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Verify Applicant Bank Details

This feature is available from Version X9.1 and above. Click to view the details of all the features available in the Version Release Notes X9.1.

How to Verify Applicant Bank Details?

When the applicant adds/edits the banking details in the Applicant Portal application, a verification screen appears to confirm the provided bank details and this is to ensure the data entered by an applicant is correct to avoid payroll issues. Additionally, in case of the New Bank BSB number of the applicant, an email is also shared with the Staff with all the new banking details such as Applicant Name with Applicant Id, New Bank BSB, Bank Name, and Bank State.

In the Finance page of the Applicant Portal application:

  • When the applicant clicks ‘Add Bank’ or ‘If your Bank BSB is not listed above then please check the box to enter your Bank Details’ checkbox, the ‘Enter Your Banking Details’ pop-up window appears

  • On adding or updating the banking details, when the applicant clicks Save / Update Bank Details or Submit, a Verify your entered bank details pop-up window appears

  • The Verify your entered bank details pop-up window will reconfirm the banking details provided by the applicant. Click Confirm to save the banking details or else Cancel to exit

When the applicant edits the banking details with the Status as Active, a similar Verify your entered bank details pop-up window appears. Click Confirm to save the banking details or else Cancel to exit.

New Bank BSB Number

If your Bank BSB is not listed in the Bank BSB drop-down, click the ‘If your Bank BSB is not listed above then please check the box to enter your Bank Details’ checkbox option.

  • Provide all the required detail in the ‘Enter your Banking Details’ pop-up window and click Submit

  • In the ‘Verify your entered bank details’ pop-up window reconfirm the banking details provided by the applicant and click Confirm to save the banking details

  • New Banking Details are added for the applicant, and an email is also triggered to the Staff. The email informs the Staff that the applicant has added the new bank record with new Bank BSB details. The details included are:

    • Applicant Name and Applicant ID

    • New Bank BSB

    • Bank Name

    • Bank State

The sample figure below shows the email received by the Staff with the applicant’s new Bank BSB details.


If the applicant provides the invalid BSB Number in the ‘Enter your Banking Details’ pop-up window, a validation message appears ‘Invalid BSB Validation Credentials’ on clicking the Submit.

Email Template Master

The Staff can Add/Edit the Email Template for the New Bank BSB Number in the Email Template Details Master (Masters → Email Templates Details → New Bank BSB (template name)) .

The New Bank BSB Template in masters has pre-defined content that will be shared with the Staff when the applicant adds New Bank BSB details. This email template is used to inform the Staff about the New Bank BSB added by the applicant.

Setting the Email Template for New Bank BSB in Masters operates similarly except that three fields are added related to the New Bank BSB details:

  • New Bank BSB: shows the new bank BSB number

  • Bank Name: shows the bank name

  • Bank State: shows the state name of the bank

  Version Release Notes X9.1

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