EntireOnHire l

Finance - Clients


Within this section, you are able to search and view a client profile

When you search and select the client you require these are the tabs and mandatory information that needs to be entered only on “Admin and Service” and “Service”.

Deliveries Copy their Service they are attached to and down below you will see the difference of their client card


Within this section, you must update the following information every time you get a new client.

Once you update information ALWAYS click

  • Rate Table

  • Obligation Table

  • Award Name

  • How you would like the Invoices to appear

    • Service Location

    • Area Locations (Delivery)

    • As per Qualification

    • Per Member

    • Per Order Number

    • Both Qual and Area

  • PayRoll Tax Exempt

    • Tick Yes = Yes

    • Leave unticked for NO

Optional Sections

  • Entity Name- If you are using Multiple Entities- THIS IS MANDATORY, Shown Above

  • CustomerID - which is for your accounting system mapping as well as appears on the invoice

  • Associated Branch - If you are using Multiple ABNS - THIS IS MANDATORY, Shown Above

  • Invoicing Finance Notes - These is notes that will always occur when confirming shifts at these locations

  • Travel Claim

    • If you would like your members to claim km's with their timesheet this needs to be turned on

    • Select the travel Instructions - This is entered within the front end

  • Other

    • Show members the Shift Worth

    • Allow members to Recieve CoPayments

    • Use Order Number or Rate product code - NDIS Line Item

    • Show Delivery Location in Payslips

    • Exempt GST from the Allowance

      • Select said allowance that is GST Free


Within this section, you can determine who the invoices go to and/or if the info

If an Invoice is not required just tick this

If an invoice is required please click this

Then you can choose to have the following options

  • Show Pay level instead of Qualification

  • Show Pay level and Qualification

  • For Billing Information

    • Show Admin with Service

    • Show Delivery with Service

Then you need to update the following

  • Frequency - How often is the invoice being sent

    • Fortnightly

    • Half Year

    • Monthly

    • Quarterly

    • Weekly

  • Contact Method

    • Email

    • Express Post

    • Fax

    • FTP

    • Post

  • Email ID

    • For multiple recipients please just enter “;” between them

  • Address, State, Suburb, Post Code

  • Attn:

    • Here you can address the invoice to a specific person

      • These refer to the professionals attached to the client

Always remember to click - when you update anything

If there is Additional Invoice Billing Details you can enter them here and ensure to save

If you would like an ongoing message on this clients invoices or once off you can enter in there


Invoice Terms

Within this section, you are able to map to MYOB/XERO and Other Accounting software

If this client requires different invoicing days than your standard set up within the masters you can update here

Work Cover

Within this section your can update WorkCover against the site


Here you are able to view the clients details that have been entered within the front end - You can only update this information within the front end (allocations/recruitment)

Contact Details

Here you are able to see the contact details from the front end attached to the client


Delivery Location Card

Work Cover

Within this section your can update WorkCover against the site


Here you are able to view the clients details that have been entered within the front end - You can only update this information within the front end (allocations/recruitment)

Contact Details

Here you are able to see the contact details from the front end attached to the client


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