Entire Software COVID-19 Emergency Response.

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Entire Software COVID-19 Emergency Response.


As the COVID-19 virus increases its impact upon the world we wanted to reassure you that Entire Software & Entire OnHire remains 100% operational in both staff and capacity. All Entire OnHire staff transitioned to working a working from home model and will continue, as recommended by the WHO and Australian DOH. This is part of Entire’s 5 stage policy. 

All Entire OnHire services continue: Customer & Technical Support, Cloud & Database Maintenance, Version Upgrades, Training and Implementations are all continuing as normal.

Phone Support: You can continue to call us with urgent queries through our normal 1300 552 088 number. We are seeing an increase in call volume so please stay on the line as it may transfer through several escalation tiers being a VoIP number, we promise someone will pick up. Now more than ever we ask that you submit a ticket first and call only for urgent issues.

Slow internet & Emergency backups: There is increased pressure on all carrier networks leading to some reports of slower internet. Unfortunately we can’t help this at all but please ensure one of your team is downloading the Emergency Backup Report just in case your region’s internet does crash (please do this no more than twice a day as it does increase server load each time you download).

Accessing Entire OnHire from home: As a cloud platform, you can use Entire OnHire anywhere, however if you wish to access the finance module outside your office, for security reasons you may need a VPN or Static IP. Please contact us if you’d like our help to set this up for you or questions on using Entire OnHire to manage and track COVID-19 of your Members.

News & Resources: No one is an expert on this, however, below is some of the best resources and advice we’ve seen circulating and we think worth repeating:

  1. AddCOVID-19 as an expense line for all expenses/investments made during this time – this will help with claiming any financial reliefs from Government or securing other financial relief.

  2. JobKeeper Payment Initiative: The JobKeeper Payment is a payment made to eligible businesses and not-for-profits affected by the Coronavirus to support them in retaining employees. See JobKeeper FAQ.pdf for further information.

  3. Overcommunicate with your team and & talk, talk, talk.  Humans are not actually designed to think their way out of things (strategies, depression, fear, ideas); Learn more about why verbal discussion works better here: Leadership through communicating

  4. Use a cashflow calculator – these tools are fantastic for managing cashflow during the uncertain period: this one is free for the next 3 months: Free Cashflow Software Tool
    (you may recognise the model from the “Scaling Up” Business Coaching book).

  5. Avoid sensationalist media if possible, if only for your own mental wellbeing. We recommend the World Health Organisation Coronavirus Dashboard

  6. Monitor yours and your teams mental health and well-being, there is a great number of simple ideas to implement here: COVID-19 Mental Health Support

  7. Learn more about why this is happening so fast and likely what will happen next: Lockdown & Curve Flattening (30 minute read).

As our clients, Entire OnHire have a duty of care to empower you through this crisis as much as possible.

Firstly, to any one of our clients that may require it - please note we do a feature within bookings to designed to help manage and monitor infectious disease outbreaks. Details and functionality available here:



For our clients in Hospitality, this is an incredibly tough time that is only about to get tougher. Where possibly we still are looking to connect you with other providers (such as healthcare/generalist labour hire) to assist your casual staff and internal allocations team members. Please contact us if you haven’t already about this, and if you are from another industry needing additional “hands on deck” please contact us as well, you may help save someone’s livelihood.

For our Teaching/Construction/Manufacturing and General Services clients, the positive from Scott Morrison's address and subsequent responses last night 25th March, suggests these industries are economical requirements to continue unless the situation becomes exceptionally dire. School holidays are well timed in this instance, and we are hearing nearly all blue-collar work is continuing currently across the country from clients as well. Entire OnHire are on standby to assist you should this change.

For our Health & Community Care clients, the weeks ahead will be the most critical time for healthcare professionals in the world’s history. Never have we desperately needed so many highly qualified, healthcare professionals in such a short time frame. The next couple of months will likely be an exhausting and intense period, with Australia absolutely depending upon the staff you send to the frontline of this crisis. Entire OnHire are proud of you, and proud be supporting your efforts to serve and protect others in a very small way.

Lastly, please be safe, be healthy, take care of your families and check in on your friends, especially as there are still dark times ahead. Look for little moments of silver-lining in every day. They are there and are even more precious in these times of crisis.

Entire OnHire are so grateful to be seeing the amazing efforts of you and so many other companies and individuals coming together around the world to help others in need. Things will get better, it will end, and we will come out of this experience stronger, together.


Blake, Sachin & the Entire Software Team

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