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Members App - Check-In/ Check-Out Guide


The Members Check-In Check-Out guide is created to outline the basic process to Check-In and Check-Out of booked shifts. This is a generic step-by-step guide that can be provided to members to assist them in correctly using the Check-In Check-Out feature within the Members App.

The images provided in this guide may appear slightly different depending on the make, model, and size of the device supporting the Members App.

Process to Check-In and Check-Out of Booked Shifts

Step 1. Access the Check-In Screen

To access the Check-In screen you can select the flashing Green icon within the Members App Dashboard as shown in the figure below.

Alternatively, you will receive an alert message prior to the shift commencement. If you select this alert it will take you directly to the Check-In screen.

Step 2. Check-In at Location

The Check-In screen will show booked details at the top of the screen and a countdown of minutes until the shift starts within the large green circle.

To Check-In to the shift select the Green button “Press to Check In” at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3. Review the Checked-In Shift Time (Optional)

Once you Check-In to the shift, the screen will update with the recorded Checked-In time and the remaining time of the shift will appear within the large green circle.

Step 4. Check Out

When a member is Check-In to the shift, a Check-Out notification is received at the Shift End time and you will be able to check out early if you are leaving and submit the timesheet.

On the completion of your shift select the “Press to Check Out

If you select “Press to Check Out” before the shift end time the following message will appear. If you wish to Check-Out before the shift ends, select YES to proceed.

The below message will appear on the successful submission of your Check-Out details. Press OK to continue.

Step 5. Proceed & Submit Timesheet (Optional)

Select “Proceed to Submit Timesheet”, if you wish to submit a timesheet on the completion of your shift or you can select “Submit Timesheet Later” if you wish to submit the timesheet later.

Please note you will still be able to update your start and end times regardless of your check-in/check-out times.

If Check-In/Check-out is not completed as it is not mandatory, then the Check-In and Check-out time will be timesheet submission time and not displayed or lodged anywhere.

If Check-In is done but Check-out is not done and the shift has ended - the timesheet will appear with a red icon next to it and there will be no check-in time.

Important Information & FAQs

The Check-In/Check-Out feature is used by agencies to Track Member arrival and completion of shifts. Before using the Check-In/Check-Out feature within the Members App, please ensure your Location Permission within your internal phone settings is set to allow Locations Services.

Why am I not able to see the Check-In/Check-Out Icon for my Shift?

The Check-In Check-Out feature can be set at a location level and may not be turned on for all locations. If you are not able to view the Icon prior to your shift commencement, please contact your agency.

Will the Check-In/Check-Out time affect the total number of hours worked for payroll?

No, unless you are adjusting the Shift Start and End Time when Check-In/Check-Out or submitting your timesheet the total number of hours worked will not change. However, it is important to note that the system will record the time Checked-In and Checked-Out, and the agency will be able to review and compare both.

What happens if my shift Start/End time differs from what was originally booked, and I Check-In Early/Late?

To adjust the shift Start/End time while checking in, you can select the Shift Start Time or End Time buttons on the Check-In/Check-Out Screen highlighted below.

If you forget to edit the Shift Start/End time during the Check-In/Check-Out process, you can always update these within the Timesheet Submission Process.

Note that the feature Member Later Shift Check-Out explained below is available from Version X9.1 and above.

Member App: Later Shift Check-Out

In the Member App, the Shift Check-Out feature is available in the Timesheets screen in case the member has checked in to the shift and checkout is pending.

  • On tap of the Check-Out icon (highlighted in red colour), the later Check-Out option from the Shift is allowed in the Timesheets screen

  • On clicking the Check-Out icon, the Record Shift Timings screen opens and the functionality of Press to Check Out will work as usual. The Shift Ends In will show 00:00:00 time as the member’s shift has already ended

  • Once the member Check-Out from the shift, a message ‘Shift check-out details have been updated successfully’ appears

  • The member can also Submit Timesheet from the Record Shift Timings screen. To submit the timesheet, click Proceed to Submit Timesheet else click Submit Timesheet Later


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