How to create a reversal shift
Reversing a shift is utilized when you need to reverse a whole shift that has already been paid or invoiced because you have either paid a member that did not actually work the shift, entered the wrong service location for a shift, etc.
If you do not want to reverse a whole shift, but instead only adjust some aspects of a shift please review ‘Adjustment Shift’ -
To create a reversal shift please follow the below steps.
Please keep in mind that this will reverse the super and tax as well!
1. Select 'New Booking' within the Finance Portal
2. Check the 'Adjustment Shift' tick box
3. Enter the Docket Number of the shift you are processing a reversal for - this must be a docket number that has already been processed within payroll.
4. Select 'Reverse Shift'
5. Press the TAB key on your Keyboard or click the mouse anywhere in the pop-up screen.
Details of the original shift will appear and a new docket number will be entered with "_1" at the end.
This is to assist with identifying it is a reversal shift and easily link it with the original docket number
Let's say you paid the member 8hrs but you were supposed to pay them 7
You would need to enter the correct hours which would be a 7-hour shift and then you would enter the correct times within the section and this would then appear within the confirmation section as a negative figure.
6. Select Confirm and Exit to submit the reversal shift
7. Validate the reversal shift in the confirm shifts area.
Once validated it will appear in the Submit dockets area ready for the next Pay/Invoice Run
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