Member Restriction Period limit from 0 to 30 Day(s) and 0 to 23 Hour(s). The '0' value indicates infection(s) exist without any restriction.

The maximum Day(s) restriction can be set to 30 days and the maximum Hour(s) restriction can be set to 24 hours.

Add infection(s) to all existing shifts for the current and future dates checkbox

If this toggle button is ON- the added infection(s) will apply to all existing shifts for the current and future dates. On clicking Save, the Affected Shift(s) Confirmation pop-up window appears. By default, the toggle button is set to ON.

If this toggle button is OFF - the added infection(s) will apply to the new shifts only.


Affected Shift(s) Confirmation

The Affected Shifts(s) Confirmation screen appears when the 'Add infection(s) to all existing shifts for the current and future dates' toggle button is set to ON and on clicking the Save button while adding or editing the infection(s). The Add/ Edit infection(s) will affect all the existing shifts for the current and future dates. By default, the toggle button 'Add infection(s) to all existing shifts for the current and future dates' is set to ON.

The Affected Shifts(s) Confirmation screen shows the total number of shifts affected by adding/ editing the infection(s). The user can select the shift(s) that need to be included for the Add/ Edit Infection(s) and by default, ‘Shift(s) with no Active Member(s)’ are selected. The Affected Shift(s) Confirmation pop-up window shows:

  • Shifts(s) with no Active Member(s) in the Green colour, display the number of shifts selected, and by default, all the shift(s) are selected.

  • Shift(s) with Active Member(s) in Orange colour, display the number of shifts selected, and by default, none of the shift(s) are selected. The user needs to manually select the required shift(s) and an email notification will be subsequently sent to the selected members.

  • Lock or Broadcast Shift(s) with disabled Add/Edit or Remove Infection(s) in Red colour, display the number of shifts Locked or Broadcast shift(s). The Shift(s) are disabled for selection and are shown for information purposes only.

  • Show/Hide toggle will show or hide the selected colour shifts. The Show displays and Hide will not display shifts of the selected colour in the listed shift(s).

  • Select All/Unselect toggle will select or unselect the Green and Orange colour shift(s). In case the Green or Orange colour shift(s) is selected as Hide, the Select/ Unselect toggle is disabled.

  • Refresh will fetch the updates of any existing shifts.

  • Click Save and the Success message is displayed showing the number of affected shift(s). You can download the complete report by clicking the Download Report as shown in the figure below. This report is downloaded in .CSV format.

  • If the Notify Member(s) checkbox is selected in the Affected Shift(s) Confirmation screen, an email notification will be sent to all the affected members.

  • On clicking Save, the Sent Email pop-up window is displayed. Select the Infection Control Email Template (created in Masters) from the drop-down.

  • The Email From, Email To, and Email Subject details are automatically fetched on selecting the Email Template and can also be edited.

  • You can View Signature and Email Preview.

  • Click Send Email and an Email notification will be sent to the affected members. The Email notification to the members will be sent individually to maintain privacy .

  • In case the Create Log checkbox is selected in the Email Sent screen, the Contact Log is created in the system and the Reason of Contact should be selected as 'Infection Update' as shown in the figure below.

Email Template Master

You can create the customised Email Template in the Email Template Details Master .

The Infection Email Template in masters helps to create pre-formatted templates that include Shift Details, Additional Details, and pre-defined content that will be shared with the members. This email template is used to inform the members about the infection updates in their shift(s).

Setting the Email Template for Infections in Masters operates similarly except that three fields are added related to the infection:

  • Current Active Infection(s): This shows the current active infections on the shift.

  • Active Restriction Limit: This shows the current active restriction limit on the shift.

  • Actions (Infection Related): This shows the infection-related actions performed on the shift. For instance, Infection Added, Infection Removed, etc.

Edit Infection

You can edit existing Infections. To edit the existing Infection:

  • Click the edit icon as shown in the figure below and the Edit Infection pop-up window opens

  • Edit all the required details in the existing Infection:

    • If all the Infection(s) are removed for the Service/ Delivery Location in the Edit Infection, the confirmation message ‘You have unchecked all the infection(s) and on save the selected infection will be deleted from the list. To ensure that you remove the infection(s) from the Client Allocations also, select the “Set/Reset infection(s) to all existing shifts for the current and future dates” checkbox and update the Affected Shift(s) Confirmation to remove the infection(s) from the selected Service/Delivery location.’ appears. On clicking Save, this Infection will be removed from the Infection Control page.

    • If the ‘Set/ Reset infection(s) to all existing shifts for the current and future dates’ toggle button is set to ON and on clicking Save, the Affected Shift(s) Confirmation pop-up window appears. This Affected Shift(s) Confirmation will show the total number of affected shift(s) and now select the shift(s) that are required to be included in the Edit Infection(s)

    • Click Update. If the Notify Member(s) checkbox is selected, an email notification will be sent to members regarding the updated information about the affected shifts else a Success message appears to show the number of affected shift(s)

    • You can download the complete report by clicking the Download Report (refer to the figure shown above)

Advanced Infection Control in Staff Portal

Infections defined for the Service/ Delivery Location in the Infection Control module are reflected in the Client Allocations of the Staff Portal application as per the following scenarios .

  • If the Infection is applied to the Service Location, the infection(s) of the Service Location will be applicable on the shifts.

  • If the infection is applied to both Service/ Delivery Locations, the infection(s) of the Delivery Location will be applicable on the shifts.

  • If the infection(s) is applied to the Delivery Location and not to the Service Location, the infection(s) of the Delivery Location will be applicable on the shifts.

While allocating the shifts to the members, the system checks whether the member is booked for the Infection or Non-Infection shifts for the specified duration and shows the confirmation messages before allocating the shift to the member. The confirmation message is displayed when the member is allocated from:

  1. Infected Shift to Non-Infected Shift – indicates the member is already allocated in the Infected Shift and will be allocated to the Non-Infected shift.

  2. Non-Infected Shift to Infected Shift – indicates the member is already allocated in the Non-Infected Shift and will be allocated to the Infected shift.

Quick New Shift Booking

In the Quick New Shift Booking, the Advanced Infection Control feature impacts the shift allocations. It shows the confirmation messages while allocating/ accepting the shifts for the selected members from infection to non-infection and vice versa.

Scenario 1: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Non-Infection Shift

Case 1: When a member is assigned/ booked to a non-infection shift that falls within the Restriction limit of the infected shift, a confirmation message appears as shown in the figure below. The confirmation message shows the details about the Service/ Delivery Location, Reported Infection(s), and Restriction Limit of the infection. To allocate the member to a non-infection shift, click OK or else Cancel to undo.

Scenario 2: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Non-Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Infection Shift

Case 1: When the member is assigned/ booked to the infection shift, a confirmation message appears as shown in the figure below. The confirmation message prompts whether you want to allocate the member to the infection shift. Click OK or else Cancel to undo.

Quick Search

In the Quick New Shift Booking (Single Shift), click Quick Search and a list of members are available for selection.

Scenario 1: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Non-Infection Shift

Case 1: Select the member from the available list (as shown in the figure above) and click Assign Member. If the member is assigned/ booked to a non-infection shift that falls within the Restriction limit of the infected shift, a confirmation message appears as shown in the figure below. The confirmation message shows the details about the Service/ Delivery Location, Reported Infection(s), and Restriction Limit of the infection. To allocate the member to a non-infection shift, click OK or else Cancel to undo.

Case 2: Shift Broadcast - On clicking Quick Search → Quick New Shift Booking, if the shift is allocated to multiple members or a shift is broadcasted, a confirmation message appears. In this confirmation message, the Name and Member ID of the members who are already booked/ assigned to the infected shifts is shown to the user. To allocate the member to a non-infection shift, click OK or else Cancel to undo.

Scenario 2: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Non-Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Infection Shift

Case 1: Select the member from the available list and click Assign Member and if the member is assigned/ booked to an infection shift, a confirmation message appears. The confirmation message prompts whether you want to allocate the member to an infection shift. Click OK or else Cancel to undo.

Case 2: Shift Broadcast - On clicking Quick Search → Quick New Shift Booking, if the shift is allocated to multiple members or a shift is broadcasted, a confirmation message will appear. In this confirmation message, the Name and Member ID of the members who are already booked/ assigned to the non-infected shifts is shown to the user. To allocate the member to an infection shift, click OK or else Cancel to undo.

Edit Shift

In the Client Allocation → Edit Shift, the Advanced Infection Control feature impacts the shift allocations. In the Edit Shift, two new fields are added for the Infection Control i.e. Applied Infection(s) and Restriction Period as shown in the figure below:

  1. Applied Infection(s) dropdown option shows the infection(s) based on infections applied for that particular Delivery Location from the Masters. If the Infection is applied to Service Location only, by default the infection is applied to all the Delivery Locations associated with it. However, if the infection is applied to both Service/ Delivery Locations, the shifts with the Delivery Location, the infection(s) of the Delivery Location will be applied.
    All the infections applied on the selected Delivery Location appear in the dropdown and are selected by default. The user can uncheck the infection(s) (as required).

  2. Restriction Period shows the restriction check applied on the selected Delivery Location from the Masters. While editing your shift if all infections are removed, the restriction limit will automatically appear as 0 and any addition or removal of infection(s) there will be no change in the Restriction Period.

If the Infection is added or removed from a shift, the change will be reflected only on the selected shift by clicking Confirm, and an email notification will be sent to all the affected active members.

Scenario 1: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Non-Infection Shift

Case 1: When the user edits the Shift Date, Start Time, or End Time in Edit Shift (Edit → Single Shift) in the Client Allocation, and this date range appears in-between the Restriction Limit set for the Applied Infection(s), on clicking the Confirm a confirmation pop-up message appears.

The confirmation message shows that the member is already booked to an infected shift and the current location has reported a Restriction Limit. To continue with the shift update, click OK and the existing shift will be updated. Now, the member will be allocated to the Non-Infected Shift.

Case 2: When the user edits the Delivery Location in Edit Shift (Edit → Single Shift) in the Client Allocation, the Applied Infection(s) and Restriction Period are updated as per the Masters, on clicking the Confirm a confirmation pop-up message appears.

The confirmation message shows updated details of the shift with Delivery Location, Reported Infection(s), and Restriction Limit. To continue with the shift update, click OK and Notify Member(s) and the existing shift is updated and an email notification will be sent to the members with the shift update details. Now, the member will be allocated to the Non-Infected Shift.

Scenario 2: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Non-Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Infection Shift

Case 1: When the user edits the Shift Date, Start Time, or End Time in Edit Shift (Edit → Single Shift) in the Client Allocation page, and this date range appears in-between the Restriction Limit set for the Applied Infection(s), on clicking the Confirm a confirmation pop-up message appears.

The confirmation message shows that the member is already booked to a non-infected shift and new selected date range appears as an infected shift. To continue with the shift update, click OK and the existing shift will be updated. Now, the member will be allocated to the Infected Shift.

Case 2: When the user edits the Delivery Location in Edit Shift (Edit → Single Shift) in the Client Allocation page, in case the selected Delivery Location has infections when the user selects a Delivery Location, the Applied Infection(s) and Restriction Limit are shown as per the selected Delivery Location, on clicking the Confirm a confirmation pop-up message appears.

The confirmation message shows updated details of the shift with Delivery Location, Reported Infection(s), and Restriction Limit. To continue with the shift update, click Ok and Notify Member(s), and the existing shift is updated and an email notification will be sent to the members with the shift update details. Now, the member will be allocated to the Infected Shift.

Allow User to Edit Infection on Shift Basis

When the user edits the shift with the infection (add/ remove infection) or location details, an email notification will be sent to the members with the shift update details.

Click the Ok and Notify Member(s) and this change is reflected in the selected shift only.

On clicking Ok and Notify Member(s), an email notification will be sent to the member as shown in the figure below and the email shows the Shift Details that include Infection(s), Restriction Limit, and Actions (Infection Related).

Appoint Member

In the Client Allocation → Appoint Members, the Infection Control impacts the shift allocations. It shows the confirmation message while allocating/ accepting the shifts for the selected members from infection to non-infection and vice versa.

Scenario 1: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Non-Infection Shift

Case 1: Using the Appoint of the Client Allocation, when the member is assigned a shift to a non-infection, a day after the infection shift, a confirmation message appears.

Scenario 2: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Non-Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Infection Shift

Case 1: Using the Appoint of the Client Allocation, when the member is assigned a shift to an infection, a day prior to the non-infection shift, a confirmation message appears.

Search Option

In the Client Allocation, when you search and allocate the shifts, the pop-up messages are shown while allocating/ accepting the shifts on behalf of members from infection to non-infection and vice versa.

Scenario 1: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Non-Infection Shift

Case 1: Using the Search option, when the member is assigned a shift to a non-infection, a day after the infection shift, a message appears that shows that the member(s) is already allocated to the infected shift. To allocate the member(s) to a non-infection shift, click OK or else Cancel to undo.

Case 2: Shift Broadcast - Using the Search option, when allocating a pop-up message shows the members who are booked/ assigned to the infected shifts are shown to the user.

On clicking the Allocate or Accepted, a similar message appears with the members that are already allocated to the infected shift.

Case 3: Using the Search option of the allocation screen, click Member Contact Card and click Accepted and Save to accept the shift on behalf of the member to the non-infection shift, a message appears.

Scenario 2: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Non-Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Infection Shift

Case 1: When the member is assigned a shift with an infection, a day prior to the infection shift, a confirmation message appears.

In the Assign Member, select the member(s) and click the Allocate or Accepted, a message appears to show that the member(s) is already allocated to the non-infected shift. The message prompts if you still want to allocate the member to the infection shift, click OK or else Cancel to undo.

Case 2: Shift Broadcast - Using the Search option and broadcasting, a message will appear that shows the members who are already booked/ assigned to the non-infected shifts are shown to the user.

On clicking the Allocate or Accepted, a similar message will appear with the members that are already allocated to the non-infected shift.

Case 3: When accepting a shift on behalf of the member via their Contact Card, a confirmation message will appear with the infection information to reconfirm by the staff.

Booking Ratio

In the Booking Ratio option, when editing Multiple Shifts, two new fields are added i.e. Applied Infection(s) and Restriction Period (details available in the Edit Shifts above). When you click Confirm after changing the infection information, an email notification will be sent to all the affected active members.

Scenario 1: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Non-Infection Shift

Case 1: When the staff edits the Shift Date, Start Time, or End Time in Edit Multiple Shifts, on clicking the Confirm a pop-up message appears.

The member is already booked in an infected shift and the current location has found a Restriction Limit. To continue with the shift update, click OK and the existing shift will be updated. Now, the member will be allocated to the Non-Infected Shift.

Case 2: When the staff edits the Delivery Location in Edit Multiple Shifts, the Applied Infection(s) and Restriction Period are updated accordingly as per the Masters. When you click Confirm, a confirmation message shows updated details of the shift with Delivery Location, Reported Infection(s), and Restriction Limit. To continue with the shift update, click OK and Notify Member(s) and the existing shift is updated and an email notification will be sent to the members with the shift update details. Now, the member will be allocated to the Non-Infected Shift.

Scenario 2: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Non-Infection Shift and the user/staff tries to allocate the member to the Infection Shift

Case 1: When the staff edits the Shift Date, Start Time, or End Time in Edit Multiple Shifts, on clicking the Confirm, a pop-up message appears that shows the member is already booked to a non-infected shift and the new selected date range appears as an infected shift. To continue with the shift update, click OK and the existing shift will be updated. Now, the member will be allocated to the Infected Shift.

Case 2: When the staff edits the Delivery Location in Edit Multiple Shifts, the Applied Infection(s) and Restriction Period are updated accordingly as per the Masters. When you click Confirm, a pop-up message appears that shows updated details of the shift with the new Delivery Location. To continue with the shift update, click OK and Notify Member(s) and the existing shift is updated and an email notification will be sent to the members with the shift update details. Now, the member will be allocated to the Infected Shift.

On clicking Ok and Notify Member(s), an email notification will be sent to the member as shown in the figure below that shows the Shift Details with Infection(s), Restriction Limit, and Actions (Infection Related).

Infection Control in Professional/Client Portal

Infections are also shown within the Client/Professional Portals. In the Client/Professional Portal, the Infection Control impacts the shift allocations for the new and current bookings. It shows a confirmation message while allocating/ accepting the shifts for the selected members from infection to non-infection and vice versa .

New Booking

In the Client/Professional Portal, when the client/professional creates a new booking for a member.

Scenario 1: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Infection Shift and the client tries to allocate the member to the Non-Infection Shift

Case 1: In the New Booking page, when the client/professional clicks Select Preferred Personnel, a list of members appears, once a member is selected and clicks Confirm Shift, a message appears that shows the details of the Reported Infection(s), and Restriction Limit of the infection. Click OK to exist.

Case 2: Shift Broadcast - In the New Booking page, when the professional/client clicks Select Preferred Personnel, a list of members appears. Once a member is selected and clicks Confirm Shift, in case the shift is allocated to multiple members or a shift is broadcasted, a pop-up message appears that shows the members who are already booked/ assigned to the infected shifts are shown.

Scenario 2: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Non-Infection Shift and the client tries to allocate the member to the Infection Shift

Case 1: In the New Booking page, when the client/professional clicks Select Preferred Personnel, a list of members appears. When the available members are selected and click Confirm Shift, a message appears as shown in the figure below. Click OK to exist.

Case 2: Shift Broadcast - In the New Booking page, when the client/professional clicks Select Preferred Personnel, a list of members appears. In case the shift is allocated to multiple members or a shift is broadcasted, a message appears that shows members who are already booked/ assigned to the non-infected shifts are shown to the user.

Current Booking

In the Client/Professional Portal, when the client/professional edits an existing shift.

Scenario 1: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Infection Shift and the client tries to allocate the member to the Non-Infection Shift

Case 1: In the Current Booking, when the user clicks Edit Shift to edit the shift with Delivery Location and on clicking the Save a confirmation pop-up message appears.

The confirmation message shows updated details of the shift with Delivery Location, Reported Infection(s), and Restriction Limit. To continue with the shift update, click OK and the shift is updated, and an email notification will be sent to the members with the shift updated details. Now, the member will be allocated to the non-Infected Shift.

Scenario 2: When the member is already assigned/ booked in the Non-Infection Shift and the client tries to allocate the member to Infection Shift

Case 1: In the Current Booking, when the client/professional clicks Edit Shift to edit the existing shift and on clicking the Save a pop-up message appears that shows the updated details of the shift. To continue with the shift update, click OK and the existing shift is updated and an email notification will be sent to the members with the shift update details. Now, the member will be allocated to the Infected Shift.

Infection Control in Member App

Infections are shown to the members via their Member App within My Shifts and Released Shifts .

My Shift and Released Shifts

In the Member App, alerts/ access denied messages are shown while accepting the shifts from infection to non-infection and vice versa. Service/ Delivery Locations will appear in red colour, when an infection is attached.

Scenario 1: My Shifts - When a member tries to accept a shift with the Infection.

In the My Shift, when the member ACCEPT an assigned shift, an alert message appears that shows that the location has an infection(s) with the restriction limit. For instance, the shift accepted by the member in the figure below has reported infection(s) as COVID-19 with a restriction limit of 12 hrs.

Click Yes to accept the infectious shift. Now, the member will not be able to accept any non-infection shift based on the restriction limit set for the accepted infection shift.

Scenario 2: My Shifts - When a member is already booked for the Infection Shift and tries to accept the Non-Infection Shift

In the My Shift, when the member ACCEPT an assigned shift, an alert message appears showing the shift as reported infection(s) with the restriction limit.

On clicking Yes, an access denied message appears that shows the member is already booked for the infectious shift. For instance, in the figure below the member is already booked for an infected shift and has reported infection(s) as COVID-19 with a restriction limit of 12 hrs.

Scenario 3: My Shifts - When a member is booked for the future Non-Infection Shift and tries to accept the Infection Shift before the shift booking date

In the My Shift, when the member ACCEPT an assigned shift (who is already booked for the future non-infection shift), an alert message appears showing the shift details.

On clicking Yes, the access denied message appears that shows you are already booked for the non-infection shift.

Scenario 4: Released Shifts - When a member is already assigned/ booked for the Infection Shift and tries to accept the Non-Infection Shift

In the Released Shifts, when the member ACCEPT a shift, an alert message appears showing the reported infection(s) with the restriction limit.

On clicking Yes, an access denied message appears that shows the member is already booked for an infectious shift. For instance, in the figure below the member is already booked for an infected shift and has reported infection(s) as Omicron, Flu Infection.

Scenario 5: Released Shifts - When a member is booked for the future Non-Infection Shift and tries to accept the Infection Shift before the shift booking date

In the Released Shifts, when the member ACCEPT a shift (who is already booked for the future non-infection shift), an alert message appears with the shift details.

On clicking Yes, the access denied message appears that shows you are already booked for a non-infectious shift.

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