Re-enrolment process is a new functionality introduced to help the clients allow existing applicants or members rejoin an agency, via Casual Application Page or job portals (like Seek or Broadbean), depending on their respective personnel status.
It is no longer required to fill the whole casual application to see the alert message shown below .
We value your time and energy. That’s why, we have revamped our functionality and introduced a new re-enrolment feature. You will be more quick and productive, we promise!
Re-enrolment, as the name suggests, is designed to allow submissions from the applicants who have previously enrolled with the agency but either did not complete the application process, or have been requested to apply again at a later date. It also allows the members to rejoin an agency who are not currently employed with the agency.
You can understand our new functionality through the following flowchart.
Let’s explore the re-enrolment feature in detail.
Re-enrolment Process
The landing page of Casual Application has been redesigned to incorporate the re-enrolment process. It removes the need to fill the details of any applicant/member who is already existing in the system. Now, the Casual Application Page first validates1 the email ID of the applicant/member against the email IDs of all the existing profiles. Further validation2 takes place after the entire casual application is filled and submitted.
1. The landing page of Casual Application i.e. Getting Started initially cross verifies only the given email ID against the email IDs of all the existing profiles.
2. The Application Details page cross verifies other details like Family name, DOB, and Mobile Number after hitting Submit Application.
All the applications received through the re-enrolment process will land in RE-ENROL folder under the Recruitment dashboard.
Case 1: Applicant already exists
If the applicant has already registered with the agency, depending on the application status, the applicant will receive a message.
Any applicant whose personnel status is ONHOLD will be allowed to re-enrol. The applicant will be first asked to verify the email address and then proceed with the re-enrolment process.
The applicant will see an auto-populated application form with the old details wherein desired changes can be made and submitted.
All such applications received through this process will land in the RE-ENROL folder under the Recruitment dashboard.
The re-enrolled applications can be reviewed and screened under the Re-enrol dashboard.
The re-enrolled application will contain old details as well as new details. By ticking the checkbox against the respective field, the new details will be overwritten over the old details.
There are two radio buttons at the bottom of the window which will be auto-enabled or disabled depending on the screening action.
1. The radio button#1 will allow to move the re-enrolled application to any of the recruitment stages inbox viz. CallBack, Declined, Deferred, Interview, Left Message, Never Employ.
2. The radio button#2 will allow to activate the applicant portal in case it’s a member who no longer has access to the applicant portal.
Following section gives a detailed view of the radio buttons with respect to the screening action.
1. Under Screen Candidate > Confirm interview tab, both the radio buttons will remain auto-enabled.
radio button#1 will remain enabled - which means the application will be moved to INTERVIEW inbox
radio button#2 will remain enabled - which means applicant portal will be activated
2. Under Screen Candidate > Screen & Process tab, if application status is set to CALLBACK,
radio button#1 will by default remain disabled (which can be enabled if you wish to)
radio button#2 will remain disabled - which means applicant portal cannot be activated
3. Under Screen Candidate > Screen & Process tab, if application status is set to DECLINED,
radio button#1 will remain enabled - which means the application will be moved to DECLINED inbox
radio button#2 will remain disabled - which means applicant portal cannot be activated
4. Under Screen Candidate > Screen & Process tab, if application status is set to DEFERRED,
radio button#1 will remain enabled - which means the application will be moved to DECLINED inbox
radio button#2 will remain disabled - which means applicant portal cannot be activated
5. Under Screen Candidate > Screen & Process tab, if application status is set to LEFT MESSAGE,
radio button#1 will by default remain disabled (which can be enabled if you wish to)
radio button#2 will remain disabled - which means applicant portal cannot be activated
6. Under Screen Candidate > Screen & Process tab, if application status is set to NEVER EMPLOY,
radio button#1 will remain enabled - which means the application will be moved to NEVER EMPLOY inbox
radio button#2 will remain disabled - which means applicant portal cannot be activated
7.Under Screen Candidate > Screen & Process tab, if application status is set to REAPPLY,
radio button#1 will remain enabled - which means the application will be moved to REAPPLY inbox
radio button#2 will remain disabled - which means applicant portal cannot be activated
8. Under Screen Candidate > Provide login only tab, both the radio buttons will remain auto-enabled.
radio button#1 will remain enabled - which means the application will be moved to APPLICANT LOGIN inbox
radio button#2 will remain enabled - which means applicant portal will be activated
Case 2 : Member already exists
If a member (other than an active member) of an agency tries to apply for a new job via Casual Application page, the email address will be first verified and then member is allowed to proceed with the re-enrolment process. The application form will appear auto-populated with the old details and any changes in them can be made and submitted.
However, a user is not allowed to re-enrol an active member via Casual Application page. An active member will be allowed to re-enrol only via any external job portal like Seek or Broadbean.
If an active member tries to apply for a new job from any external portal (like Seek or Broadbean), the email address will be first verified and then member is allowed to proceed with the re-enrolment process.
A Rejoin option (as shown below) will appear removing the need to fill the basic details again.
All such applications received through this process will land in the RE-ENROL folder under the Recruitment dashboard.
For more details on re-enrolment validation for members, refer this table.
Case 3 : New Applicant
If an applicant is applying for the first time, a simple 3-step process has been designed to submit a new application. For more details, check How to Submit a new application?
Re-enrolment Validation Table
Personnel Type | Application Status | Personnel Status | Re-enrolment Allowed? |
Applicant | apply | new | No |
Applicant | interview | new | ! See below |
Applicant | interview (TBC) | Proceeding | |
Applicant | callback | NEW | |
Applicant | left message | new | |
Applicant | declined | onhold | |
Applicant | deferRed | onhold | |
Applicant | reapply | onhold | |
Applicant | never employ | New / Rejected | |
Applicant | accept | New | |
Member | Accept | active | |
Member | Accept | inactive | |
Member | Accept | suspended | |
Member | Accept | stopped |
How to Submit a new application?
Generally, new applications will be submitted by applicants in either of the following ways :
via your website, or
via a job advertisement posted on Seek, Broadbean, etc.
However, on some rare occasion, an internal user may also need to access the casual application page. Here are the steps which need to be followed by the user to submit a new application -
Go to Launch Casual Application Page under the top-left menu. The landing page will ask you to register with your email id. If the database validations find your email ID to be new, you will be navigated to the Basic Details page.
2. If the email id already exists in our system, then the user will be prompted to verify the email by clicking on a link sent to the registered email id.
3. On clicking Verify Email, the user will be redirected to the Basic details page.
4. Fill in all the mandatory fields marked with asterisk '*' under the Basic Details section.
If a resume is uploaded under Basic Details, and if the flag of resume parsing is ON (conditional), then the uploaded resume is parsed and relevant fields appear auto-populated under the Application Details section.
5. Fill in all the mandatory fields marked with asterisk '*' under the Application Details section and click Submit Application. The Application Details can also be customised based on the requirements of the client. For more details, check Customise Job Application Page.
6. On submitting the application successfully, a thank-you message will be visible to the user.
7. An auto-generated email will be sent to the applicant’s registered email ID notifying the successful submission of the application on his/her behalf.
Screening Card
The design of the screening card has been changed to enhance the user experience.
What’s changed in screening card?
Following changes can be seen in the screening card -
1. A link to Personnel Card has been given below the applicant’s photograph for quick access.
2. Different tabs have been provided to check the details of the applicant. These are -
Screen Candidate - to do the initial screening of the applicant
Profile - to view and edit applicant’s details
Notes - to view the notes registered at different stages of recruitment
Resume - to view and parse1 the uploaded resume of candidate, and upload resume if not done. See below for more details -
Select the resume by clicking on folder icon and Click on Upload. If parsing credits are available, you can parse the uploaded CV.
Click on Parse Resume to get details from resume.
Click on View Parsed Details to see details fetched from the resume. These will be visible under CV Parsed tab.
Applied jobs - to view the details of the jobs applied at by the applicant, if any
Analytics - to view the webpage analytics of application page
CV Parsed - to view the parsed details obtained on parsing the resume of applicant
3. Under Screen Candidate tab, another set of tabs have been provided to process the application to any of the preferred recruitment stages -
Confirm Interview
Screen & Process
TBC Appointment
Provide Login only
The process of moving an application to any of the recruitment stages remains the same.
4. Under Screen Candidate > Confirm Interview, a few enhancements have been made. On selecting the recruiter from drop down, View outlook appointments will appear. It will show up a card listing the appointments of the recruiter for the selected day and time. If any conflict in the interview time period and recruiter’s schedule is found, it will show as Conflict (as shown below).
8. There are three options which will help staff see the availability of recruiter for a specific day and time.
View recruitment appointments - all the appointments of recruiter from Appointment section will appear here
View office appointments - all the appointments of the recruiter at the selected office location will appear here
View outlook appointments - all the outlook appointments of the recruiter will appear here if s/he has synced his/her email through email settings.
9. You can select the time zone from dropdown to book a timeslot of required time zone.
10. You can also create a calendar appointment of the interview timeslot by enabling the radio button. This option will appear only if the email of recruiter is synced in the portal.
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