Managing Infectious Outbreaks

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Managing Infectious Outbreaks


“Infections” refers to Entire OnHire’s infectious diseases feature which can be used to manage (flag,

alert and monitor) clients with infectious outbreaks, and the members who attend their sites.

This can be activated from the footer of the Client Allocations Screen (shown below)



A pop-up will be displayed, where the user must select complete the following:

Select + Add New Infections


Select Service Location1 + Type of Infection at Location*




1EntireHR recommend selecting only Service Location when infectious outbreak applies to all or several delivery locations. An infectious outbreak only needs to be specific to Delivery Location if the infectious outbreak is only at that location.


*Additional Infection Types may be added via the following pathway: Masters>Client Master>Infection Type.


Bookings with an Active Infection

Once activated, this flag will stay activated in the system until it is deleted. Each time a booking is entered, the name of the client will display in red as a warning to internal allocations there is an infection set against this client.


Hovering over this client will display the infection type which has been allocated (shown below).


Please note: bookings for this client entered prior to the infection being set will not show in red and therefore, do not have applicable flags active.


The name of the client will also display in red on the member’s app as shown below:




This will display an additional warning* when the member opts to accept the shift (shown below)




*Please note: this warning is not dynamic and will say Gastro regardless of infection Type selected. EntireHR recommends clarifying the type of infection in Booking Notes (BN).


Member Restrictions whilst Infection is Active

While the infection flag is active, all members booked at these locations will be flagged for 48 hours.2


These members are then tracked for the next 48 hours to ensure they are not accidentally placed into booking at a non-infectious location.


This tracking feature alters system’s normal booking protocols for the next 48-hours in two ways:


  1. Members cannot accept any shifts at a non-infectious location3

  2. Members assigned to a booking by internal staff will receive a warning message indicating details of previous shift worked / the presence of infection.


2Currently, the system does not have the capacity to have a dynamic number of hour per infection type (i.e. 48 hours for Gastro Outbreak, 0 for Scabies Outbreak). We are currently in the process of allowing this to be a dynamic feature, and at this stage, this feature will be available as of June 2020.


3If necessary, internal staff may over-ride this restriction/warning.

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