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Member Finance Details


Purpose Of The Report

Date Range

Purpose Of The Report

Date Range

This report allows authorized users to obtain Member’s financial information.


The Member Finance Details report allows authorized users to obtain Members' financial information. Within the report screen, there are four report options that provide specific information depending on what is selected.


 ·       Member Name

·       Member ID

·       Qualification

·       Tax Obligation Table

·       Additional Obligations

·       Primary Pay level

·       Mobile Number

·       Email ID

·       Address



 ·       BSB

·       Account Number

·       Account Name

·       Bank Branch

·       Bank Name

·       Bank State

·       Bank Status

·       Percentage to be paid into account


·       Tax File Number

·       Tax scale Superannuation

·       HELP/HECS Repayments          ·    SSFS/Student Loan Repayments


·       Fund Type                              ·    Fund Name                              ·    Fund Number


Authorised Users can access the report by selecting:

Reports > Member > Member Finance Details


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