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Possible STP Errors and Solutions


How to check the STP Error:

When your STP fails it will state that it has been unsuccessful,

  1. Please click on the red writing or the word Unsucessful and it will download a file

  2. Open the file and it will state what the error is

    1. You will be able to check the PayEvntEmp folder it will state which member number has failed with the suitable message

  3. Once the error is corrected, please start from the start again so it regenerates the data to be correct and you will be able to complete your STO

During the Second step, you will get this file that you can download a form that states this information

Corrections you can do yourself:

Member Name has illegal characters or a space that is not suitable.

  • The Error Message -

  • Please update via the Personnel Card, If they do not have a name please just state their first name twice or use “NA”

A valid postcode is required:

The postcode must be 4 digits and an actual valid postcode. This will need to be fixed in the employee's details. Ensure both the employee's residential and postal postcodes are corrected.

  • Please update this via the Personnel Card

Address is too long:

The Address Line 1 field in the employee's Details screen must be less than 39 characters. Ensure that Line 1 does not include the suburb and/or postcode and that Line 2 is also used for multi-line addresses. Additionally, ensure the fix has been applied to both the residential and postal address sections.  

  • Please update this via the Personnel Card


Tax File Number is invalid:

The Tax File Number (TFN) must be 8 or 9 digits and match valid TFN algorithms. If the employee's TFN is invalid, you can select the "The employee quoted an invalid TFN" option from the employee's Tax File Declaration screen and then follow up with the employee at a later time. 

  • Error Appears within the report and when generating payslips,

  • Please update the TFN Details via the Personal Card after getting the member to submit a new TFN Dec via their app.

A valid address is required

The "Address Line 1" and/or "Suburb" fields have not been completed. Both fields are compulsory so ensure these are completed in the employee's Details screen for both the residential and postal address sections.

  • Please update this via the Personnel Card


Invalid date of birth:

The employee's date of birth must be less than 110 years. This needs to be rectified in the employee's Details screen.

  • Please update this via the Personnel Card



Invalid email address:

Email addresses go through a standard validation process. If this message appears, it may be that the email address contains an invalid character or the '@' symbol is missing. If the email address does appear to be correct, we suggest you completely delete it and enter it again. We have picked up on instances where the email address does contain invalid characters but they are not visible on the screen so deleting and re-entering is the easiest way to fix this.

  • Please update this via the Personnel Card

Country Code and Passport Number must be provided.

The employee's home country, as per their visa, needs to be entered via the Visa Details section in the ProfileRefer to the 'Assigning country codes' section of this article for more information. Note: If you've assigned a country and the validation warning still appears you will need to contact support ASAP

  • Please update the mandatory details via the Personnel Card within the Visa Details Section. Please note this is required for Worker Holiday Makers and matches specifically to their TFN Tax Scale.


Payee Cessation Date must be provided:

 A termination date needs to be recorded via the termination pay run or the employee's Details page. 

  • Please update this via the Personnel Card, Employment Status, Once you save the termination status it will save the termination date.

Cessation Reason Code must be provided: 

A termination reason needs to be selected in the termination pay run or the employee's Details page. 

  • Please update this via the Personnel Card, Employment Status, As part of STP 2 Transitions all reasons would have been updated correctly to map to the ato.

Corrections that require developers to fix from the back end

For the follow issues that would occur due to payroll confirming incorrect values within a pay run

These fixes require developers to correct from the back end. This will be a chargable request from the 1/7/23.

Cost per Hour: $250

Estimated costs - Roughly 2-6 hours depending on the issue.

Year to date Allowances must NOT be negative:

The ATO will not accept YTD allowance amounts that are negative (ie, less than $0). You will need to contact our support team and this will need to be fixed by our back-end team

Year to date Super must NOT be negative

The ATO will not accept YTD SG contribution amounts that are negative (ie, less than $0). You will need to contact our support team and this will need to be fixed by our back-end team -

Year to date Super Deductions must NOT be negative

The ATO will not accept YTD salary sacrifice super contribution or employer contribution amounts that are negative (ie, less than $0). You will need to contact our support team and this will need to be fixed by our back-end team -

Year to date Union Fee Deductions must NOT be negative

The ATO will not accept YTD union fee deduction amounts that are negative (ie, less than $0). You will need to contact our support team and this will need to be fixed by our back-end team -

Lump Sum Financial Year must be provided. 

When the Lump Sum Type Code is E, Lump Sum Financial Year must be provided: Refer to ‘Transitioning to STP Phase 2' of this article for further information on this topic and how to troubleshoot this error. -

Duplicate Income Stream Type.

Only one of each of the following Income Stream Type Code can be provided: SAW, CHP, WHM, SWP, JPD, VOL, LAB, or OSP: There are conflicting income stream types selected in the employee's Tax File Declaration page that need to be reviewed. 

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