How to upload Documents via the Admin App
The mobile Admin App allows staff to easily upload Applicants and Members documents through the camera on their phone. Once the internal user has downloaded the Admin App and used their EntireHR login credentials they can follow the below steps to upload documents.
Select the Personnel Type (Applicants or Member) and Name from the applicable drop down menu.
Select Documents and Verification. This will take you to the document selection page.
Select the Document Type and Name from the drop down menus.
A pop-up will appear in the middle of the screen.
You must enter in the required fields: Start Date, Expiry Date and Reference number unless you see "(optional)" after the field name.
Select the Camera icon to take a snap of the document. This will take you to your camera. In some cases you may be required to allow access to use the camera.
Once you have snapped an image select "Use Photo" found in the bottom right hand corner.
You will be take back to the screen with the Pop-up.
Select Save, A Success pop-up will appear to notify you the document was saved successfully. Select OK to close this pop-up.
If you are uploading a document that required verification there is an added step
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