EntireOnHire l

X7.4 Release Notes - May 2022

G o a l

We are delighted to roll out our new Version Release Notes X7.4

The version release notes provides a summary of all new features, current process changes, enhancements, and resolved issues in the latest version of Entire Recruit application. This facilitates us to keep you updated with what’s going on with our product and services.

Explore the comprehensive Version Release Notes X7.4 with each new feature and enhancements explained lucidly with the help of screenshots.

W a t c h T h i s S p a c e For

Current Process Changes

Finance Application:

  1. Confirm Shift

  2. Invoice & Docket Collation

  3. Invoice Processing


  1. Unmanaged Jobs – New Timesheet Process

  2. Request and Restriction

  3. Client/ Professional Portal – Booking Notes

Resolved Issues

23 Issues

Product Roadmap

Our product roadmap provides high-level visual summary that maps out the vision and direction of our product offering over time. Visit our Product Roadmap site to keep updated with our new and exciting offering.

Version Available From

10th May 2022

On This Page


Unmanaged Jobs – New Timesheet Process

In the Unmanaged Job, the timesheet approval process is now enhanced with the simple and quick steps to approve timesheets for the Jobs.

The Client/ Professional can collectively select the job timesheets based on similar Job Id and Roster End Date and approve Multiple Timesheets using Client/ Professional Portal and Apps.

To Create Job and Job Roster, refer to the Unmanaged Jobs document.

Client/ Professional Portal – Approve Timesheets

Login to the Client/ Professional Portal application and select the Approve Timesheets page to approve the timesheets for the Jobs.

Now, the Approve Timesheets page for the Jobs is divided into two sections:

  1. Job Timesheet Review - Worked Hours submitted by the member for the confirmed Job

  2. List of Timesheets waiting for Review

On selecting the member’s job from the ‘Job Timesheet Review - Worked Hours submitted by the member for the confirmed Job’ section, all the timesheets related to the selected Job Id (with similar Roster End Date) are highlighted and selected collectively for approvals in the ‘List of Timesheets waiting for Review’ section.

In the Job Timesheet Review - Worked Hours submitted by the member for the confirmed Job section, all the Unmanaged Jobs of the members are listed for client approval and displays:

  • Job Id Job Id of the Job

  • Member Name – Name of the member

  • Roster End Date – End Date of the Roster Submission

  • Number of Shifts Submitted – Total number of shifts submitted with similar roster end date.

  • Submission Date/ Time – Date and Time of Timesheet Submission

In the List of Timesheets waiting for Review section the details of the submitted timesheet by the member are shown and displays:

  • The Job Id, Timesheet, Member Name, Service Location, Area, Date, Day, Shift, Start time, End time, Break time, Worked Hours and Review Timesheets

Timesheet Approval Process

To Approve the submitted timesheets of the selected member from the Approve Timesheets page:

  • Select the From Date and To Date

  • Select the Member and click Search and the jobs are display based on the selected member

Only those members will appear in the list whose timesheets are submitted for client approval.

  • Select the required Job selection checkbox from the ‘Job Timesheet Review - Worked Hours submitted by the member for the confirmed Job’ section

  • Subsequently, all the timesheets related to the selected Job Id are selected and highlighted collectively in the ‘List of Timesheets waiting for Review section

  • Now, click Approve Multiple Timesheets

If required, you can deselect any of the timesheets from the highlighted ‘List of Timesheets waiting for Review’ section that are ‘Pending Client Review’.

The Multiple Timesheets Approval Screen appears.

  • Provide the Timesheet Approval Notes and Your Signature

  • Click Approve and the selected multiple timesheets are approved successfully

Note that the procedure to approve single timesheet of the member has not changed.

Show Approved Shifts/ Jobs

You can view all the Approved Shifts/ Jobs or customize the search for Approved Shifts with the specific date range and/ or member.

To view the Approved Shifts:

  • Select the From Date and To Date

  • Select the Member and select Show Approved Shifts checkbox

  • Click Search and all the Approved jobs are display based on the selected member

On selecting the job in the ‘Job Timesheet Review - Worked Hours submitted by the member for the confirmed Job’ section, the timesheets corresponding to that job are selected in the ‘List of Timesheets waiting for Review’ section in the disabled mode. The selected approved jobs are highlighted and grouped collectively in the ‘List of Timesheets waiting for Review’ section.

Here you can view the Timesheet Snap of the member that includes all the timesheets submitted by the member for that job. The approval status of the submitted timesheet is displayed in the Approved by Client in the timesheet snap.

Timesheet Snap

When the client approves multiple timesheets collectively against a job, a new single Timesheet Snap is generated against all the timesheets for the Jobs. This timesheet snap has all the job details that were submitted by member collectively for a particular Roster End Date.

To view the Employee Timesheet Snap, click the Timesheet ID link or Review Timesheet link from the Approved Shifts page (as shown in figure above).

The Employee Timesheet Snap displays Job Details and Shift/ Job Details. The Job Details shows the Job Order Number, Roster End Date, and Job Order Period as the new added details for the Job.

The Shift/ Job Details shows the following as the new added details for the Job:

  • Approved by Client? – In the Approved by Clients:

    • The timesheet submitted from the Client app and the Client has not taken any action (i.e. approved or dispute timesheet) is represented as -',

    • The timesheet approved by the Client is represented as Yes,

    • The timesheet disputed by the Client is represented as No,

  • Review Date/ Time – shows the review date and time, when the Client/ Professional approved the timesheet

The Supervisor Name, Supervisor Email ID, date & time (date and time when the Supervisor actioned on the timesheet), latest Supervisor Signature and IP Address of the Supervisor is reflected at the bottom of the Timesheet Snap.

Client/ Professional App

In the Unmanaged Jobs, the Client/ Professional can approve or dispute the submitted timesheet of the Jobs. The required jobs can be searched easily using the Filters.

In the Client/ Professional App, to approve or dispute the submitted timesheets of job for the member:

  • Select the required Client for which you need to approve the timesheets

  • The Timesheet page opens with all Jobs/ Shifts timesheets submitted by the member for approval. In the Timesheet screen:

    1. The Job shows the Job Order No, Job Period, Roster End Date, Shift Date, Qualification, Supervisor and link to the Docket Id (as shown in the figure below)

    2. To view the timesheet of a member, select the Member Name from the Select Member Name drop-down. All the submitted timesheets will be filtered based on the selected member name

    3. Click the Docket ID number of the Job to view the Timesheet Snap

    4. Click the Filter icon to search the customized timesheets


You can apply filter to search the required Jobs/ Shifts based on Order No/ Timesheet No, Shift Date, Member Name, and Supervisor Name.

  • The Supervisor Name filter displays all the available names of the supervisors that are selected to approve the submitted Shifts/ Jobs

  • In the Shift Date, provide the search Start and End date range

The Filters helps to narrow-down the search for the submitted timesheets. You can select single or multiple filters and click Apply.

Docket Id Link

On clicking the Docket Id link from the Timesheet screen, the timesheet snap opens. The Timesheet Snap for the job shows:

  • The Job Details section with the new added details as Job Order Number, Roster End Date, and Job Order Period

  • The Shift/ Job Details section with the new added details as Approved by Client?, and Review Date/ Time. For details refer to the Timesheet Snap detail above

Review and Approve Timesheet

To review and approve the jobs, click required Job from the Timesheet screen (as shown in the figure above) and the Member’s Review Timesheet screen opens.

In this screen the Job Order No, Job Period, Roster End Date, Supervisor name, Supervisor Email are displayed for the job. The Client/ Professional can:

  • Edit the Supervisor, Supervisor Email by clicking the pen icon

  • Edit Client Shift Details details (if required)

  • Add notes in the Client Notes

The Member Notes are displayed in case any notes were provided by the member.

To Approve the timesheet:

  • Click Approve Docket

  • Provide Your Signature and click Approve

  • The success message for timesheet approved is displayed as ‘Timesheet has been successfully approved. Thank you

Simultaneously, the member will also receive the ‘Job Timesheet Approved' notification through email.

To dispute the timesheet:

  • Provide the Client Shift Detail and specify reason of dispute in the Client Notes

  • Click Lodge Query

  • Provide Your Signature and click Lodge Query

  • The Query Lodged message for the timesheet dispute is displayed as ‘Query Lodged successfully. We will further investigate the Submitted Timesheet before Approval!

Simultaneously, the member will also receive the ‘Timesheet Action Required' notification through email.

Member App

Disputed Timesheet

When the member taps on the Push Notification in case of Dispute Timesheet, it will redirect member to the Disputed Timesheets section. The ‘Job Timesheet Action Required’ pop-up appears with the disagreed shift date details.

The Disputed Timesheet screen for the Job shows the Job Order Number, Job Period, Roster End Date and Docket No with the link to the timesheet snap.

  • Click the Docket Id to view the timesheet snap

  • Tap on the Disputed Timesheet and submitted job details are displayed.

    • The Job Order Number, Roster End Date and Job Period are shown with the Client Review Notes

    • You can view the timesheet snap by clicking the Timesheet snap link

    • Member can Agree or Disagree with the client reviewed timesheet

Member App Push Notifications

When the Client/ Professional approves or disputes the timesheet, the members will receive the Push Notifications for both Timesheet Approved or Timesheet Dispute.

  1. In case of Approve Timesheet – Your job timesheet has been successfully approved by the client for the roster ending date <DD/MM/YYYY>. Total Worked Hours: <HH:MM>

  2. In case of Dispute Timesheet – The Client has disagreed with the submitted shift timing by you for the shift date <DD/MM/YYYY>

Push Notification for Approve Timesheet

Push Notification for Dispute Timesheet


Apply with Seek – Change of Position in Casual Application Page

Now, the position of Apply with Seek app icon is changed in the Casual Application page. On clicking the Apply with Seek app icon, the SEEK job search page opens.

Client/ Professional Portal – Booking Notes

In the Client/ Professional Portal, the New Booking page is updated with the new Booking Notes details (as shown in the figure below). The New Booking includes the following new details in the Booking Notes:

  • All current site Infections / Outbreaks must be entered here

  • Important information about this shift and/or location

  • Additional information member/ agency/ supervisor need to know

Request and Restriction

Client/ Professional Portal

In the Client/ Professional Portal, the Request and Restriction page now displays the Request Personnel tab as the default selected tab.

In the Request Personnel tab:

  • On adding new personnel request, the Personnel Full Name field displays only active member names in the list.

In the Restriction Personnel tab:

  • On adding new personnel restriction, the Personnel Full Name field displays only active member names in the list.

Staff Portal

In the Staff Portal, on clicking the Restriction quick link , the Requests & Restrictions tab displays only active members in the Member Name drop-down list.

Finance Application

Confirm Shift

In the Finance Application, the Confirm Shift screen now shows the shift data as per the client confirmed data in case the timesheet is Client Disputed. For the disputed timesheet by the client:

  • The shift data is displayed by default as provided by the client

  • This new shift data provided by the client is highlighted in orange color with red text

  • On mouse-over, the text balloon shows the disputed shift data details provided by the agency, member and client (refer to the figure shown below)

The Member Timesheet Notes and Client Timesheet Notes are displayed as provided by the member and/or Client.

Flag for Invoice and Docket Collation

In the Finance Application, you can now generate Invoice with Docket Collation report directly while processing invoice through the Invoice Processing screen.

In the Staff Portal application, to activate this feature:

  • Go to the Application Settings → System Configurations

  • Switch ON the ‘Generate Invoices with Docket Collation’ flag as shown in the figure below

  1. When this Flag is switched ON – This generates the invoice with docket collation from Invoice → Email Invoices option in the Finance application
    Note that this is similar to the Invoice Docket Collation report that you generate from Reports → Invoice → Invoice & Docket Collation. Refer to the sample figure shown below for the Invoice Docket Collation report generated by switching ON the ‘Generate Invoices with Docket Collation’ flag

  2. When this Flag is switched OFF – Generated invoices will not include the docket collation


In the Finance application, you can also control to Generate Invoice with Docket collation using the ‘Generate Invoice(s) with timesheet(s)’ checkbox from the Invoice Processing screen as shown in the figure below.

  1. In case the ‘Generate Invoices with Docket Collation’ flag is ON in the Staff Portal, the ‘Generate Invoice(s) with timesheet(s)’ checkbox is selected and the invoice will be generated with docket collision

    On clicking the Generate Batch to View / Print Invoices, an Alert message is displayed as shown in the figure below. Click Yes to continue and generating invoice(s) with docket collision takes a while and the file generated may be large in size.


  2. In case the ‘Generate Invoices with Docket Collation’ flag is OFF in the Staff Portal, the ‘Generate Invoice(s) with timesheet(s)’ checkbox is deselected and the invoice will not be generated with docket collision

In the Invoice Processing screen, you can also select/ deselect the ‘Generate Invoice(s) with timesheet(s)’ checkbox.

In case ‘Generate Invoices with Docket Collation’ flag is OFF in the Staff Portal, you can select this checkbox to generate invoices with docket collation or in case ‘Generate Invoices with Docket Collation’ flag is ON in the Staff Portal, you can deselect this checkbox to generate invoices without docket collation.

Location Selection for Docket Collation Report

In the Invoice and Docket Collation report, now you have the option to generate and save invoices in a new selected locations. To generate and save Docket Collation Report:

  • Click Reports → Invoice → Invoice & Docket Collation

  • Provide the Invoice No OR Period End Date to generate files

  • Click Generate Invoices and the pop-up window opens. In the window:

    1. By default ‘Generate invoice(s) in the default set directory. Note that on selecting this option original invoice(s) will be replaced and cannot be restored.’ option is selected. On clicking OK, the new invoice will be generated in the same defined directory

    2. Or click the Select to pick the new location

      1. Select the destination folder and click Select Folder

      2. The new folder location is now selected in the Location as shown in the figure below

      3. Now, click OK and the new invoice report is exported successfully in a new provided location

Invoice Processing

Now while Invoice Processing, you can modify the Invoice Date and Week Ending Date on Invoice at the time of finalizing and printing the invoices. These updated dates will be reflected in the Invoice Docket Collation report as well as in Invoice Reprint.

Based on this new Invoice Date and Week Ending Date, the Invoice Docket Collation report and Invoice Reprint will be generated.

Resolved Issues

We are constantly working to improve our Entire Recruit Application and have resolved all these issues for you .




Unable to export processed timesheets in a single file

Issue Amended. In the Allocations Process Timesheets, now the user will be able to Print Uploaded Dockets for the specified date range.


Employment Status page: In case the Member Hire Date is blank, the data is not getting saved and the page displays error message

Issue Amended. In the Employment Status page, now the details are saved without providing the Member Hire Date.


Searching Issue in the Email/ SMS to the Member

Issue Amended. In the Profiles → Members → Contact Members, now the Employment Date and Last Action Date (ascending/ descending) filters are working.

The Last Action Date shows the data on the basis of Last Action taken by any staff on the Employment status page.


Client Details Page: Loader keeps rotating on clicking the link in the Load Client Tree Structure

Issue Amended. In the Clients Details page, now on clicking any link in Load Client Tree Structure, the respective client details page opens.


Member not able to load the contact card

Issue Amended. Now, the member can view the Member Contact Card successfully via Allocations page as well as from Member Availability page.


Finance Application: The client is not able to fetch the required data from the Monthly Payroll Tax Processing Screen

Issue Amended. In the Monthly Payroll Tax Processing Screen, now the client will be able to fetch the required data specified in the Period Ending From to Period End To (based on the defined week ending) to process the Monthly Payroll Tax report.


Unmanaged Job - Finance Application - the Gross Margin By Client report not working as per the selected Shift Group that the User selected while creating the Job

Issue Amended. In the Finance Application, Reports Management Gross Margin By Client report is generated based on the selected Shift Group that was selected while creating the Job in the Staff Portal application.


Unmanaged Job - Finance Application - the Invoice History Report not working as per the selected Shift Group that the User selected while creating the Job

Issue Amended. In the Finance Application, Reports Invoice Invoice History Report is generated based on the selected Shift Group that was selected while creating the Job in the Staff Portal application.


Staff Shifts Performance Report Discrepancies

Issue Amended. In the Reports → Staff Shifts Performance Report, the Staff Shifts Performance Report is generated with appropriate data, in both the cases i.e., with or without selecting the Staff.


When the Client Priority is blank, an error is shown while creating the Shift from Multi/ Quick Booking.

Issue Amended. Now, in the Client Details → Client Profile if the Priority is blank, user can now create the Shifts from the Multi/ Quick Booking.


Unmanaged Jobs: Able to create duplicate jobs when the jobs are created in two tabs with same details.

Issue Amended. In the Unmanaged Jobs, now user will not be allowed to created the duplicate jobs. In case the duplicate job is created, the following message will be displayed ‘Below mentioned Member(s) is already booked in the selected period, please unselect these member(s) to proceed further’.


Finance Application: The Timesheet Image Rotate icon not working in the Timesheet Details screen of the Confirm Shifts/ Timesheet Verification screen

Issue Amended. Now, the Rotate Image icon is working as required in the Timesheet Details screen of the Confirm Shifts/ Timesheet Verification screen.


Finance Application: On submitting timesheet via Member App with selected delivery location for the shift, the finance application does not reflect the added delivery location in red color, to help staff knows that the delivery location is added by the member

Issue Amended. Now, when delivery location is added by member from the Member App while submitting the timesheet, the delivery location grid appears in red color in the Finance application.

While mouse-over on the delivery location, the text balloon displays the updated delivery location.


While applying with SEEK for a job, the Job Qualification should come automatically in Casual Application page

Issue Amended. In the Casual Application page, now the Job Qualification provided is auto-selected when applying through SEEK.


While applying with SEEK for a job, ‘How do you hear about us?' should automatically be selected with 'SEEK Search’ Value

Issue Amended. In the Casual Application page, now the ‘Seek Search’ value is auto-selected in the 'How do you hear about us?' drop-down field while applying the job through SEEK.


Finance Application - in the Gross Margin By Client report, include the Group Name column in the Export to Excel option

Issue Amended. In the Finance Application, Reports Management Gross Margin By Client report, the Group Name column is added while exporting the selected details using Export to Excel option.


The Reporting office displays Administrator as Manager

Issue Amended. In the Masters → Main Masters → Reporting Office, now the Administrator is not displayed as Manager.

On updating the Reporting Office, in the Manager drop-down Administrator option is not available as well.


The Timesheets are not getting filtered correctly based on the Client Action

Issue Amended. In the Allocation Process Timesheet, now the timesheets are filtered appropriately based on Client Action required.

On selecting the Show Dockets which require Client Authorization only option the timesheet are displayed correctly.


Problem in accepting the Cascom Shifts in the member app

Issue Amended. Now, the members are able to accept the Cascom Shifts without any issues in the Member App.


Professional cannot view and approve Timesheets with the Special Character in the member’s name

Issue Amended. Now, the Professional can view and approve Timesheets with the Special Character in the member’s name.


Not able to appoint member when visa restricted hours are consumed


Issue Amended. In the Allocation page of the Staff portal, the staff will be able to appoint member to the Shift in case visa restricted hours are consumed by the member.

In the member app, the visa hours restricted message will continue to display for the member while accepting the shifts.


The email templates not appearing in Current Booking Report even though correctly setup in Email Templates Details master.

Issue Amended. In the Reports → Booking Reports → Current Booking Report, on generating the report, the Send Email now displays all the active Email Template defined in the Email Templates Details master.


Issue in Member Registration Update Utility feature

Issue Amended. In the Profiles → Members → Members Registration Update Utility, now the records are successfully uploaded, validated and updated while importing the member registration update files.



We have incorporated enhancements and fixes to provide you with a delightful user experience . We would love to hear back from you. Please drop your suggestions and feedback at feedback@entiresoftware.com.

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