Document Review/Versioning
Documents form an important part of screening and verification process. Many-a-times it might have happened that you want to access the old document, or keep a track of documents which are either rejected or approved or review the document after uploading. All these functions were not available in our earlier version. We have incorporated a document history log wherever applicable across the staff portal as well as mobile apps.
What’s document versioning?
Previously, whenever any member used to upload any new documents, the old document was overridden with the new one. This left with no option to get details about the old document. Now, with document versioning in place, a log of actions performed on the documents will be maintained laying out transparency in the process.
This feature will be applicable to three sections under Members -
This page contains the details with respect to Documents. The same will be applicable to Health Details and Training Details as well.
Please note that the feature of document versioning will be applicable only when documents are submitted through member app and override flag under Masters is set to NO. The history of all such documents uploaded from app will be maintained. This history will be visible both in member app as well as on staff portal.
If any document is uploaded from staff portal, it will by default override the existing doc and no history will be maintained, irrespective of the fact whether the override flag under Masters is set to NO or YES.
How to activate document versioning?
In order to activate the process of document versioning, follow the below steps -
1. Go to Masters → Member Master → Documents.
2. Expand any of the required document type. It will look as shown below.
3. Click on Edit of the required Document description.
To maintain document history, follow below steps -
Click No under ‘Allow to override documents’.
Click on to update.
To override the document, follow below steps -
Click Yes under ‘Allow to override documents’.
Click on to update.
This will allow to override the document and no document history will be maintained.
Changes in the staff portal
How can staff upload a document?
The documents which are uploaded by the staff will by default get approved. They will not be processed through different approval stages.
1. Go to Member dashboard and search for a specific member.
2. You will be redirected to Member details page. Select Documents.
3. You will be redirected to another page to upload documents.
Select the category of document.
Upload the file.
Click on Submit.
The uploaded document will by default get approved (since it’s uploaded by the staff) and will appear in the grid with a green tick against it.
No history of such documents uploaded by the staff will be maintained.
How can staff edit the details of a document?
You can edit a document by following below mentioned steps -
1. Click on Edit of the required document.
2. Edit the Reference#, Start Date, Expiry Date (as per need).
3. Click on to reflect the changes made.
How can staff delete a document?
You can delete a document by following below mentioned steps -
Click on Delete icon of the required document.
2. A dialog box will appear. Click OK to confirm. Your selected document will be deleted from the grid.
How can staff download a document?
1. You can view the uploaded document by clicking on in front of the document name.
2. A new dialog box will appear. Click on the download button as shown below.
The uploaded document will get downloaded in your system.
How can staff access documents with status pending for review?
1. Go to Recruitment Dashboard → Document Review.
2. You will be redirected to a new page which will list all the documents which are pending for review.
3. Here, the Action column will have two icons
- to approve the document
- to reject the document
4. Only approve action will appear if it’s the first ever document uploaded by the member under that Category → Document Name. In this case, the staff will be able to Delete the first uploaded document.
5. But once there are more than one document under any Category → Document Name, no Delete will appear. The staff can only Reject such documents.
How can staff access the document history?
The document history will be visible only if the option under Masters → Member Master → Documents → ‘Allow to override documents' is set to 'NO’.
1. Go to Member → Documents. Click on the status icon in front of the document name.
2. A new dialog box will open showing the history of the document.
Changes in the Mobile app
How can a member upload a document?
1. Go to member app → More Options → My documents. Click on icon to add a document.
2. Select the document.
3. Select the sub-document.
4. Enter the Reference number, Start date, Expiry date and select the file to upload.
5. As soon as the member uploads the document, its status changes to Pending for review. The same will be visible as Document under Review on My documents dashboard on the member app.
How can a member access the document history?
A member can access the document history and/or view the uploaded document from My documents dashboard. The different status of the documents can be -
Pending for review
Old document
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