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Entire OnHire Staff App Check-In / Check-Out Help Manual

Introduced Check-In/Check-out feature for staff app users with contact log integration. This feature is only available to “Entire OnHire Subscription purchased with additional plug-in CRM Contact log” as the entire process is seamlessly creating logs on every user action.

Staff App user can Check-In for selected client and Check-Out. At the time of Check-In and Check- Out we have implemented Date/Time stamp, GPS Location, Username and Contact method log. It helps in tracking all staff app user activities while using the app from Web Staff Portal. Recording user activity is important from log point of view.

  • -  To use Check-In feature it is important to add CHECK-IN contact method in master.

  • -  Check-In and Check-out feature is flag based and only enable when create_log flag is true. It

    means contact log (CRM) feature is enable for client.

  • -  Check-In feature implemented for selected client. User device location is mandatory for

    Check-In. For Check-In contact method should be available in Contact Method master. Else

    user will get the error pop up to add contact method in master.

  • -  At the time of Check-In user’s current location, date/time and logged in user details

recorded on Contact Log (CRM).

Check-In Screen (Contact Log is true)

  • -  To use Check-out feature it is important to add CHECK-OUT contact method in master.

  • -  Check-out feature implemented for selected client. User device location is mandatory for Check-out. For Check-out contact method should be available in Contact Method master.

  • -  When user Checked In, Check-In button change to Check-out button and timer starts running on device.

  • -  At the time of Check-out user’s current location, date/time and logged-in user details are recorded on CRM.

  • -  On web staff user can check created contact log for the client.

  • -  User cannot leave the screen without performing Check-out.

  • -  User has to Check-out or kill app to leave form Check-out Screen.

  • -  At a time user can Check-In for single client.

Log Meeting Feature Button On Check-In Screen


Log Meeting Screen 2


  • -  All fields are mandatory to Log Meeting details Except Task.

  • -  Contact Name is a drop down field contains list of all professional attached to selected


  • Contact Designation is also a dropdown field and contains list of all designation added in Designation master. See the attached image for reference.


  • Contact Method is a drop down and shows value defined in Contact Method master. See the below attached screenshot.

    • Contact Reason is a drop down and shows value defined in Reasons master. See the below attached screenshot.

  • Meeting Outcome is a drop down field and mandatory as it is shown by asterisk. Also it shows the value defined in Contact Outcome master on web.

  • Task Performed is a drop down field with Main Parent category and Child Category added under parent category. Task field is also added in masters and same values will appear on App. At a time single parent Task value will be selected by user but child can be multiple or single. If user try to select more than one parent then alert will pop up for user to give proper instructions. Please see below attached image for reference.

  • -  Comments is a text view field. User can add notes or comment, same comment will appear on web in contact log section with date/time stamp.

  • -  Log Meeting is flag based & only enable if create log flag is true (Contact log is true) for client.

  • -  Staff App user can only log meeting details if user is Checked In for client. To Log Meeting user has to perform Check-In.

  • -  After Check-In user can Log Meeting for client.

  • -  Initially on Log/Record Meeting Screen logged in user settings will load if user’s setting is not available in User Log Settings master then it will load default settings available in master. If default settings are not available then nothing will load on Record Meeting screen. User can select and log meeting as per available values in drop down.

  • -  User has to fill all the mandatory fields and tap on save button to Log/Record meeting details.

  • -  When user tap on save log meeting details log will be saved in web contact log section.

  • -  For Log Meeting contact method is selected by user from drop down and same will be saved

    in Contact Log.

  • -  On log meeting screen user has one more feature - Add Appointment.

  • -  To Add Appointment contact method should be added on Web -> Master -> Contact

    Method master.

  • -  If contact method is not available then user will not be able to Add Appointment for client.

  • -  When user tap on Add Appointment new screen will open with Event Name, Event Start

    Date, Event End Date and Location. Staff App user can add current date or future date

    appointment details.

  • -  When user tap on save Appointment details will be saved and shown in contact log section

    on web.

  • -  Same Appointment details will be added in phones calendar. User will get notified according

    to added date/time of appointment.

  • -  Add Appointment is totally separate feature from Log Meeting.

  • -  Location is optional to Add Appointment.



Contact Log Integration in Client Notes

Notes Feature allows Staff App User to add notes for selected client and same will be shown on web in client profile. But now we have added one additional feature in Notes Contact Log. Previously staff App user creates notes and save but without any log. Log is important concept when we want to track user activities. Log has direct relation with Date/Time.

Notes Feature is available on Staff App for all Entire OnHire Subscriptions. CRM Contact Log is only activated when you have an additional license for it.

See the below attached screenshot for reference. In case of Contact Log notes will be shown in contact log section of web. Also to save notes INTERNAL UPDATES contact method will be added in master.


  • -  Notes allows to create and save text data on App and same will be shown in web.

  • -  User can add text data without any limitation.

  • -  Notes Feature is available in App all the time.

  • -  If Contact_Log is true then Notes will be save with logs.

  • -  Also to save notes it is important to have Contact Method INTERNAL UPDATES in master.

  • -  If Contact_Log is false then Notes will be saved without any logs and there will be no option

    on web to view Contact Log.

  • -  Every time when user add notes device’s time stamp will get added with Notes.

  • -  User can view Added Notes from Web -> Client’s Profile and Web -> Marketing Notes




Add Appointment & Contact Log Integration


Introduced Add Appointment feature for staff app user so that user can Add Appointment for client and best part is the same Appointment will be created on phone’s calendar. But only if Contact Method is created in master for Add Appointment. Add Appointment Feature is also accessible from Log Meeting Screen but from that screen user can only access if staff app user is Checked In for Client, As to Log Meeting details Check-In is mandatory. To make user’s access easy and smooth we have given Add Appointment feature on Check-In Screen.

  • -  To add new Appointment Event Name, Start Date and End Date is mandatory.

  • -  Above attached screen is default iOS Add Event screen.

  • -  In Android App we have customized screen for Add Appointment only with Event Name,

    Start Date and End Date fields.

  • -  Location is optional field in both but in Android field is not editable.

  • -  Add Appointment Feature will only enable if Create_Log is true (Contact Method) for client.

  • -  User can access Add Appointment Feature from Check-In Screen and from Log meeting Screen.

  • -  This feature allows to create same Appointment on Device/Phone’s Calendar.

  • -  User can check added Appointments on Phone’s Calendar.

  • -  When user tap on save button to create event, Service will first check for contact method.

    If Contact Method is available in Contact Method master then it will process the request


  • -  If contact method is not available in Contact Method master for Add Appointment then

    error pop up will appear for user to notify that Contact Method is missing.

  • -  If contact method is not available in master then it will not allow to create_log and Add

    Appointment on Phone’s calendar.

  • -  Once Appointment is successfully created then log will be shown in contact log section on


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