EntireOnHire l

Member Contact Card

The purpose of the Member Card is you are able to get their

  • Contact information and click Left Message, No Answer, Accept or Decline

  • Next of Kin

  • Allocation Notes

    • This is updated via Restrictions - Allocations Notes


And the options below

Compliance Rules

This relates to our

Shift Worth

This allows you to see a rough estimate of how much that shift would be for the member

Rate of first-hour x worked hours = Total worth

This does not take into account - overtime, allowances, additions, and deductions

THIS IS - only a rough estimate

Track arrival

This is related to our check-in and out feature -

Route Map

This allows you to automatically use google maps from the member address to the location of the shift


This takes you to the member's available section -

Contact Log

This takes you to the member's contact log

View and Upload Resume

This allows you to view the member's current resume and then update it if required

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