Main Masters - Appraisals

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Main Masters - Appraisals

Appraisals are submitted by Professionals to provide Feedback on staff they have used - Appraisals

To access Appraisals within Masters

Masters - Main Masters - Appraisal Category

Masters - Main Masters - Appraisal Type

Appraisal Category

This is where you can create the level of serious the feedback, all already have the following but if you want to add more please follow the steps below

To Add
  1. Select the “Add New Appraisal Category”

  2. Fill in the Mandatory Information and Click the Green Tick to Save

To Edit
  1. Select the Pencil next to the Category you need to update

  2. Update the details and click the Green Tick to Save

Appraisal Type

This is where you can create the type of Feedback being provided is and you can be as specific as needed


To Add
  1. Select the “Add New Appraisal Type”


  2. Fill in the Mandatory Information and Click the Green Tick to Save


To Edit
  1. Select the Pencil next to the Category you need to update

  2. Update the details and click the Green Tick to Save


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